Wordpress Snippets

Hide Help Tab From WordPress Admin Panel

If you are new to WordPress then you might be used to visiting the help tab in the top right corner of the WordPress admin panel. WordPress has added a help tab which reveals a series of helpful topics related to the current page. For example, on the Dashboard, the tab offers an overview of what’s currently displayed, how to navigate the admin in general and what the different boxes on the screen do. Plugin and theme developers also use this section to show a lot of helpful information to their users. In general help section in WordPress allows much more information to display in a more organized fashion.

Although the ‘help’ tab in the WordPress admin is very useful for novice users and clients but most of the time it is unnecessary for most WordPress users. Personally, I’ve never used the ‘help’ tab in the WordPress admin area and for that it has no value for me. So the first few functions I write in every theme, includes this following snippet which hide help tab in WordPress admin dashboard. With a little CSS we can easily hide this tab.

You might also want to hide help tab unless of course someone from your team is not familiar with WordPress. To hide it, simply paste this code snippet in your theme’s functions.php file.

// hide help tab from admin panel
function wcs_hide_contextual_help_tab() {
    echo '<style type="text/css">
              #contextual-help-link-wrap { display: none !important; }
add_action( 'admin_head', 'wcs_hide_contextual_help_tab' );

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