B2BKing – The Ultimate WooCommerce B2B & Wholesale Plugin


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B2BKing – #1 WooCommerce B2B and Wholesale Plugin

B2BKing is the complete solution for running a Wholesale, B2B, hybrid B2B+B2C, or Private Membership store with WooCommerce.

B2BKing takes care of everything, from basic B2B aspects such as hiding prices for guest users, to complex features such as tiered pricing structures, tax exemptions, VAT handling, and multiple buyers on account. From an extended business registration and separate B2B/B2C registration forms, to custom billing fields, an invoice payment gateway and negotiated price offers, B2BKing does it all.

Lifetime updates. Pay once.

While most wholesale plugins require a long commitment with yearly payments, B2BKing’s lifetime license makes everything so much simpler. Since the plugin’s launch, we have already released more than 39 updates, with many more features and enhancements already in the making.

137+ Features. Incredible Value.

B2BKing is a simple to use, yet incredibly powerful plugin, with probably the richest feature set of any b2b plugin. It has all the common wholesale features other plugins offer such as:

  • Hide Prices for Guests
  • Wholesale Order Form
  • Business Registration and Approval – Separate B2B/B2C Registration
  • Wholesale Prices and Tiered Pricing – Different Prices for Different Users
  • Product Visibility Control
  • Minimum Order Quantity and Value
  • Tax Exemptions – VAT Nr. Validation – EU VAT & VIES
  • Quote Requests
  • Quick Orders via CSV Upload. (New!)
  • Dynamic Pricing, Discount and Order Rules
  • Shipping and Payment Methods Control

and many unique, special features, designed to meet the needs of wholesale stores:

  • Hide Entire Website – Hide Shop
  • Product Bundles and Personalized / Negotiated Offers
  • Purchase Lists – Buyers can Re-order and Replenish Stock
  • Conversations and Messaging
  • Automatic Tiered Pricing Table
  • Minimum Order Value to Use a Payment Method
  • Shortcode to Show Different Content to Different Users
  • Coupon Usage Restriction for B2B or B2C
  • Product Information Table for details such as Minimum Order Quantity
  • Custom Taxes and Withholding Tax
  • Multiple Buyers on One Account
  • Display prices including or excluding tax differently for B2C and B2B users
  • Invoice Payment Gateway
  • Purchase Order Gateway. (New!)
  • Payment Method Discounts. Payment Method Min and Max Order. (New!)
  • Buy X Get 1 Free Discounts.(New!)
  • Download Purchase Lists as CSV. (New!)
  • Many other functions: Different shipping costs for different groups, Different currencies, Withholding tax (ritenuta d’acconto), etc.

1-Minute Animated Video Explainer

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How does B2BKing compare with other wholesale plugins?

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We believe B2BKing to be the most advanced wholesale e-commerce solution on the market today, with almost three times as many features as its competitors + a light and easy-to-use UI. No other plugin bundles a wholesale order form, purchase lists, offers, dynamic rules, messaging system, wholesale pricing and 130+ more features in a powerful and integrated way.

Buy B2BKing today and you are buying a powerful tool that will last you a lifetime, with incredible value for your current, and future projects!

Need more features? See add-ons:

  1. B2BKing for Dokan MultiVendor Marketplace – Set up a B2B marketplace together with Dokan.
  2. B2BKing Company Credit – Line of Credit – Extend a line of credit to business customers.

B2BKing 3.0 is here

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Version 3.1 – Newest Features

  • Purchase Order Gateway.
  • Quick Orders via CSV Upload.
  • Download Purchase Lists as CSV.


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Business Registration Preview

Powerful business registration setups, with 9 types of custom fields, VAT support, file upload, roles dropdown and much more:

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Conversations Frontend Preview

Conversations feature that supports messaging, quote requests, negotiations, email notifications, multiple users integration (multiple users in the same company can participate through the subaccounts feature), and much more:

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Wholesale Order Form Preview

Wholesale order form with AJAX Search, Search by SKU, Save form as purchase list, and more:

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Subaccounts Preview

Subaccounts feature that allows each company to create and manage multiple users, set permissions for each user. Multiple users can participate in a conversation. The “placed by” column shows which user placed which order:

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B2BKing Reviews – From Our Amazing Customers

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Documentation – Available Online

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Theme Compatibility

B2BKing is built to be compatible with any WooCommerce theme and has been tested with the most popular themes on the market today:
Flatsome, WoodMart, Shopkeeper, Porto, XStore, The Retailer, Electro Electronics, Bazar Shop, MayaShop, Savoy, Neighbourhood, Basel, Blaszok, Atelier, Legenda, Mr. Tailor, Aurum, WooPress, WooStore, Divi, Avada, Storefront and others

Have a Pre-Sales Question?

Contact our support team.
Please submit a ticket to the “Pre-purchase Questions for B2BKing” category.


Demo is available for backend here:
Demo for front end (Website and My Account section)

Username: demo
Password: demo

Major Releases

Release 3.1.0

  • Purchase Order Gateway. Adds a field to checkout, allowing users to enter their purchase order number.

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  • Quick Orders via CSV Upload. Allow users to add items to cart quickly by uploading csv lists of SKUs and quantities.

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  • Download Purchase Lists as CSV files. Allow users to download lists for easy access, sharing and offline use.

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Release 2.2.0

  • B2B Dashboard with Sales Charts, Registration Approval, Messages & Orders

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  • Tiered Pricing Table in Site Frontend. Table adapts to Any Theme. Supports Variable Products.

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  • Custom Information Table in Site Frontend for Products

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  • Tiered Pricing in Product Backend

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  • Different Pricing for Each User Group – Different Prices for Different Users

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  • B2BKing Panel in Product Backend
  • Dynamic Rule: Payment Method Minimum Order and Maximum Order.
    Example: Bank Transfer is available only for orders of $1000 or more.
  • Dynamic Rule: Payment Method Discount.
    Example: 10% discount for paying via Credit Card
  • Dynamic Rule: Buy X Get 1 Free Discount.
    Example: Buy 3, get 1 free
  • B2BKing Groups now associated with their own WP Role

Release 2.1.0

  • Shortcode to Control Content Visibility in pages and in product descriptions.
  • Change Currency for Groups & Users
  • Invoice Payment Gateway
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Release 2.0.0 – Bulk Editor Tool

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Release 1.8.0 – Prices in Product Page + CSV Import / Export Tool

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Release: 1.7.0 – High Performance & Caching

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Release: 1.5.0 – Improved Groups

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Detailed Features List:

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New! features

  • Purchase Order Gateway
  • Quick Orders via CSV
  • Purchase List Downloads as CSV
  • Coupon Usage Restriction for B2B / B2C / Roles
  • Tiered Pricing in Product Backend
  • Tiered Pricing Table in Frontend
  • Custom Information Table in Frontend
  • Dedicated B2B Dashboard
  • Withholding Tax (Ritenuta D’Acconto)
  • Replace cart with Quote Request Dynamic Rule
  • Product price in product page
  • CSV Import / Export Tool
  • Troubleshooter Tool
  • Bulk Editor Tool
  • Shipping inclusion in VAT Tax Calculation
  • Hide website entirely / force login
  • Accounting subtotals (currency accurate format)
  • Dynamic Caching and Usage Detection
  • B2B Registration at Checkout
  • Wholesale Order Form Search by SKU
  • Multi-Select Products and Categories for Dynamic Rules
  • B2B Registration Shortcodes
  • Full WPML Support
  • Full Variable Product Support across all plugin functions

Customer Groups

  • Organize users in Customer Groups

Product Visibility Control

Product Category visibility:

  • Group-based visibility or individually set for each user

Individual product visibility:

  • Category-based, or individually set for each product
  • If individually set -> Group-based visibility or individually set for each user

What you can achieve with this:

Product categories available to only specific customer groups
Specific products available to only some customer groups
Product categories available to only specific customers
Specific products available to only specific customers

Shipping Methods and Payment Methods

  • Enable / Disable Shipping Methods by User or Group
  • Enable / Disable Payment Methods by User or Group

Extended Registration and B2B Registration

Registration Roles

  • Create custom registration roles (e.g. B2B, Reseller, Individual Customer)
  • On registration, user chooses role from dropdown
  • Depending on the role chosen, user sees particular custom registration fields
  • Set approval as automatic or manual for each role
  • Automatically assign registration role to customer group
  • 2 default roles: B2B and Individual Customer

Custom Registration Fields

  • Choose from 8 different field types: text, number, textarea, telephone, select, email, date, file upload
  • Set for which registration roles a field should be visible
  • Set field as required or not
  • Set field sort order
  • Set field as editable after registration
  • Set field label and placeholder
  • Set billing field connection so that after registration “billing details” are automatically filled
  • Ability to add custom field to billing/checkout
  • Ability to make custom field billing-exclusive (not visible in registration)
  • 10 default registration fields: company name, address, city, etc.

Special VAT Field (EU VAT)

  • Add VAT in registration, billing, or both
  • Make VAT visible only for some countries
  • Option for automatic VAT VIES Validation
  • Add VAT to billing/checkout
  • Make VAT required or not
  • Deep integration with “Tax Exemption”:
    • Provide tax exemptions to users depending on whether they have a valid VAT
    • Enable tax exemptions only for users in particular countries, depending on whether they are B2B or B2C
    • For example: exempt Austrian B2B users with valid VAT, but not German users.
    • Another example: B2B sales: VAT can be applied for Italian customers, and not applied for EU and Extra-EU customers. B2C sales: VAT can be applied for Italian customers and for EU customers but not applied for Extra-EU customers.
    • Read more in the “tax exemptions” section.

Manual Account Approval

  • Dedicated “Registration Data” section in each user’s profile in the backend
  • View account details for each user prior to approval
  • Download associated files prior to approval (e.g. company license).
  • Approve or reject user
  • If approve the user, choose which customer group to assign the user to
  • Email notifications that a new customer needs approval/user account has been approved. See dedicated “Email Notifications” section.

Extended Billing and Checkout

  • Extended billing and checkout through custom fields

Customers Panel

  • Sort users by Company, Group, Customer type (B2B/B2C), etc.
  • Can view which users are main accounts and which users are subaccounts

B2B & B2C Hybrid Support

  • Plugin status can be “B2B Shop” or “B2B & B2C” hybrid
  • B2B features are hidden for B2C users
  • Individual control over whether user is B2B or B2C
  • Deep integration with other features:
    • Integration with registration: allow user to register as either B2B or B2C
    • Ability to require manual account approval for B2B roles and automatic approval for B2C roles
    • Features like “Quote Requests”, “Offers” or “Conversations” can be available to only B2B users
  • Separate B2B and B2C registration, either via dropdown, either completely via shortcode

Enable/Disable components

  • Enable only the components you need. Easily disable: bulk order form, conversations, offers, purchase lists, subaccounts

Guest Access Restriction

For guest users, ability to:

  • Hide prices
  • Hide B2B website entirely
  • Replace prices with “Request a Quote”


  • Built-in messaging system between admin and customer
  • Conversations section added in “My Account” for each individual user
  • 3 types of conversations: inquiry, message or quote request
  • Deep integration with “Request a Quote” feature:
    • Quote requests start a conversation and allow negotiation
  • Deep integration with “Subaccounts” feature:
    • Multiple users can participate in the same conversation
    • If a subaccount has “conversations” permission, it can participate in account conversations
  • Conversation status: new, open, resolved
  • Website admin can also start conversations with users
  • New conversation/new message email notification:
    • Emails are only sent if messages have been unread for 10 minutes -> no email spam takes place


Offers allow you to give users/groups specific items with specific quantities and unit prices. For example: 1000 boxes at $0.1 unit price. You can give a user a specific offer, following a negotiation. You can also create seasonal or promotional offers and make them available to customer groups.

  • Add an unlimited number of products to offers and set quantities and prices.
  • Offers visibility:
    • Group visibility
    • Individual user visibility
  • Offers section added in “My Account” for each individual user
  • Each user sees only offers they have permission/access to
  • Ability to add offers directly to cart and checkout from “My Account”
  • Offers are ideal for negotiating with users
  • Offers are ideal for creating seasonal or promotional bundles

Request a Quote

  • Users can start quote requests from the “Conversations” section
  • Users can start quote requests from Cart and ask for a custom quote for their current cart contents
  • Quote requests are received by the website admin in the backend.
  • Website admin is notified by email when a new quote request occurs.
  • Quote requests open conversations and allow a discussion/negotiation between parties.
  • Guest users can also request quotes and leave their emails to be contacted

Purchase Lists / Shopping Lists

  • Users can create an unlimited number of purchase lists
  • Users can add purchase lists to cart
  • Save cart contents as purchase list -> “Save as purchase list button” extends cart buttons
  • “Purchase Lists” section added to “My Account”
  • Create purchase lists from My Account directly
  • Create and modify purchase lists through Instant AJAX-powered product search form

Wholesale Bulk Order Form

  • Instant AJAX-powered product search form
  • Instant subtotal calculation
  • Save bulk order form contents as “Purchase List” for later usage
  • Modern, versatile, bulk order form design
  • Shortcode allows you to add the bulk order form anywhere in the website
  • “Bulk Order Form” section added to “My Account” by default

Multiple buyers per account (Subaccounts)

  • “Subaccounts” section added to “My Account”
  • Each B2B account can create and manage subaccounts for their company
  • Subaccounts can access the same pricing and products as the main account
  • Set permissions for each subaccount: view account orders, place orders, view conversations, view purchase lists, view offers etc.
  • Set name, job title, phone number, email, username and password for subaccount
  • Orders extended with “Placed by” column to show which user placed a particular order
  • Account and multiple subaccounts can participate in the same conversations (if they have permission).

Email Notifications

  • Email notification to admin about a new customer
  • Email notification to admin that a new customer needs manual review and approval
  • Email notification to the user that their account requires manual review
  • Email notification to the user that their account has been approved.
  • Email notification to admin and user that there is a new conversation/message/quote request

Dynamic Rules System

Through dynamic rules, you can set: discounts (amount or percentage), fixed price, hidden price, free shipping, minimum and maximum orders (quantity or value), required multiples, tax exemptions, add tax or fee (amount or percentage).

Choose which products/categories a rule applies to.

Choose for which users or user groups a rule applies to. Can also choose: all registered users, all guest users, all B2B users, and all B2C users

Add conditions to each rule: total cart quantity and value, category quantity and value, product quantity and value.

Example: a “free shipping” rule can apply only if the user orders at least $1000 worth of product and at least 500 pieces.

This allows incredible versatility and full control over each individual user

Examples of things you can achieve:

  • Different prices for different users for the same product: Mark sees $499 but John sees $399 for the same product
  • Bulk discounts: pricing that gets lower as quantity increases
  • Tiered pricing: X price for 1-100 pieces, Y price for 100-1000 pieces
  • Minimum product quantity
  • Minimum category quantity
  • Minimum cart total
  • Group-based free shipping: exclusive free shipping for certain customer roles
  • Quantity discounts per customer group
  • Minimum purchase threshold per customer group
  • Hide prices for selected categories only
  • Hide prices only for some products

For details about how “Dynamic Rules” work, see our dedicated article: Dynamic Rules

Extended “Re-order”

  • Reorder button added to admin my account orders view
  • Reordering adds a note letting the admin know that a specific order is a reorder of X order

Offline payment methods

  • Invoice gateway method

Theme Compatibility

  • Tested with wide range of themes
  • Compatible with top WooCommerce Envato themes: Flatsome, Porto, Shopkeeper, XStore, WoodMart, The Retailer, Electro Electronics, Bazar Shop, MayaShop, Savoy, Neighbourhood, Basel, Blaszok, etc.
  • Compatible with WooThemes themes such as WooStore
  • Working out-of-the-box with 99% themes out there


  • 100% translateable, built based on WordPress internationalization standards
  • Translate B2BKing with Loco Translate
  • WPML Support
  • Currently we have customer-made full translations for: ITALIAN, POLISH, DUTCH. To get these translations, please contact us via support ticket or find them directly included with your download depending on plugin version.

WordPress Multisite Support

  • Support for configurations with two separate B2B and B2C websites, part of a WordPress multisite setup

Long-term Vision and Roadmap. Trusted B2B implementation.

We are committed to making B2BKing the leader in WordPress B2B and wholesale e-commerce.

B2BKing is a long-term project that we are constantly developing and supporting, with an ambitious roadmap. Coming soon:

  • Inventory Management

Frequently Asked Questions – Pre Sales

Does the license include lifetime updates?
Yes! Lifetime updates are included. Since plugin launch we have already released 39 updates.

Is there support if I run into any issue?
Of course! We have a dedicated support center and we aim to respond to all tickets within 24 hours or less during business days. Our 5.0 star review average highlights our commitment to fast, actually helpful, in-depth support.

We consider technical problems our responsibility. We address every single issue reported to us, and go in-depth to debug and troubleshoot problems, including testing directly in customers’ sites.

Can I try B2BKing before purchase? Can I get a trial?
Since this is a downloadable product you receive the full code for after purchase (unlike SaaS solutions), we can’t provide a trial. We do have a full live demo that you can test both backend and frontend. There is also a free version of the plugin (limited functionality) available on WordPress.org.


For details on plugin versions and updates, see changelog.
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All orders within the USA are shipped via UPS at the following rates (you will have the option to select your rate when placing an order):

  • Free Standard (1-5 business days) — Free (orders over $100)
  • Standard (1-5 business days) — $5.95
  • Next Day Air (1 business day) — $18.95

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