XeroChat – Facebook Chatbot, eCommerce & Social Media Management Tool (SaaS)


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XeroChat— a white label self-hosted PHP script— is a multichannel marketing software, mostly for Facebook messenger marketing. With XeroChat, you can build fully interactive and highly responsive chatbots smoothly and comfortably. The application has a full-featured Ecommerce platform. On the platform, you can create vigorous and nice-looking Ecommerce stores that can sell products to customers and receive payments, living both inside messenger and on any browser. Indeed, you can utilize the Ecommerce store as the QR code digital menu for your restaurant.

Besides, the application comprises multiple unique and advanced features. To attract people to your business and products, it has a social post scheduler that can publish and schedule posts on different popular social media, such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and so on. To engage customers with your business, it has Facebook and Instagram comment growth tool that can comment and reply to comments under posts and accomplish many other things. Certainly, the application has Email and SMS marketing tool that can send Bulk Emails and SMS to your customers.

In conclusion, XeroChat is a complete and comprehensive solution for your business. It can accomplish everything from encouraging people to your business to turning them into your long-time customers. Simply put, the application not only draws customers but also retains them as satisfied and happy customers.
Because it is a white-label SaaS application, you can sell the service of XeroChat to your end-users— establishing a software service business as your own brand. This advantage is limited to Extended Licenses only.

XeroChat is genuinely user-friendly. It has a well-designed dashboard where you can see the users’ interactions in a graphical view. Certainly, XeroChat’s every feature has a handy and precise interface to create and edit campaigns, staying in the same place. All the campaigns will be included in a list from where you can see the reports of the campaigns and edit, delete and clone the campaigns.

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Try few features in live !

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Messenger BOT:

  • Reply with Text, File, Image, Audio, Video, Gif
  • Generic Template, Carousel Template, Media Template
  • Post Back Buttons, Quick Reply Buttons
  • Button of URL, Phone Number, Webview , User Birthday
  • Quick Reply button of user Email, Phone Number
  • Personalized Reply with First Name, Last Name
  • Sync existing leads & migrate as BOT subscribers
  • Subscriber Profile with gender, time zone & locale
  • Segment subscriber by post-back button click
  • Segment subscriber by private reply
  • Segment subscriber by adding label manually
  • Typing on Enable Option
  • Custom delay in each reply
  • Mark Seen Action enable option
  • Persistent Menu
  • Different Persistent Menu add for Different locale.
  • Your Brand URL set option in Persistent Menu
  • Collect Email from Quick Reply & MailChimp Integration, ActiveCampaign Integration,
    Sendinblue Integration,
    Mautic Integration,
    Acelle Integration
  • Collect Phone Number from Quick Reply
  • Download Email & Phone Number as CSV
  • Error reporting log of reply
  • Export bot settings
  • Save exported bot data as template
  • Admin can save exported bot data as template for users
  • Import exported bot data for any page
  • Visual & interactive tree view of full bot
  • Re-arrange Bot replies by dragging and dropping [Details]

Ecommerce Store & Restaurant inside/outside Messenger (READ MORE):

  • Mobile app like easy to use UI
  • Multiple stores
  • Contactless QR menu
  • Product management
  • Category & attribute management
  • Coupon system
  • PayPal, Stripe, Mollie, Razorpay, Paystack, Mercado Pago, and SSLCOMMERZ,SenangPay ,Xendit, and Instamojo, Cash On Delivery, Manual/Bank Payment
  • Order management (shipping, delivery, reject & accept order)
  • Order confirmation receipt in Messenger, email & SMS
  • Receipt printing using thermal printer
  • Store pickup and pickup points (can be ordered sitting inside restaurant)
  • Saved delivery addresses
  • Easy & flexible integration with Messenger Bot
  • Implement as Restaurant Food Ordering System
  • Abandoned cart recovery reminder [ Details ]

One Time Notification (OTN) Broadcasting (READ MORE):

  • One Time Notification request button in bot settings
  • One Time Notification Broadcasting after 24 hours
  • Send Promotional Message
  • Send Message with template

Auto Comment Tools:

  • Auto Comment on Page Post as Page
  • One-time & Periodic Comment
  • Serial & Random Periodic Comment
  • Auto Comment Template Management
  • Emoji and spintax comment
  • Choose Time & Date Interval of Comment
  • Increase Page Engagement

Facebook Comment BOT Tools:

  • Auto Private Reply for Post Comment.
  • Auto Private Reply with Template Message (image, video, buttons, quick reply, carousel, generic template)
  • Auto Comment Reply with Webhook as instant.
  • Auto Comment Reply for Post Comment.
  • Auto Like on Comment
  • Dark Post Reply
  • Reply Multi Image Post’s Each Image
  • Highly Customization Auto Private Reply & Comment Reply Text.
  • Filtering Word Based Auto Private Reply & Comment Reply Option.
  • Full Report of Auto Private Reply & Comment Reply.
  • Segment Subscribers
  • Emoji and spintax message

Instagram Posting Tools: (Official API)

  • Image post
  • Video Poast

Instagram Comment BOT Tools:

  • Auto Comment Reply for Post Comment.
  • Keyword Filtering Word Based Comment Reply Option.
  • Manual Comment on Post

Page Inbox Manager: Pages Message in One Place

Facebook Posting:

  • RSS Auto-posting
  • Text, Image, Multi-image, Video & Link Post
  • Carousel & Slideshow Post
  • CTA Button Post
  • Schedule/Instant Post to Your All Facebook Pages with a Single Click.
  • Periodic Re-posting Ability
  • Enable Auto Comment Reply Campaign With Post.
  • Full Report of Posting
  • Emoji Library

Social Media Posting:

  • One click bulk post to 8 social media
  • Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Reddit, Blogger, WordPress,Medium
  • Text, link, image & video posting
  • Campaign scheduling
  • Bulk Post Planner from CSV File [ Details ]

SMS Marketing (READ MORE):

  • Import CSV Contact List
  • Integrate with Most Popular SMS Gateways (Twilio, Plivo, Clickatell, Nexmo, AfricasTalking, Msg91, SemySMS, RouteSMS etc)
  • Integrate Any Custom HTTP API for Local SMS Gateway Provider
  • Broadcast SMS to Messenger Collected Phone numbers
  • Broadcast SMS to Custom Imported List
  • Campaign Scheduling
  • SMS Notification During Phone OPT-IN Inside Messenger

Email Marketing (READ MORE):

  • Drag and drop email builder
  • Import CSV contact list & segmentation
  • Integrate with most popular email gateways (SMTP, Mailgun, Sendgrid, Mandrill etc)
  • Broadcast email to Messenger collected emails
  • Broadcast email to custom imported list
  • Campaign scheduling
  • Get email campaign report, open rate & click rate
  • Email notification during email OPT-IN inside Messenger
  • MailChimp autoresponder intergration
  • ActiveCampaign autoresponder intergration
  • Sendinblue autoresponder intergration
  • Mautic autoresponder intergration
  • Acelle autoresponder intergration

Comparison & Search Marketing (READ MORE):

Modern Marketing depends on data analysis. XeroChat provides facebook page analytics with hundreds of metrics.

  • Website Comparison (like, share, comment, description etc)

Analytical Marketing:

  • Facebook page analytics
  • Facebook page messenger analytics
  • Graphical reports & dashboards

Menu Manager (READ MORE):

  • Create new pages
  • Create new menu
  • Drag & Drop menu manager
  • Edit new created menu
  • Delete new created menu

Other Features:

  • Multilingual Support (Built-in 12 Languages)
  • Eye-catching Ad-ready Landing Page
  • Automatic Update
  • Add-on Support
  • Awesome Dashboard.
  • Multi-user and SaaS Application.
  • Social Login (Google Facebook)
  • Complete User Management System
  • User Login Log Report
  • Master Password to Login User Account
  • PHP Native Email, SSL SMTP & Non-ssl SMTP Setup
  • Announcement for Member
  • Admin panel menu and page manager

Extended License Extra Features:

  • PayPal, Stripe, Mollie, Razorpay, Paystack, Mercado Pago, and SSLCOMMERZ,SenangPay ,Xendit, and Instamojo payment method integrated
  • Manual/Bank payment method
  • Support desk system
  • Advanced dashboard
  • Complete blog system


Backend Link: https://demo.xerochat.com/home/login
Frontend Link: https://demo.xerochat.com
Login as Admin
Username: admin@xerochat.com
Password: 123456

Feel free to create your own demo account if you are willing to test this app with your Facebook account. The easiest way to signup is signup using Facebook. Other users will not be able to login to your account. You can unlink your Facebook account after testing.

Server Requirements & Installation

  • PHP v7.0 to v7.3 & MySQL v5.x
  • Make sure curl is enabled , mbstring is enabled, set_time_out is enabled , safe_mode is off, open_base_dir has no value, multibyte string PHP extension enabled, allow_url_fopen=1 and mysqli support is on.
  • Make sure Apache server’s mod rewrite is enabled.
  • See installation video in video manual section below.
  • It will need ZipArchive php module installed to unzip and install addon. If you can not have this php module then you have to upload and unzip addon files manualy in application/modules folder and then activate from addon menu.

Your domain must have https to use XeroChat features.

[Note: If you get “404 page not found” error then make AllowOverride in your virtual host.]

For better performance set php max_execution_time, mysql connect_timeout, mysql wait_timeout , max_allowed_packet , max_connections to long limit possible, so that your server can process script for long time if needed.

For fast loading, we recommend to enable GZIP Compression on your server (Most server enable it by default)

XeroChat Development In Localhost Server – Purchase Codes

For development & customization purpose, we are providing master purchase codes for localhost server. Click here to READ MORE.

XeroChat – Front-end Theme Development Documentation

For development & customization purpose, we are providing master purchase codes for localhost server. Click here to READ MORE.

Video Manuals youtube channel + MORE VIDEOS

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Want to know more about XeroChat? Please read our Documentation.

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You will also need to business verification from Facebook. Here is a best practice to get approval.

Also you can do Individual Verification which has restriction like 3 pages can be imported with one Facebook Account.

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All orders within the USA are shipped via UPS at the following rates (you will have the option to select your rate when placing an order):

  • Free Standard (1-5 business days) — Free (orders over $100)
  • Standard (1-5 business days) — $5.95
  • Next Day Air (1 business day) — $18.95

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