Attractive unlimited color picker Modal Login plugin built with Bootstrap 3 with header and backdrop image facilities with opacity changing. This WordPress plugin allows you to choose 4 templates with 4 preset color sets. Its also allows you to redirect URL after login, logout and registration. You can customize anything you want to and we’ve tried our best to make it simple, user friendly and self explanatory for everyone which also includes registration and forgot password form. Google re-Captcha has been added.
For Demo Click here
Demo user and password : demo/demo
- Login, Register, Forgot Password
- Google reCAPTCHA

- 4 Layout templates
- Customize all section background color (unlimited colors)
- Customize all text color (unlimited colors)
- Customize all text
- Curved and sharp corner of modal
- Opacity settings
- Background opacity [transparency] color changing
- Background Image settings with opacity
- Form opacity [transparency] settings
- Set header image in square shape
- Set header image in round shape
- Redirect Url after login
- Redirect Url after logout
- Redirect Url after register

- 4 Preset colors
- Use shortcode and can customize login and register text anywhere you want.

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