Wordpress Snippets

Set HTML Editor as Default Post Editor in WordPress

When using the WordPress post editor you can choose if you want to write your posts in either the visual text editor or the HTML text editor. By default, Visual Editor is the default post editor in WordPress. If you are comfortable with writing posts in visual editor and want to keep it as your default post editor then there is no need to take any further action from your side. You are good to start writing. But if you are like me who prefers to use the HTML editor as then I know exactly what is going into the post then I am sure you are going to like this code snippet because in this article I will show you how to set HTML editor as your default post editor.

You can copy and paste this WordPress code snippet in your theme’s functions.php file. Adding this following WordPress code snippet will make sure the WordPress will always use HTML as the default post editor.

// set html editor as default post editor in wordpress
function wcs_default_WordPress_editor() {
    return "html";
add_filter( 'wp_default_editor', 'wcs_default_WordPress_editor' );

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