Wordpress Snippets

Change Title Attribute of WordPress Login Logo

In Previous articles, we have seen how to change the WordPress logo on login page and also how to remember me checkbox checked by default. In this article we will discuss how we can change title attribute of WordPress logo on login page.

It’s really very easy to change title attribute of WordPress logo on login page but quite useful when working on a site for a client. Although it is really just a minor detail, but it’s a nice addition to website that use their own logo on the WordPress login page. Because when you are branding WordPress completely, it’s really important to focus on every tiny details.

So if you want to change title attribute of WordPress login logo, this little code snippet will help you. Just copy and paste this snippet in your functions.php file. Don’t forget to change title text in following WordPress snippet with your own.

// change title attribute of wordpress login logo
function  wcs_login_logo_title() {
    return 'WPCodeSnippet - WordPress Code Snippet Library';
add_filter( 'login_headertitle', 'wcs_login_logo_title' );

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