FlutCart – Best Flutter UI Kit
App Screens
- Intro Screen
- Login- Register
- Dashboard
- Favourite
- Profile
- Notification
- Setting
- Payment
- Categories
- Product Details
- Add to cart
- Shipping Address
- Orders
- Privacy Policy
- Appbars
- Align Widget
- Animated indicator
- Animated Container
- Animated Text
- Aspect Ratio
- Bottom Navigation Bar
- Bottom sheets
- Carousel
- ClipRRect Widget
- Column widget
- Container Widget
- Cupertino Switch
- Custom Dialogs
- Custom Navigation
- Custom Tabs
- Decorated Box
- Divider
- Elevated Button
- Expanded Widget
- Floating Action Button Widget
- Form Component (TextField, Radio Button, DropDown Button, Date picker,
Switch) - Gesture Detector Widget
- GridView
- Horizontal scrollable
- Icon Button
- Image picker
- Image Asset
- Inputs
- ListView
- Material Button
- MediaQuery
- Navigation
- Padding widget
- Popup Menu
- Positioned Widget
- Row Widget
- Search fields
- Sliders
- Safe Area Widget
- Snackbar
- Stack Widget
- Text Button
- Form Component (TextField, Radio Button, DropDown Button, Date picker, Switch)
Refund Policy
- We don’t offer a refund. (If the item is downloaded)
- Please read the description and compatibility content thoroughly before purchasing as we don’t offer a refund if you buy it by mistake.