COMMERCEHOPE is a complete script for eCommerce solutions that gives you
the power to create your eCommerce web application.
is developed with the latest technologies such as ReactJS, NextJS,
Material UI, MongoDB & Mongoose.
Application Types
COMMERCEHOPE is a combination of two applications for Admin and Clients
- Main Application
- Admin Dashboard
Main Application
The Main Application is Designed for users to buy products online.
- User Account. (Login, Sign Up & Reset Password).
- Search Products.
- Notifications (Admin can add Notifications by using the dashboard).
- Powerful filtration and sorting.
- Payment Methods (Stripe Payment Method or COD).
- Fully SEO and Mobile Responsive.
- Progressive Web App (PWA).
- Light and Dark Mode.
- 6 Preset Colors for a theme with the fullscreen feature.
Reviews (User can write a review after login and the system checks if
the verified user).
- ReactJS v18.2.0
- NextJS v13.0.2
- Redux Toolkit
- Material-UI v5
- MongoDB & Mongoose
- Cloudinary
- Stripe
Admin Dashboard
The Admin Dashboard is Designed for the admin to manage products and
Admin can manage categories, products, orders, users, newsletters, etc.
- Admin Account. (Login, Sign Up & Reset Password)
- Notifications (Admin can see Notifications about orders).
- Light and Dark mode.
- Progressive web app (PWA).
- Pre-integrated APIs.
- Mobile Responsive.
- Multiple Roles.
- Manage Client Side Notifications.
- Currency (Admin can choose currency).
- Fast Load.
- ReactJS v18.2.0
- Redux Toolkit
- Material-UI v5
- Cloudinary
- Apexcharts
Main App