WP Post Modules for NewsPaper and Magazine Layouts


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WP Post Modules is a WordPress plugin for creating post snippets or modules in different display styles. The plugin is best suited for creating online magazine content, newspaper blocks, creative portfolio showcase and regular blog feeds.

WP Post Modules is shipped as Visual Composer addon. The plugin lets you create WordPress post modules with drag and drop interface and easy to configure parameters. With multiple module types and display options, you have almost endless possibilities for creating creative Home pages for your online Magazine, Newspaper and blog.

Try before you buy

Log in to the live demo using this link and the following details:

Username: guest
Password: guest

Then create a new post and insert a pre built template using Visual Composer backend editor. You can create a full width post by enabling the full width option at the end of post options panel.

This is an addon for WP Bakery Page Builder. You need to buy the WP Bakery Page Builder plugin separately to use this addon

WP Post Module demos
multiple display styles
Visual Composer addon

Full feature list

  • 100% responsive design, optimized for retina display
  • Compatible with WPBakery Page Builder 6.0.x
  • 20 Pre built Home page layouts (shipped as Visual Composer templates)
  • Supports languages with right-to-left orientation (RTL)
  • 8 Display styles
    Grid – See demo
    – 4 sub styles
    – Upto 6 columns grid supported
    – Custom gutter width from 2px to 70px
    Card – See demo
    – Upto 6 columns grid supported
    – Custom gutter width from 2px to 70px
    – Material Design Style appearance
    List – See demo
    – Custom split ratio for thumbnail + content
    – Create any sized list from small to large thumbnails
    – Circular images for list thumbnails
    – Content can be separated as full border, half border or no border
    – Responsive media query option for list style module
    – Restrict image width in px at certain breakpoint
    – Change image vs content ratio at certain breakpoint
    – Hide list image at certain breakpoint
    Portfolio – See demo
    – Upto 6 columns grid supported
    – Custom gutter width from 2px to 70px
    – Overlay Content position as top-let or bottom-left
    – Custom overlay content padding
    – Overlay background as black scrim, transparent or auto detected color from image
    – Show overlay as always, on-hover or never
    – Image zoom and rotate effect on hover
    Tile – See demo
    – 4 sub styles
    – Custom gutter width from 2px to 70px
    – Tile viewport width for auto calculation of image dimensions
    – Auto resize and cropping for proper formation of tiles
    – Custom aspect ratio for tile images
    – Overlay features same as portfolio
    Ticker – See demo
    – Custom ticker title length
    – Custom ticker animation duration
    – Custom ticker label text
    – Custom ticker label background and foreground with color picker
    Bullet List
    – Simple text post list with bullets

    Title Teaser NEW – See demo
    – Show category link and title in small teaser format
    – Slider format supported
    – Repeated advertisements supported
  • Custom Styling per post module – See demo
    – Select Google Fonts for post heading and text contents separately

    – Choose colors for heading, post categories and excerpt via color picker

    – Custom Google fonts for section titles
    – Custom gutter width (user defined) for grid, list, tile, etc.
    – Custom font sizes and line height in any unit
  • WP Query builder

    – Query posts from categories, tags, custom post types, taxonomies, post IDs, author IDs, etc.
    – Offset and post exclusion to prevent redundancy of posts
    – Order and Orderby parameters
    – Filter posts from current single post tag or categories
    – Hide current post from module when on single post
    – Order by meta key and value
    – Date query: Filter posts from year, month, date, week, date before or date after
    – Query posts from search keyword
  • Advertisement Repeater – NEW See demo

    – Add unlimited advertisements to be inserted between posts
    – Specify ad offset to insert ads between xx number of posts
    – Supported in grid, list, card, portfolio and title teaser display style
  • jQuery Owl Slider – See demo
    – Supported for Grid, List and Portfolio display styles and their sub styles
    – Change number of slides per view
    – Toggle animation loop
    – Toggle auto play
    – Set autoplay timeout
    – Set animation speed and animation types (slide, zoom and fade)
    – Toggle auto height
    – Toggle previous/next navigation
    – Toggle dots navigation
    – Custom slide margin for desktop and mobile
  • Image resize on-the-fly using BFI Thumb
    – Custom width, height and hard crop feature
    – Set image quality from 1 to 100 (Optimization feature)
    – Auto convert imagest to grayscale
    – Auto colorize image from color picker
  • Native WordPress Post Thumbnail support with source set attribute
  • Video embed support with auto detection of video from content
  • Post counts for each post module – See demo
  • WordPress Post Thumbnail caption support
  • Social Sharing buttons per post module – See demo
    – Buttons include Twitter, Facebook, GooglePlus, LinkedIn, WhatsApp, Pinterest, VKOntakte, Reddit, Email
    – Open Graph Tags and Twitter Card meta tags for Single posts
    – Social tags can be disabled using filter
  • Auto detect overlay background colors from image background
  • Text content options – See screenshot
    – Choose heading tag from h1 to h6 and p (SEO factor)
    – Choose main title font size and font weight
    – Set paragraph tag and font size
    – Auto trimming of post excerpt at desired word length
    – Toggle readmore link with custom readmore text
    – Show/hide post meta items like category, author, date, excerpt and comments
    – Auto conversion of category links into expandable dropdown if category links are too many
    – Show author avatar in post meta
    – Built in style and function support for WP Review and Post Views Counter plugin
    – Option to choose source text from excerpt, content, meta box or custom field
    – Option for allowed HTML tags when text is trimmed from content
    – Allows scope for retaining basic tags like em, strong, a etc.
    – Show post excerpt from a custom field or meta box array key name
  • Compatible with Advanced Custom Fields Plugin
    – Excerpt content can be shown from custom fields generated by ACF
    – Supports content formatting of textarea fields in ACF
  • Valid Schema microdata on generated post content
    – Schema properties can be changed from element settings
  • AJAX Tabs with full support for WP Post Module element as content – Ajax Tabs example
  • AJAX Navigation feature for grid, list, portfolio display styles – Ajax Nav example
  • AJAX Loadmore feature for grid, list, portfolio display styles – Ajax Loadmore example
  • Custom title element with multiple display styles
  • W3C valid HTML markup for plugin generated data
  • Compatible on all major browsers including IE 9 or above
  • Translation ready with POT and PO/MO files included
  • Step by step documentation manual for plugin installation and usage
  • Professional and dedicated support with fast response time

– Images shown on live demo are not included in download package. They are only for demonstration purpose.
– This plugin requires WPBakery Visual Composer Plugin, and is shipped as VC addon.

Plugin support

All support is provided via comments section and email. For any questions related to the plugin or general query, feel free to email me from my profile page message box here or comment on the item comments section. I would be glad to respond. Thank you for browsing the plugin.


  • jQuery library
  • BFI Thumb Class
  • Icomoon Icons
  • Live demo images from pexels.com and unsplash.com
  • Visual Composer Template Manager
  • jQuery Marquee
  • jQuery Owl Carousel
  • jQuery Easing


For installation and setup, please refer to the documentation/index.html file inside your
main download archive.


= Nov 21, 2020. v2.9.1 =
* Fixed: Owl Carousel must load outside the DOM ready event
* Ensured compatibility with WordPress 5.6 and php 7.4.9
= Nov 21, 2020. v2.9.0 =
* Added option for 'Filter by Author' on Author archives page
    - See WP Post Modules > Query > Automatically show posts from current author
 (This option is useful when module shortcode is placed in widget areas on author archive page).
* Fixed: Twitter share code updated as per latest Twitter API
= Nov 14, 2019. v2.8.1 =
* Added option for equal height columns in card template style
    - See WP Post Modules > Display > (Card Style) > Equal height columns
* Fixed: php notice in wppm.vc.functions.php
* Fixed: Ticker not working in RTL layouts
= Nov 08, 2019. v2.8.0 =
* Added option for readmore link URL source
    - See WP Post Modules > Content > Show readmore link > Readmore link source
    - Choose from permalink, custom field or custom URL
* Added option for enabling external link on post title and readmore button
    - See WP Post Modules > Content > External link
    - Posts should have a custom field labeled "wppm_custom_link" with the value as your custom URL
    - This option can be used for affiliate and referral links
* Added option for opening readmore link in new tab
    - See WP Post Modules > Content > Show readmore link > Open link in new tab
= Sep 03, 2019. v2.7.1 =
* Fixed: Variable value showing at the top of grid modules
= Sep 02, 2019. v2.7.0 =
* Added text align option for post excerpt
    - See WP Post Modules > Content > Post text align
* Added align option for post categories and meta
    - See WP Post Modules > Content > Post meta align
* Fixed: Fontawsome icon CSS conflict with other themes
* Fixed: invalid argument passed implode() in wp-post-modules.php
* Fixed: WP Review percentage not showing
= Aug 28, 2019. v2.6.1 =
* Fixed: Ajax posts showing improper styling when multiple modules used on same page
= Aug 20, 2019. v2.6.0 =
* Added inline HTML support for post titles
    - Supports tags like bold, italic, span, etc. inside post title
* Added text align option for post titles
    - See WP Post Modules > Content > Title Text Align
* Replaced custom shortening functions with native wp_trim_words()
* Fixed: AJAX results showing p and br tags in review stars
    - Applied to ajax navigation and ajax tabs
= June 20, 2019. v2.5.1 =
* Added option to merge optioan taxonomy filter with category filter
    - See WP Post Modules > Query > Automatically show posts from similar terms on single post > Append/Merge taxonomy filter to the category filter
    - Use Case: To filter results if a post has 'Category' taxonomy along with custom taxonomies. For example, a Science 'Category' post may have 'Videos' and 'Books' taxonomy content type. This option can be used to filter posts from all Science category and 'Video' taxonomy content type.
= May 22, 2019. v2.5.0 =
* Added new options to the WPPM Title module
    - Added custom font size, weight, line height and color for the main title
    - Added font size, weight, line height and color option for the secondary text
    - See WPPM Title > Display
* Added LINE social sharing button
    - See WP Post Modules > Social
= May 20, 2019. v2.4.3 =
* Added text trim support for Chinese and Japanese languages
    - Supports trimming of post title and excerpt to esired length
* Added filter 'wppm_multi_byte_lang_list' to modify list of languages that need multi byte trim support
= April 20, 2019. v2.4.2 =
* Fixed: php notice in ticker display style
= April 03, 2019. v2.4.1 =
* Added orderby "Post Views" option
    - Requires Post Views Counter Plugin to be installed
    - See WPPM Element > Query > Order by > Post Views
= March 21, 2019. v2.4.0 =
* Added "Clickable Tile" option for Tile and Portfolio Templates
    - See WPPM Element > Display > (Select Tile or Portfolio ) > Clickable Tile
* Removed closing php tags from template core files
= Jan 30, 2019. v2.3.1 =
* Added "Taxonomy Optional" parameter
    - See WPPM Element > Query > Restrict to taxonomy
    - Allows providing optional taxonomy for filtering on single posts
* Fixed: .wppm-post class not applying to card and grid modules
= Jan 23, 2019. v2.3.0 =
* Added Single Post Term filtering for Custom Post Types and Custom Taxonomies
    - Automatically show posts from similar terms when on CPT or Standard Posts
    - Single Cat and Single Tag filtering now merged into Term filtering
    - Filtering requires Taxonomy and Post Type to be selected
* Post containers now targeted using .wppm-post class instead of .hentry class
    - Issues when hentry class is removed by some themes and plugins
= Jan 13, 2019. v2.2.2 =
* Added Stage Padding option for Slider
    - WPPM Element > Display > Enable Slider > Stage Padding
= Dec 06, 2018. v2.2.1 =
* Fixed: Custom meta not working in portfolio, card, tile and slider templates
* Fixed: Custom meta shows date instead of comment count
= Nov 03, 2018. v2.2.0 =
* Added class name "wppm-img" to the img tag in post modules
    - Useful for targeting images in lazy load plugin
* Added option for adding extra class for img tag
    - See WPPM Element > Display > Image extra class
* Added option for post title source
    - See WPPM Element > Content > Title Source
    - Show post title from custom field or meta box
* Replaced multiple get_the_title() calls with single variable
= Oct 23, 2018. v2.1.1 =
* Added version parameter for CSS files in frontend
= Oct 23, 2018. v2.1.0 =
* Added new parameter "Post Status" 
    - See WPPM Element > Query
    - Supports future scheduled posts to be shown
* Added microformat class names for time and author meta
    - 'updated' class name in time
    - 'author vcard', and 'fn' class names in author meta
= July 30, 2018. v2.0.2 =
* Fixed: Non numeric value notice in php 7.1.x
    - Arises when auto detect color from image is chosen in portfolio templates
* Fixed: Post counter not appearing in Slider and Grid sub styles
* Fixed: Owl Slider controls show/hide option not honoring
= June 23, 2018. v2.0.1 =
* Added shortcode support in advertisement repeater fields
= June 18, 2018. v2.0.0 =
* Added new "Teaser" style post module
    - See WPPM Element > Display > Template Style > Teaser
    - Shows one category name followed by title teaser
    - Slider supported on this module
* Added advertisement repeater field
    - See WPPM Element > Advertisements
    - Insert unlimited ads between post modules in single query
    - Specify advertisement offset (number of posts to skip)
    - Supported in card, grid, listm portfolio and teaser displays style
= May 14, 2018. v1.9.12 =
* Added option to trim title length
    - See WPPM Element > Content > Title Length
= April 23, 2018. v1.9.11 =
* Added option to show social sharing buttons as "inline" or "popup" 
    - See WPPM Element > Social (tab)
= March 28, 2018. v1.9.10 =
* Fixed: php warning for term_clauses in WPML filter
= March 27, 2018. v1.9.9  =
* Added compatibility with WPML
* Fixed: php error for terms array
= March 21, 2018. v1.9.8 =
* Fixed: Set default offset to 0 when no offset is provided
= March 09, 2018. v1.9.7 =
* Fixed: Ajax results showing wrong posts when offset is used
= March 03, 2018. v1.9.6 =
* Increased grid columns max value to 10. (Old was 6)
    - Now you can show 7,8,9 or 10 columns in grid, portfolio and card display styles
* Added permalink support in custom post meta
    - Usage: <a href="%6$s">Read more</a>
    - Allowed basic HTML in custom post meta
= Jan 30, 2018. v1.9.5 =
* Added unique filter names for native thumbnail and BFI thumbnail output
    - See wp-post-modules/wppm-templates/*.php files for filter reference
* Improved single category filter and single tag filter to work with custom post types
    - Supports all post types registered under "Category" or "Tag" taxonomies
= Jan 16, 2018. v1.9.4 =
* Added "sticky" class name for sticky posts
    - Use .sticky selector for adding styles in CSS
= Dec 11, 2017. v1.9.3 =
* Added compatibility with php 7.1.9
* Fixed php errors in ticker template
= Dec 08, 2017. v1.9.2 =
* Added compatibility with Advanced Custom Fields plugin
    - Show excerpt content from any ACF field
    - Supports rich content formatting of textarea fields in ACF
= Dec 04, 2017. v1.9.1 =
* Fixed: Content from custom field not showing in templates other than grid style
= Nov 30, 2017. v1.9.0 =
* Added option to Query posts from date (Year, month, day, week, date before and date after )
* Added option to Query posts from search keyword (See "Query" tab)
* Added responsive media query option for list style module (See "Display" tab and select List style)
    - Restrict image width in px at certain breakpoint
    - Change image vs content ratio at certain breakpoint
    - Hide list image at certain breakpoint
* Added custom font size and line height (user defined) for post titles and excerpt (See "Content" and choose "custom" from font size)
* Added custom gutter width (user defined) for grid, list, tile, etc. (See "Content" tab and choose "custom" from gutter size)
* Added 'div' as post text tag selector (See "Content" tab)
* Added option to choose source text from excerpt, content, meta box or custom field (See "Content" tab)
    - Option for allowed HTML tags when text is trimmed from content
    - Allows scope for retaining basic tags like <em>, <strong>, <a>, etc.
    - Show post excerpt from a custom field or meta box array key name</a></strong></em>
= Nov 19, 2017. v1.8.2 =
* Fixed: Ajax posts' custom colors not showing in new results
* Added: Unique class names to category links for use in CSS
= Nov 19, 2017. v1.8.2 =
* Fixed: Ajax posts' custom colors not showing in new results
* Added: Unique class names to category links for use in CSS
= Nov 14, 2017. v1.8.1 =
* Fixed: Category links dropdown (+ xx more) not working
* Fixed: Hard coded http link changed to SSL checked protocol in schema
= Nov 11, 2017. v1.8.0 =
* Added: Automatic filtering from post categories and post tags of single post. (See "Query" tab)
* Added: Option to hide current post from module when on single post. (See "Query" tab)
* Added: "Get Shortcode" button on front-end for logged in users. (See "Shortcode" tab)
* Fixed: Added .hentry class for custom post types to fix display issues
= Oct 28, 2017. v1.7.1 =
* Fixed: Nested inner shortcodes not working in AJAX loaded tabs
= Oct 17, 2017. v1.7.0 =
* Added orderby by "meta value" and "meta value num" (See Query > Order by)
    - Added textfield for providing custom meta key for orderby meta value
* Added post numbers feature (similar to ordered list) for list, grid and card display style ( See Display > Enable post numbers)
* Added image and content swap option for list style posts (See Display > Swap image and content)
* Added multiple grid option for list style posts. (i.e. show lists in grid style) (See Display > List Columns)
* Added gutter option for image + content in list style posts (See Display > List gutter width )
* Added video embed support in post modules (Card, grid, list and slider) (See Display > Enable video embeds)
    - Posts must have "Video" post format with video embed or URL inside content.
* Added new template style "Bullet List" (See Display > Template Style)
* Added ajax loadmore for "Tile" display style (See Display > Enable ajax loadmore on post module)
* Added Custom post meta option with text field to specify the meta (See Content > Use custom post meta format)
    - Added Custom post meta position (before title, after title, after excerpt, etc.)
* Updated WPPM png icons to SVG
* Improved CSS loading animation for ajax posts
* Fixed CSS for 5 and 6 columns grid style
= Sep 11, 2017. v1.6.0 =
* Added multiple taxonomy relation option (AND/OR) for posts Query (See "Query" tab)
* Added operator relation for multiple terms (IN/NOTIN/AND) (See "Query" tab)
* Added Caption support for post thumbnails (See "Display" tab)
* Added native post thumbnail support with sourceset (Faster than custom image resize) (See "Display" tab)
* Fixed: Enable masonry on window.load event instead of document.ready
= Aug 10, 2017. v1.5.0 =
* Added ajax loadmore option for grid, list, portfolio and card display styles. (See Display tab of the WPPM element)
* Fixed: php notice shown on 404 pages
= July 29, 2017. v1.4.0 =
* Added RTL language support for the plugin
* Fixed: Whatsapp sharing button shows 404 error
= July 26, 2017. v1.3.1 =
* Fixed: Nested shortcode's custom CSS was not detected properly
= July 23, 2017. v1.3.0 =
* Added CSS Design Options per module element (See "Design Options" tab)
* Added Google font family options for post module and headings (See "Content" tab)
* Added Google fonts for the WPPM Title element
* Added color options for post category links, title and excerpt (See "Colors" tab)
* Added Material Design Card style template (See templates dropdown in "Display" tab)
* Moved inline CSS styles for ticker label into head section
= June 27, 2017. v1.2.0 =
* Changed icon font family name to avoid conflict with icomoon family name
* Limited category items listing to 999 to prevent low memory issues
* Updated core class code for proper functioning with old php versions
= June 21, 2017. v1.1.0 =
* Added Social Sharing buttons for post modules
* Fixed backward compatibility for php versions below 5.4
* Increased height for textarea and multi select drop-downs in Visual Composer elements
* Added Social Meta tags (Open Graph and twitter card tags) for Single posts
= v1.0.0 =
* Initial release
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All orders within the USA are shipped via UPS at the following rates (you will have the option to select your rate when placing an order):

  • Free Standard (1-5 business days) — Free (orders over $100)
  • Standard (1-5 business days) — $5.95
  • Next Day Air (1 business day) — $18.95

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