BS Input – Social Login and Register Popup With Shortcode & Site Locker


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Allow your site users to login or register to your site using their favorite social website accounts or using their mail address.

This plugin doesn’t require any coding knowledge or any theme modifying it will work out of the box with any theme and for extra control the plugin includes custom shortcode so you can place the form on custom page or in any widget area.

BS Input - Social Login and Register Popup With Shortcode & Site Locker - 1
BS Input - Social Login and Register Popup With Shortcode & Site Locker - 2
BS Input - Social Login and Register Popup With Shortcode & Site Locker - 3
BS Input - Social Login and Register Popup With Shortcode & Site Locker - 4


  • Social integration with Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus, LinkedIn
  • Working with any WordPress theme without code modifying
  • Performance optimized with caching social login, register links
  • Supports WooCommerce, BuddyPress
  • Supports BuddyPress extra profile fields
  • Social buttons can be added to WooCommerce checkout form
  • All post content can be locked for none-logged users
  • All your site can be locked for none-logged users
  • Site lock mode can be customized with custom background and colors
  • Popup typography can be customized
  • Custom Shortcode for login, register forms
  • 2 Different styles for the social buttons
  • Unlimited color options
  • More than 6 animations for the popup model
  • Built-in translation system
  • Fully support for WPML along with the built-in translation system
  • Code editor integration at plugin settings for advanced customization
  • Custom option to enable/disable registration
  • Custom option to add unlimited links for logged in users
  • Custom option to enable or disable Font Awesome integration
  • Custom mail template
  • Custom colors for mail template

WooCommerce Deep Integration

BS Input offers deep integration for WooCommerce there is a custom setting section just for WooCommerce which offers a way to use WooCommerce register and login functions inside our model you can also add the social buttons to your checkout page for faster purchase experience without touching any code or you can keep the default woocommerce login/register form and add the social buttons over it

BudyPress Deep Integration

Not just WooCommerce BS Input comes with handy features just for BudyPress, You can use the register method for BudyPress at our register popup you can even use BudyPress profile fields builder at the register form which can be perfect solution for advanced register form even if you don’t use BudyPress

OAuth 2.0 Support

Starting from version 2.3.4 BS Input support OAuth 2 for social platforms: Goolge, Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, We require additional steps for Google API as we started to use Google People API instead of Google+ Legacy API, Plugin docs covers in death how to set your app for each platform

Why BS Input is the most secure social login plugin ?

We are doing our best to keep each social vendor API up to date, At BeSquares we use automation tools to do that, that’s mean most of the work that handles social process is done without any human interactive, We guarantee that any key or secret used within the plugin settings is never sent without encryption, We guarantee that your users data is only stored at your WordPress database and their access key or token is never stored or shared. BS Input by far is one of the most secure social login plugins for WordPress.


With Background


With Color & Large Buttons

Content Locker

Restricted post content example

Site Locker



Fixed: Problem with Facebook login
Improvement: Updated Facebook SDK
Improvement: Minor performance improvements  


Added: New option to select multiple menu locations for login/register links
Added: New option to disable the loading icon on login/register links
Added: New option to exclude pages from restricted mode
Improvement: Site restricted mode is hooked after wp global query


Added: New style for site restricted mode to show left content
Added: New style for site restricted mode to highlight logo
Added: New option to control popup align on restricted mode
Added: New option to control spacing on restricted mode
Added: New developer hook to exclude page on restricted mode
Fixed: Problem with site title on restricted mode
Fixed: Problem with site icon on restricted mode
Fixed: Problem with BuddyPress activate page on restricted mode


Fixed: Problem with Restricted Site mode styles
Fixed: Dashboard white space error with bbpress plugin
Improvement: Added plugin dependency throw tgm class
Improvement: Removed test files to reduce plugin zip file size


Added: Support for WordPress 5.5
Added: New class to generate default plugin style css
Fixed: Problem with Elementor ( ColorPicker )


Added: OAuth 2.0 Support for Twitter
Updated: Google api client to 2.5.0
Updated: Google auth to 1.9
Removed: PHP Sessions on plugin init
Fixed: Problem with site health check tool ( Loopback requests )
Fixed: Problem with plugin welcome page on debug mode


Added: OAuth 2.0 Support For LinkedIn
Added: OAuth 2.0 Support For Google
Added: Support for Google People API
Added: New vendor class for mobile detect
Added: Introducing welcome page on WordPress dashboard
Fixed: Redirect problem on IOS
Updated: Plugin online documentations 
Removed: LinkedIn legacy API support
Removed: Google Legacy API Support


Added: New section for popup logo
Added: New option to align the top logo
Fixed: Problem with Facebook redirect bug
Improvment: Minor CSS changes


Added: New option to enable/disable register link
Added: New section for advanced customization
Added: New option to insert code in login form header
Added: New option to insert code in login form footer
Added: New option to insert code in register form header
Added: New option to insert code in register form footer
Fixed: Problem with twitter login
Fixed: Popup shortcode bug with Gutenberg editor 
Improvment: For Facebook login with recent privacy updates
Improvment: Tested pass on WordPress 5.4


Added: Custom mail template for register
Added: +5 New option for mail template colors
Added: New setting to change register mail subject
Added: New setting to set logo for mail template
Added: New setting to set mail footer copyright text
Improvment: Compatible with WordPress 5.2


Added: New feature to restricte all the site for none logged users
Added: Support for BuddyPress profile fields ( beta )
Added: New option to add logo image before forms
Added: New options to style site body in restricte mode
Added: New option to change typography ( Restricted mode only )
Added: New settings section for BuddyPress Integration
Added: New option to register new users using BuddyPress function
Added: New translation strings 
Improvment: Security Enhancement 
Improvment: Minor bug fixes
Improvment: Minor CSS changes
Improvment: Javascript minor changes


Added: New option to send reset link usin WooCommerce mail template
Added: Terms and conditions checkbox for register form
Added: New option to set terms and conditions page
Improvment: JS improvment to open the terms page in new frame
Improvment: Minor CSS changes for terms checkbox


Fixed: Error Undefined function wp_generate_attachment_metadata
Improvment: Minor CSS changes
Updated: Plugin documentation 


Added: Get user profile picture from FB
Added: Get user profile picture from Twitter
Added: Get user profile picture from Linkedin
Added: Open social pages in new frame
Added: New option to add social buttons to WooCommerce checkout page
Improvment: For data storing throw sessions or cookie if sessions disabled


Added: New option to to add social buttons to woocommerce forms
Fixed: Login form popup after redirect
Improvment: Minor CSS changes
Improvment: Javascript minor changes


Removed: Session Manager Class
Added: Handle redirect throw cookie
Fixed: Facebook login error
Improvment: Javascript minor changes


Fixed: Redirect using user and password form
Fixed: WPML compatibility with redirect
Fixed: Logged users links for showing only one link
Improvment: Multisite Compatibility 
Improvment: For lodaing font awesome library
Improvment: Session store method for none logged users
Improvment: Social API customize settings
Added: New color fields for submenu links
Added: New color fields for submenu background
Added: New color fields for menu hover color
Added: New field to set user account on the logged menu link


Added: Session manger class
Added: New session for none logged users
Updated: Kirki plugin files
Fixed: Redirect after social login or register
Fixed: Missing translated strings


Added: New option to allow new accounts using WooCommerce 
Added: New option to hide the default menu links for logged users
Added: New field for password on user register
Fixed: Mobile select menu with the popup model window


Fixed: Missing menu login buttons for WPML language switcher
Fixed: None sending mail for reset passwords
Fixed: Missing translation for reset passwords message
Improvement: Style of login shortcode for logged in users
Improvement: Plugin js initialised


Added: WPML Compatibility
Added: New option to append the login links before menu items
Improvment: Login shortcode for logged in users


Added: Google ReCAPTCHA V2 for login and register forms
Added: New option for ReCAPTCHA theme
Added: New option for redirect url after social register
Added: New option for redirect url when logging out
Added: New option to show posts content for logged in users only
Added: New option to show custom number of words for none logged users
Added: New shortcode for restricted content
Added: New shortcode for login/register buttons
Added: New options to style restirect content message colors and style
Added: New option for translation restricted content message
Added: New link to show woocommerce orders list for logged in users
Fixed: Missing translations inputs
Improvement: Plugin performance by caching social login links and only generate them once page finish load
Improvement: Plugin shortcode style for logged in users


Added: New section for plugin translation
Added: New option for logged in users links


Updated: Facebook SDK to fix the login with Facebook error
Added: Option to enable or disable the model window animation
Added: Option to select the model window animation effect
Minor CSS changes to plugin style
Minor JavaScript changes to the model window popup.


Fixed: Fontawesome disable option


Added: bb Support
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  • Free Standard (1-5 business days) — Free (orders over $100)
  • Standard (1-5 business days) — $5.95
  • Next Day Air (1 business day) — $18.95

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