Note: This is an add-on. You must have at least WooComerce PDF Vouchers v3.8.15 to use it.
WooCommerce PDF vouchers: Reverse Redemption add-on allows you to undo already redeemed voucher codes.
Change Log:
= version 1.0.3 (2020-07-06) =
* [*] Fixed the issue of plugin action link after deactivating WooCommerce.
= version 1.0.2 (2020-04-16) =
* [+] Added a compatibility with WordPress 5.4.
= version 1.0.1 (2019-08-03) =
* [*] Fixed multiple extensions setting not displaying in the extension settings tab.
= version 1.0 (2019-07-20) =
* [+] Initial Release