PWF WooCommerce Product Filters


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video: How to use PWF plugin? | Online documentation.

Increase online sales with the PWF WooCommerce Product Filters, this plugin can help customers easily find products on your shop faster and easier, the plugin has a well thought out caching system for the load speed improving, come with drag and drop form builder.

This plugin allows shoppers to easily filter through products by categories, taxonomies, attributes, tags, custom fields, price range, stock status, orderby, authors (vendors), search, Rate.

Available fields Box list, Checkbox list, column layout, Color list [ color or upload image ], Date, Dropdown [option select2 with multiselect], Price slider, Radio Button, Range slider[meta – taxonomy – rate], Text list, Search, Button, Rate.

API the First Plugin has API working like frontend, powerful tool to integrate the filter with Android or iPhone App.

Responsive: smart display for mobile and tablet[ resize demo page and reload page ].

Analytics Using this tool to know what is more interested for your customers so, you can make a decision about your store to imporove it, this tool provides a graphical user interface, come with advanced filter on the admin analytics page, you can filter data by [date range – AJAX/API – languages – filter posts] and displays number of using filters on the frontend eachday. How to Enable analytics data and screenshots?

PWF WooCommerce Product Filters - 1


  • RTL | AJAX | CodePerformance.
  • Unlimited filters | Widget | Shortcodes | Shop integrated.
  • WordPress MultiSite.
  • Push active filters into a friendly URL.
  • Compatible Plugins: WPML | WC Vendors Marketplace, ajax search for woocommerce.
  • Translated Language: English, Arabic, Persian.
  • Developer friendly: Developers can take advantage of the plugin’s many hooks and Javascript trigger events for a high degree of customization.
  • Drag and drop form builder view.
  • Pagination type [ Numbers – Load more button – Infinite scroll ].

is this plugin Compatible with Your theme?

  • By default The plugin Compatible with most WordPress themes.
  • The theme must use template content-product.php or any template name to display products.
  • Test First, send me an email using the contact form on my profile page.

Tested Themes

More coming soon

Avada, Enfold, Woodmart, Astra, Astra PRO, Storefront, Shoptimizer, Atelier, Beaver Builder Theme, Flatsome, BoxShop, JupiterX, Divi,Twenty Twenty, Salient, Phlox, Porto, TheGem, XStore, Martfury, Urna, Mediacenter, Stockie, Savoy, the7, Udesign, Total, Brooklyn, Karma, Oshine, Soledad, Stockholm, REHub, Striking, Massive Dynamic, Electro, The Ark, The Retailer, 907, Legenda, Gioia, Business Hub, OceanWp, KALLYAS, Consulting, Nitro, WPLMS, BeTheme, Marketo, Kapee, Konte, Basel, eMarket, Chromium, GreenMart, Besa, Puca, Sober, Shopkeeper, eKommart, Freshio, Merchandise, UpStore, Anon, Cerato, iBid, Medizin, Zonex, Shopinia, thefox, Ronneby, Hongo, Movedo, Royal, Kalium, Ciyashop, X | The Theme, Walker, GrandPrix, Monsta, Exponent, Pofo, Lorada, Neve, Cartzilla, Lusion, Apar, Pinkmart, Ultima, Monsta.

PWF WooCommerce Product Filters - 2

Mobile border image from mobile png from

Translated By:

Persian by rezaaria


-- Version 1.3.1 (14 April 21)
- Add compatible to WP theme WoodMmart.

-- Version 1.3. (12 April 21)
- Add compatible to WP theme Monsta.
- Add analytics.

-- Version 1.2.9 ( 26 March 21 )
- Fix do_action for woocommerce main query.

-- Version 1.2.8 ( 21 March 21 )
- Fix order by attribute with a shortcode.
- Fix display rules with product category on admin.
- Fix the meta filter items with query type [ OR -AND ].
- Fix rating with meta slider.
- Fix range slider with taxonomies.

-- Version 1.2.7  ( 8 March 21 )
- Enhancement meta count.

-- Version 1.2.6  ( 22 February 21 )
- Add a new option javascript control speed of filter button.
- Add compatibility to the Flatsome theme.

-- Version 1.2.5  (    14 February 21)
- Fix price range slider when display products.

-- Version 1.2.4  ( 2 February 21)
- Update and Enhance meta database query.
- Fix conflict between themes and the colorlist item.
- Add compitable to the plugin ajax search for woocommerce.
- Update API for rating slider, Dropdown menu.

-- Version 1.2.3  (27 January 21)
- Fixed the price slider HTML.

-- Version 1.2.2  (13 January 21)
- Improved the cache.
- Add a new feature filter products by the rate.
- Fixed compatible with the hogo themes.
- fix step for price and range slider.
- Enhancement CSS, PHP, Js code.
- Fix woocommerce sort dropdown menu with pagination type load more button and infinite scroll.

-- Version 1.2.1  (21 December 2020)
- Fix nested columns layout.
- Enhancement PHP, JS, CSS code.
- fix sort products with pagination load more button and infinite scroll

-- Version 1.2.0  (7 December 2020)
- Add pagination type load more button and infinite scroll.
- customize loader template.
- Fix database query for price slider and range slider used with a shortcode.
- Fix multiple select2 items.

-- Version 1.1.9  (27 November 20)
- Fix Price range min and max value.

-- Version 1.1.8  (26 November 20)
- Fix Price range when interactive with other filter items.

-- Version 1.1.7  (23 November 20)
- Add a new Jquery trigger event to make the plugin work with a post per page.

-- Version 1.1.6  (21 November 20)
- Add a new option to the range slider, price slider, date to interact with other filters
- Enhancement PHP code.
- Enhancement CSS for range and price slider.
- Add features get products only when load pages.

-- Version 1.1.5  (11 November 20)
- Fix range slider.

-- Version 1.1.4  (11 November 20)
- Add Range Slider Filter Item
- Compatible with Avada theme dropdown orderby.
- Fixed the filter item dropdown with active filter notice.
- Update language files.
- Enhancement CSS code.

-- Version 1.1.3  (30 October 20)
- Add search field.
- Add compatibility with the plugin WC Vendors Marketplace
- Fixed issue class doesn't exist Pwf_Clear_Transients

-- Version 1.1.2  (13 October 20)
- Add PHP code to themes that require to be compatible with the PWF plugin.
- A fixed issue if the site doesn't end with slash ex: shop/

-- Version 1.1.1 (4 October 20)
- Fixed Js for Price Slider when it is duplicated.
- Add more do_action for customization.

-- Version 1.1.0 (2 October 20)
- Enhancement a filter integrates with Woocommerce shortcode.

-- Version 1.0.9 (20 September 2020)
- Fixed pagination for the filter integrated with the shop.

-- Version 1.0.8 (20 September 2020)
- Fixed integrate filter with shop page on a taxonomy page.
- Fixed Pagination for shortcode.

-- Version 1.0.7 (12 September 2020)
- Add Language Persian
- Add Filters hook.
- Fix url_key on in the filter duplicate issue.
- Fixed an issue when they attributes or taxonomies are empty

-- Version 1.0.6
- fixed terms count on shop archive like the product category, taxonomy, product tags
- Add a filter hook using to change the template used with ajax when reloading products.
- Fixed show all text when no options display.
- Delete cached terms when edit/save/update products.
- Add min and max date for API.
- Enhancement documentation.

-- Version 1.0.5 (1 September 20)
- Enhancement JS on the frontend
- Using Woocommerce currency position
- Edit files: class-pwf-render-filter.php, class-pwf-front-end-ajax.php, frontend/scripts.js

-- Version 1.0.4 (26 August 20)
- Add a new option scroll to a selector CSS class.
- Update: change mobile order for the button ( apply - rest) to be ( reset - apply )
- Fixed: term counts for taxonomy and product category.
- Fixed: filter integrated with shop archive fix when directly go to,10
- fixed: order by for terms.
- Fixed: colorlist, boxlist , text list when the status is disabled.
- Fixed: fix currency symbol.

-- Version 1.0.3 (23 August 20)
Add: Arabic Language translation.
Fixed: Enhancement CSS, Javascript, PHP.

-- Version 1.0.2
Fixed: load text domain
Edit Files: pwfwoofilter.php, class-pwf-front-end-ajax.php, front.scripts.min.js

-- Version 1.0.1 
Fixed: Js error when using "strict mode" 
Update: Translated text in class-pwf-meta.php
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All orders within the USA are shipped via UPS at the following rates (you will have the option to select your rate when placing an order):

  • Free Standard (1-5 business days) — Free (orders over $100)
  • Standard (1-5 business days) — $5.95
  • Next Day Air (1 business day) — $18.95

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