Product Gallery Slider for Woocommerce – Twist


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Product Gallery Slider for Woocommerce - Twist - 1
Product Gallery Slider for Woocommerce - Twist - 2
product gallery slider for woocommerce
Product Gallery Slider for Woocommerce - Twist - 3
product gallery slider for woocommerce
product gallery slider for woocommerce
Product Gallery Slider for Woocommerce - Twist - 4

Product Images plays an important role in your store’s conversion rates, therefore, how to display it appropriate way always make us confused!

This plugin allows you to add a fully customizable image gallery slider in the WooCommerce single product page. Beautiful style, increase sales, and get more customer attention. comes with vertical and horizontal gallery layouts, clicking, sliding, image navigation, fancybox 3 & many more exciting features.

Plugin Features

  • Responsive Layout
  • Navigation support
  • Slider AutoPlay Options
  • Image slider for Single Product feature Image area
  • Lightbox Customization
  • RTL Mode
  • Youtube,Vimeo & self-host Video support for Product Image & Gallery
  • Gallery Layout [Vertical and Horizonal Silder]
  • On/Off LightBox Setting for Thumbnails images
  • Working with Most of Premium themes
  • Product Image Carousel:
    with WooCommerce product gallery slider, you can quickly add a carousel to your shop single product page.customers will love scrolling and sliding images to compare and make a favorable decision.
  • Fancybox fullscreen view:
    This plugin also has an engaging and beautiful lightbox module (fancy box). It permits you to Zoom Image, display thumbnails, auto Image slide effect, and much more that surely will attract customers.
  • Resposive ready:
    These days more and more people are using mobile phones to scroll E-commerce sites to check and order their products. Thus, mobile-enabled and optimized E-commerce site remains one step ahead of others.
    Luckily, the WooCommerce product gallery slider is also compatible with tablets and mobiles. So, customers get a flawless viewing experience that will surely boost your product sales.
  • Video Support:
    Yes, this futuristic product gallery slider extension allows you to add Vimeo, Youtube & Self Host videos within the slider. It brings immense opportunity for you to impress customers. Hence, the product video gallery slider for WooCommerce means you can actually add product videos instead of images. And it is an open secret that quality videos attract customers more than photos.
  • Support Page Builders for Custom Single product page:
    WooCommerce product gallery slider has a wide range of supportability for the most popular page builders. You can efficiently work with Divi, Beaver Builder, WP Bakery builder, Elementor Pro & others.

Want to add additional Images into your variation Product ? then check our new WooCommerce Additional Variation Images Plugin

Change Log:

v3.2.2 – 30 Mar 21

  • Update : license base file
  • Fix : slider thumb js count conflict
  • Fix : slider thumb css issue
  • Fix : slider thumb not scroll in mobile devices
  • Fix : unlink slick icon font-family for speed optimization

v3.2 – 10 Feb 21

  • Added : New filter hook ‘wpgs_new_thumb_img_size’
  • Added : New option for display lightbox thumbnails as X or Y alignment
  • Added : New option for display lightbox thumbnails pre-opened
  • Added : Deactivate free version if pro active
  • Updated : Remove slider RTL option and make the field dynamic based on ‘is_rtl()’ function
  • Updated : Option framework
  • Fixed : Lightbox not working in mobile devices if mobile zoom off
  • Fixed : jQuery.fn.load() is deprecated
  • Fixed : Quickview conflict – Porto Theme
  • Fixed : Slider transimstion not working
  • Fixed : templates/default.php version – is out of date. The core version is 3.5.1

v3.1.3 – 23 Oct 20

  • Enhancement: New filter ‘wpgs_add_img_class’ for add class into product gallery image tag
  • Fix: CSS transform confict on tablet devices
  • Fix: Lightbox z-index issue for some themes

v3.1.2 – 2 Oct 20

  • Fix: Fancybox 3 conflict with some themes

v3.1 – 25 Sep 20

  • Enhancement: Add Backup settings option
  • Enhancement: Add “gallery_slider_zoom_image_size” filter for change Zoom Image src
  • Fix: Zoom image src not pull large image size
  • Fix: Fatal Error on update to version 3.x
  • Fix: WooCommerce Photoswipe conflict
  • Fix: Speed adjustment for slider

v3.0 – 23 Sep 20

  • Enhancement : Add filter for main wrapper class.
  • Enhancement : Add Resize Thumbnail size from advance settings
  • Enhancement : Add Apply filter for Lightbox title
  • Enhancement : Add vertical and horizontal mode mobile view
  • Enhancement : Add preloader for twist loading
  • Enhancement : Add lazy Load settings
  • Enhancement : Add Navigation option with more icons
  • Enhancement : Add Mobile and desktop individual settings
  • Fix : Icon font-family !important;
  • Fix : Hide thumbnails if there has no gallery images.
  • Fix : Elementor Global Lightbox conflict with Facybox 3
  • Fix : Beaver page builder add to cart module conflict fixed
  • Fix : Responsive Images
  • Fix : Bug DIVI page builder
  • Fix : Change thumb on variation change
  • Fix : auto play backward slider

v2.1.0.2 – 29 Jun 20

  • Fixed: auto update conflict issue

v2.1.0.1 – 1 May 20

  • Minor bug fixes and improvements

v2.1 – 15 May 19

  • Add Auto-update feature if purchase Key valid,
  • Add Single Product image Height resize option,
  • Add Custom Class option
  • Add Disable Lightbox From Option Panel
  • Add Always Display & Display on Hover option for Navigation Arrow
  • Fix: Image image cut-off from the left Side for some Premium Theme CSS conflict

v2.0.6 – 27 November 18

  • Fixed: Add lastest woocommerce support

v2.0.5 – 17 December 2017

  • Added : add new option “Hide Thumbnails”
  • Update: Load plugin js and css files only for Single Product page

v2.0.4 – 12 December 2017

  • Added : Visual Composer shortcode add for Custom Layout.
  • Added: New Setting option

v2.0.3 – 17 November 2017

  • Update : Twist Now Pro & x Theme compatible
  • Added: Thumbnails scroll by [New option]
  • Added: Add Gallery Layout Vertical Right [New option]
  • Fixed: Mobile devices Drag option not working
  • Fixed: jQuery Error if Zoom Feature Turn off from Twist settings

v2.0.2 – 17 October 2017

  • Fixed: Image zoom not working for the first image
  • Added: Custom CSS, Layout Fix & Image frame width options in Twist Setting panel

v2.0.1 – 4 Octobor 2017

  • Bug Fixed : twist-problem-with-thumbnails-rolling-off-page , keeps pushing back to top of page if auto play is on, Lightbox conflict with slider, problem with thumbnails rolling off page
  • Added : Custom Jquery Functions for more user friendly behave (Mobile & Desktop version)

v2.0 – 7 September 2017

  • Major Update
  • Added: Support for Default woocommerce Zoom
  • Added: New Setting options
  • Added: Image slider for Single Product feature Image area
  • Added: Lightbox Customization
  • Added: RTL Mode
  • Added: Youtube & Vimeo Video support for Product Image & Gallery
  • Fixed: Variation Product image Conflict
  • Update: Add new Jquery Plugins (Slick & Venobox)

v1.2.2 – 27 April 2017

  • Fixed: Variation Product image does not change after selecting the attributes

v1.2.1 – 6 April 2017

  • Fixed: woo commerce version 3.0 gallery conflict
  • Added: New gallery Setting option in WPGS setting for Woocommerce version 3.0 or later

v1.2 – 22 Feb 2017

  • Fixed – Display navigation icons in product image if the product doesn’t have gallery images.
  • Fixed – Run jQuery and CSS codes only when visitors are open Single Product page( for improving site loading time )

v1.1 – 01 May 2016

  • Bug fixing and adding new features

v1.0 – 11 Feb 2016

  • Initial Release
    Product Gallery Slider for Woocommerce - Twist - 5
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  • Free Standard (1-5 business days) — Free (orders over $100)
  • Standard (1-5 business days) — $5.95
  • Next Day Air (1 business day) — $18.95

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