Ionstore – Ionic Premium WooCommerce Full Android and iOS App


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Ionstore - Ionic Premium WooCommerce Full Android & iOS App

Ionstore - Ionic Premium WooCommerce Full Android & iOS App

Ionstore - Ionic Premium WooCommerce Full Android & iOS App
Ionstore - Ionic Premium WooCommerce Full Android & iOS App
Ionstore - Ionic Premium WooCommerce Full Android & iOS App
Ionstore - Ionic Premium WooCommerce Full Android & iOS App

Ionstore - Ionic Premium WooCommerce Full Android & iOS App

Ionstore - Ionic Premium WooCommerce Full Android & iOS App
Ionstore - Ionic Premium WooCommerce Full Android & iOS App

Ionstore is an Ionic WooCommerce Full Application for Android and iOS. As we know that WooCommerce has been used by 30% eCommerce worldwide nowadays. We create this app to easily connecting your WooCommerce website with hybrid mobile application (Android & iOS). Just follow our getting started and video guide and your app is ready to run.

In this beta version, we include some features that will bring your business into the apps. You can manage your products, categories and orders from WooCommerce dashboard and it will connect with the apps. We add PayPal as your payment method and some method for shipping. Your customer can use quick search from the app to quickly find the wanted product. We also add signin and signup feature.

We still have a very huge homework to make this app work perfect for your business. So, don’t be hesitate to contact us and tell us what feature do you need. We will keep update this project and keep learning to the next project. If you have any question to ask, feel free to contact us.

Don’t waste your time to develop features and themes. Just focus on your business and goal. We will keep update all features and themes.


1. RazorPay Payment Gateway
Now Ionstore support RazorPay for India country only. RazorPay support credit card, PayuMoney and others.

2. Support Multi Languages
You can use multilanguage on Ionstore. Also you can add other language.

3. Coupon Code in Checkout
Add coupon code from you WooCommerce and it can be used from you app (currently only works with coupon type: Cart Discount & Cart % Discount).

4. Home slider
Horizontal slider on your home screen that connected with WordPress Slider Plugin.

5. Rate App (only work on real device)
Your customer rates your app.

6. Scroll to Top
Button click to the top when you are scrolling down.

7. Edit Profile (only work on real device)
Customer can edit their profile name after logged in.

8. Edit Billing Address / Shipping Address (only work on real device)
Customer can edit their billing and shipping address after logged in.

9. Setup Currency Format (from WooCommerce)
You can setup your currency format from you WooCommerce admin.

10. Setup Number Decimal of Currency for your Product Price (from WooCommerce)
You can setup your number decimal of currency from your WooCommerce admin.

Ionstore Features

1. WooCommerce REST API
Connect your WooCommerce products and categories with the Android and iOS app.

2. Sigin / Signup using WordPress account
Your customer can use their account to login in this app. And new customer can signup from the apps.

3. My Order
You customer can manage their order and view their history order from this menu.

4. Product Category / Subcategory
You can add category and subcategory from WooCommerce dashboard and it will be shown in your apps.

5. Shipping Method
You can add shipping method in your apps.

6. PayPal Gateway
Your customer can pay their order using their PayPal account.

7. Quick Search
Your customer can search their wanted product.

8. Contact
You customer can easily call and contact you using this menu.

9. FAQ
Frequently ask questions to educate your customer about your online shop.

10. Wishlist
Add/edit product to/from wishlist.

11. Blog
Connect your WordPress post into your app.


In order to modify the app, you have to know the basic knowledge of HTML, CSS and AngularJS. Also, you have to have basic understanding about Ionic Framework.

You can read our detail documentation for details or read the documentation from Ionic official installation guide.

Version History

Version 2.1.4 – Released 23 December 2016

Issues Fixed:
- Fixed: Fixed: Installing RazorPay plugin "cordova plugin add --save" 
- Fixed: Fixed: Button Email clicked on Contact Page (file controller.js: ContactCtrl)

Version 2.1.3 – Released 16 December 2016

New features:
- New Payment: RazorPay for India
- Support Multi Languages
- Coupon Code in Checkout (currently only works with Cart Discount & Cart % Discount)
Issues Fixed:
- Fixed: Add "gap://ready;" into tag in index.html (problem with Rate App in iOS 10)
- Fixed: Edit all template files in order to support NEW multi languages feature
- Add new js files: directive.js, filter.js, language.js, config.js
- Edit style.js file to support coupon code form in Checkout
- Add RazorPay - RazorPay for India Only (Currency: Rupee)

Version 2.1.2 – Released 29 November 2016

New features:
- Set Currency Format from WooCommerce admin
- Set Number Decimal of Currency for Product Price from WooCommerce admin
- Add plugin cordova-plugin-crosswalk-webview for Android 4.0 (for iOS build, you can remove this plugin)
note: Many users still use Android 4 and they get white screen when running their app on real device, so I add Crosswalk to solve their problem
- File updated: app.js, controller.js, style.css and all template files
Issues Fixed:
- Fixed: Currency format in Confirm page
- Fixed: Custom number decimal in all pages
- Fixed: Product zoom in Product page
- Edit: App Configuration

Version 2.1 – Released 07 November 2016

New features:
- Edit Profile
- Edit Billing Address
- Edit Shipping Address
- Rate App
- Home Slider
- Scroll to Top
- Added: plugin cordova-plugin-apprate
- Added:library topscroller.js
- Added:edit-account.html
- Added:edit-billing.html
- Added:edit-shipping.html
- Updated: app.js, controller.js, style.css, home.html
Issues Fixed
- Fixed: Blank screen on Android 4.0
- Added: Slider - Slider Revolution
- Added: App Configuration menu
- Added: FAQs item
- Removed: Add Plugin menu

Version 1.1 – Released September 2016

New features:
- Wishlist
- Blog and Blog Detail
- COD payment method
- Local Pickup shipping method
- Removed: cordova crosswalk-webview
- Added: directive "focusMe" for QuickSearch
- Added: <preference name="KeyboardDisplayRequiresUserAction" value="false" /> in config.xml
- Added: <allow-navigation href="tel:*" /> and <allow-intent href="tel:*" /> in config.xml
- Added: blog.html
- Added: blog-detail.html
- Added: wish.html
Issues Fixed:
- Fixed: Currency issue (watch demo
- Fixed: Checkout using PayPal on iOS (change “_self” to “_blank” in ConfirmCtrl)
- Fixed: Cancel/Done while Checkout using PayPal
- Fixed: Call button in Contact
- Added: cordova toast plugin - Add Plugins

Version 1.0 – Released 19 August 2016

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All orders within the USA are shipped via UPS at the following rates (you will have the option to select your rate when placing an order):

  • Free Standard (1-5 business days) — Free (orders over $100)
  • Standard (1-5 business days) — $5.95
  • Next Day Air (1 business day) — $18.95

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