This is a WordPress version of the Shuffle Puzzle. You can train the brain and develop your or your customers’ logical skills with this nice game at your page. Try and enjoy!
- Any number of pieces (3×3, 4×7, 20×20 etc.)
- Any number of your own images
- Any number of shuffle’s types (by default: easy, medium, hard, etc.)
- Any number of puzzles on one page
- Any color for background
- Moving tile by pressing
- Tiles’ numbering
- Backlight for the mixed tiles
- Menu
- Cross-browser support
- Easy to customize and fully responsive
13 April 2020 - Version 2.5 - Improvement: Code Editor changed - New: Ability to set styles for mixed tiles - New: Numbering for each tile - Fixed: The picture is not dragged with the cursor - Fixed: Mixing on the start 29 April 2018 - Version 2.2 - New: The Validation SP name - New: Now to copy SP name is easier - Fixed: Inability to add data to the WP DB - Fixed: Correct tiles position after the screen size has been changed Feb 4 February 2015 - Version 2.1 - Minor bug fixes - Compatibility with WP 4.1 16 October 2014 - Version 2.0 - Design of interface was changed - Option to show/hide of shuffling upon start was added - 4 user defined callback functions (firstStart, onStart, afterCreate, onChange) were added - Ability to change some parameters dynamically was added - CSS-editor was added 20 January 2014 - Version 1.6 - Several small bugs are fixed - The plugin is responsive nowSource
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