The “WP Search Engine” plugin boosts your default WordPress search engine by replacing with a more powerful and stylish looking search engine which works not only with posts and pages but with all custom post types as well. Easy to setup, custom styles and many other options make it perfect for any WordPress website! This plugin is packed with three sub modules: Recent Searches, Trending/Popular/Top Searches and Auto Suggestions which, in combine, gives a best search experience to everyone on the website.
- Mobile friendly ( Responsive ), Easy to setup and use, Fully customizable and WPML compatible.
- Supports WordPress’s default post types ( eg: Posts, Pages ) as well as supports custom post types also ( eg: WooCommerce, WP-Ecommerce etc.. ).
- Supports multiple instances of widget and shortcodes on single page.
- The most powerful feature of this plugin is compatibility. This plugin follows current theme’s default template files for search results so compatible with almost all the themes.
- Comes with various of custom styling options which makes it easy to change the search bar layout without requiring much CSS knowledge.
- Not limited only to one design whole over the wbesite for different number of filters. It allows you to use different styling options for each filter which means you can have different coloured layouts for different filters in same website.
- Allows to enable/disable category or custom taxonomy dropdown filter along with keyword search.
- Easy to clear/delete recent searches from front end.
- Enhances SEO ( Search Engine Optimization ) by providing a more user friendly search bar.
- Search Bar: This widget/shortcode shows a stylish looking search bar along with category/taxonomy dropdown. Click on search bar and it shows recent and trending searches which makes it easy for any user to just click rather type for same keywords again and again. Once user start typing into the keyword field, it comes with a list of auto suggestions which makes it too easy to use for everyone.
- Recent Searches: This widget/shortcode shows the most recent searches of a user and triggers a search when user clicks on them. For recent searches, it uses broswer cookies. It allows you to limit maximum number of keywords which list in widget and also allows you to show keywords list only from a particular post type or from all post types.
- Trending/Popular/Top Searches: This widget/shortcode shows the most searched top keywords list and triggers a search when someone click on them. This plugin automatically records what users are searching for. It allows you to limit maximum number of keywords which list in widget and also allows you to show keywords list only from a particular post type or from all post types.
= 1.2 = * Prevent bad words from trending searches by saving only those keywords for which have atleast one result * Fixed shortcode typo * Fixed case-sensitive keyword conflicts = 1.1 = * Fixed few conflicts while deleting recent search = 1.0 = * Launched the initial version of the pluginSource
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