[*]LIVE PREVIEWCurrent Version : 1.4
Every CMS site needs a news section. WP News and Scrolling Widgets allows you to add, manage and display news, widget, vertical news scrolling widget on your website.
Note : News and Scrolling Widgets Pro plugin is created with custom post type and it creates a News Pro menu tab in your WordPress admin side.
If you are looking for plugin that work with your WordPress existing Post, please use our plugin Blog Designer – Post and Widget Pro
50 Designs for News Grid Layout
45 Designs for News Slider/Carousel Layout
25+ Designs for News List, Grid Box and Grid Box Slider Layout
Added News Ticker Feature
Create a responsive, animated breaking news ticker for your site within a min. Customize ticker with background color, font color etc.
Create a News Page OR News Website
Creating a News page OR creating a news website is very essay with this plugin. Use the category shortcode to display News posts with multiple designs.
Powerful Shortcode Generator Tool
You are able to setup the plugin as quickly as possible due to the Built in Live Shortcode Generator.
- Easy to use and setup.
- News grid view.
- News block view.
- News slider view.
- News carousel view.
- News Ticker.
- 50 stunning and cool layouts.
- Different types of 7 news widgets.
- Display news with title, content, category and etc.
- 3 different type of shortcode with strong parameters.
- ‘publicize’ Jetpack support for news.
- Fully responsive and touch based slider.
- RTL support for slider.
- Display number of news with 6 different types of sorting order.
- Display category wise news.
- Display specific news.
- Include/Exclude some news.
- Include/Exclude some news category.
- News with pagination.
- Two types of Pagination. (Numeric and Prev – Next).
- Custom ‘Read More’ link on news.
- Drag & Drop feature to display news post in your desired order.
- Visual Composer Page Builder Support.
- Choose link behavior to open in a new window or self window.
- Custom CSS plugin setting to override plugin css and add your own.
- Fully Responsive.
- 100% Multilingual at both front end and back end.
- Detailed documentation included.
Change Log:
= 1.4 (06, Nov 2019) = * [+] New - Added Gutenberg block. Now use plugin easily with Gutenberg! * [+] New - Added 'show_author' shortcode parameter for all shortcodes. * [+] New - Added 'hover_pause' and 'focus_pause' shortcode parameter for all slider shortcodes and widgets. Now you can pause the slider on mouse hover and slider element focus. * [+] New - Added 'centermode' shortcode parameter for '[sp_news_slider]' slider shortcode. * [+] Update - Minified some CSS and JS. * [*] Tweak - Pagination will if page is divided into multiple pages with <!--nextpage--> tag. * [*] Tweak - Pagination will work on single post also. * [*] Tweak - Code optimization and performance improvements. * [*] Template File - Major template file has been updated. If you have override template file then verify with latest copy. = 1.3 (22, Sep 2018) = * [+] New - Added Templating feature. Now you can override plugin design from your current theme!! * [+] New - Added 'Author' support to post type. * [+] New - Added 'include_author' and 'exclude_author' shortcode paramter for shortcodes and widgets. * [*] Fix - Post link issue with 'News Slider' widget. * [*] Fix - 'query_offset' parameter issue with 'News Scrolling' widget. * [*] Fix - Fixed some design issue. * [*] Tweak - Taken better care of Post Title as image ALT tag for widgets. = 1.2 (19, March 2018) = * [+] Introduced 'Shortcode Generator' functionality with Preview Panel. * [+] Added 'extra_class' shortcode parameter in plugin shortcode. Now you can add your extra class and use it for custom designing. * [*] Used 'wp_reset_postdata' instead of 'wp_reset_query'. * [*] Updated slick slider js to latest version 1.8.0 * [*] Fixed some warnings with widgets while using with WordPress customizer. * [*] Fixed some minor issues. = 1.1 (04, July 2017) = * [+] Added new shortcode [wpnw_news_list] for list news layouts with 8 designs. * [+] Added new shortcode [wpnw_gridbox] for GridBox news layouts with 13 designs. * [+] Added new shortcode [wpnw_gridbox_slider] for GridBox news slider layouts with 8 designs. * [+] Added Visual Composer for 3 new shortcodes. * [+] Added new shortcode parameters ie image_fit(true OR false) and media_size(thumbnail, medium, large, full) * [+] Added new 20+ news designs in existing News Grid shortcode [sp_news] * [+] Added new 20+ news designs in existing News Slider shortcode [sp_news_slider] * [+] Added Image Fit, Media Size and Image height options in widgets. * [+] Added 'Russian translation' (Beta) * [*] Fixed some css issue for widgets. * [*] Fixed some css issue for Grid Block view. * [*] Added prefix for the classes to avoide the conflict with other pluigns/themes * [-] Designs #26, #27 and #36 are depricated from shortcode [sp_news] and added in new shortcode [wpnw_news_list] as a design #5, #6 and #7 respectively. * [-] Designs #28, #29, #31, #45, #46 and #47 are depricated from shortcode [sp_news] and added in new shortcode [wpnw_gridbox] as a design #1, #2, #3, #6, #7 and #8 respectively. * [-] Designs #40, #41 and #42 are depricated from shortcode [sp_news_slider] and and added in new shortcode [wpnw_gridbox_slider] as a #1, #2 and #3 respectively. = 1.0 = * Initial release.Source
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