Easily sell any customized services & products creating your own flat and responsive cost calculator or payment forms (even with subscription !) on your wordpress website .
This unique plugin can be used to sell any type of service or products: applications, websites, graphics, seo, pets, lunar fragments… or anything else.
Your customers can get an accurate estimate of their request (the final estimate/order is sent by email) or directly do payment using Paypal, Razorpay or Stripe. The customer’s email can be automatically sent to your MailChimp / MailPoet / GetResponse list .
You can also choose to hide all prices from the form and emails to use it as a classical form.
Its intuitive and powerful conditional system and its many components allow you to create any type of form easily.
WP Cost Estimation & Payment Forms Builder also works with WooCommerce &
Easy Digital Downloads : you can easily create a gift creator, or a smart products packs generator. The selected products can be automatically added to the cart at end of the form .
Its powerful booking system allows you to manage your calendars, events and reminders directly from the backend. Assign a specific calendar to a datepicker of your form to automatically register new events !
It is also able to do distance calculations and complex custom calculations, using powerful and intuitive visual tools.
- Watch the plugin presentation
- Watch a detailed tutorial made by SaaS Master
- Watch a preview of the backend
- Discover the Form Designer extension
- How to use custom calculations
- Watch a presentation made by Elegant Themes
- Watch a tutorial made by Elegant Themes (Jason Champagne) showing how to integrate this plugin to the Divi theme and how to use it
This version works with wordpress websites.
If you don’t use WordPress, you can find the standalone version of this plugin here .
- Multiple forms management
- Freely manage your Forms, Steps and Items
- Can make Paypal , Razorpay and Stripe payments
- Powerful conditional system : visually link steps and easily add conditions
- Powerful calculation system : create easily and visually complex price and quantity calculations for your products (formulas)
- Powerful booking system & Calendars management
- Powerful Form Designer tool to customize your forms
- Visual drag & drop step builder
- Unique and smartly designed backend
- Estimations and payments work with subscriptions
- Forms can generate a single price + a subscription price at same time
- Integrate your forms in your pages using shortcodes
- Open a form as popup simply using a css class on button
- Fast & easy import/export data system (images included !)
- WooCommerce support : items can be woo products, and can be added to cart automatically
- Forms can be placed in woo product pages and assign the current woo product to an item of the form
- Easy Digital Downloads support : items can be digital products, and can be added to cart automatically
- You can assign a Gravity Form to the last step
- You can apply differents reductions depending on the quantity selected
- Confirmation email can be sent to the customer too
- Emails can be customized from the backend
- Items can be checkbox, textfields, numberfields, textareas, dropdowns, date-pickers, time-pickers file fields, rich content, colorpickers, layered images, sliders, shortcodes, maps, rates or images
- Items can be grouped, required, selected by default, or have a negative cost
- Items can be dynamically hidden or displayed depending on conditions
- The selection of the quantity can be done using buttons, number field or slider
- Items images can be automatically filled with the selected main color
- Item may have a price or apply a percentage to the total
- Multiple files upload fields with image preview
- Freely define the allowed types of files and the maximum number of files for each files upload field
- Freely customize colors, font, texts, currency, layout, animations speed …
- Easily use any Google Font in your forms
- Progress bar can be hidden, show total price, step number or all steps
- You can define fixed amount or percentage of the total to pay at end
- Payment can be enabled depending on defined conditions
- Backend & Frontend Customers account management
- Digital signature
- Statistics panel
- Orders are stored on the backend
- Stored orders can be edited directly from backend
- Orders can be exported as .csv
- Orders can be sent as .pdf by email directly from the backend
- Change items order by drag and drop
- Steps and items can be hidden and apply calculations ( easily apply taxes in your forms)
- On each link, freely choose if all conditions must be filled or only one to activate the next step
- Facultative legal notice on the last step
- A specific url can be opened in new tab when selecting item
- A complete summary can be displayed on the last step
- Discount coupon codes management
- Customers informations can be automatically sent to your MailChimp / MailPoet / GetResponse list
- Contact can be sent before the end of the form
- Values of the forms can be sent to Zapier
- Google analytics support
- Distance calculations (using Google Maps API)
- Conditional final redirection
- reCAPCTHA 3 option
- Result can be a price range
- Users can save their current selection and finish the form later
- Powerful custom calculations tools
- SMTP email sending options
- Fully translatable using .po file or WPML
- German and French translations included
- 7 demonstration forms included
- Tons of options to customize your forms
- Fully responsive
- GDPR compliance
- And much more !
If you are using WooCommerce or Easy Digital Downloads, you can assign a product of your catalog to an item.
Information of the item will be filled automatically. In the plugin settings, you can choose to automatically add all selected products to the cart at end.
Click here to watch a tutorial showing how to use custom calculations in your forms
2021-05-03 : - code reworked to meet all Envato technical requirements - new option to assign the current woo product to an item of the form (when the form is placed in a woo product page) - step duplication system improved - minor corrections & improvements 2021-04-13 : - new Map component - maps styles presets - image items can now use Font Awesome icons - new "Send variable as GET value" option - new "Mobile scroll margin" option - new "Send summary as woo product attribute" option - price calculation system improved - DomPDF library upgraded - minor corrections & improvements 2021-02-15 : - DomPDF upgraded - Stripe payment improved - backend UI improved - minor corrections & improvements 2020-12-11 : - WordPress 5.6 support - minor improvements 2020-12-02 : - new options to easily apply VAT - minor corrections & improvements 2020-11-10 : - rich texts improved - steps builder improved - minor corrections & improvements 2020-10-09 : - Form Designer tool improved - minor corrections & improvements 2020-09-08 : - new step visual builder system - new "Rate" component - backend UI improved - Form Designer tool improved - datepicker component improved - minor corrections & improvements 2020-08-20 : - minor corrections & improvements 2020-07-06 : - Stripe payment improved - backend speed improved - minor corrections & improvements 2020-05-15 : - minor corrections & improvements 2020-04-23 : - frontend calculations speed increased - new preview page system - new countries list option for select fields - new option to recover the total price of a specific step in the calculations - new option to allow the user to download the order as PDF from the final step - selected images can now be displayed in the email & pdf content - new "traveling duration" option for distances calculations - new e-signature option - DomPDF upgraded to the last version (PHP 7+) - group option improved - the option "Type of information" can now be used on select fields - minor corrections & improvements 2020-02-05 : - calendars events system improved - possible time format issue in backend calendars fixed - steps manager speed improved - minor corrections & improvements 2020-01-13 : - distance calculation issue in variables calculations fixed - Stripe payment improved - minor corrections & improvements 2019-12-04 : - calendar system improved - new option to export the calendar events to Google Calendar - minor corrections & improvements 2019-11-27 : - new option to export calendars events to Google Calendar - minor improvements & corrections 2019-11-08 : - new option to test SMTP email - minor corrections & improvements 2019-10-29 : - possible duplicated steps issue fixed - minor corrections & improvements 2019-10-11 : - minor corrections & improvements 2019-09-19 : - customers account frontend management - customers backend management - custom calculations improved (it now supports conditions in conditions and variables declarations) - SMTP email option - mask options for text fields - new progress bar style "All steps" - data encryption improved - new form background image option - new Dark Mode option for backend - new option "Max events per day" for datepickers - new option "start date in X days" for datepickers - new option "Shadow effect" for images items - CAPTCHA system replaced by Google reCAPTCHA 3 - minor corrections & improvements 2019-07-11 : - Strong Customer Authentication for Stripe - possible conflict with Jetpack Lazy Loading Images on selectable images fixed - PDF files generation improved - compatibility with Cornerstone improved for its next planned version - minor corrections & improvements 2019-05-31 : - Razorpay payment gateway - woo product selector improved - backend UI improvements - DomPDF library upgraded - minor code improvements & corrections 2019-05-10 : - new option to choose the style of the checkbox (switchbox or classical checkbox) - new option to keep the slider tooltip open - new form option to choose if the progress bar progression must follow the single total cost or the subscription total cost - new item option to automatically hide the item in the summary if its price is null - forms & calculations speed improved - minor improvements 2019-03-19 : - new option to change the step of an existing item - new option to hide zero quantities in the summary - new option to make the steps cells of the final summary clickable - new option to hide the price of specific items in the final summary - forms shortcodes can now directly start at a specific step of the form - issue on uploaded files with similar names fixed - addresses autocomplete improved - minor corrections & improvements 2019-02-09 : - new option to refresh the form orders list - possible bug when exporting forms fixed - possible double captcha issue fixed - minor corrections & improvements 2019-01-31 : - css rules created from the Form Designer tool are now automatically updated when the form is duplicated - forms & orders export system improved - possible issue on final redirection when using Paypal + Stripe fixed - form preview pages are now only accessible to admins - code improvements 2019-01-10 : - minor corrections & improvements 2019-01-03 : - Stripe & Paypal can now both be used in a same form - 1 480 Font Awesome icons available - backend UI Improved - possible accents issue in PDF files fixed - new option to show the items titles as woo products names in the cart - new option to show the items descriptions in the summary - minor improvements 2018-11-18 : - item quantities now use the separators defined in the settings of the form - behavior of the button option "call next step on click" improved - distance calculations used as quantity improved - paypal payment from email link improved - used memory on backend side improved - new option to disable the grey selection effect on images - minors improvements and corrections 2018-10-05 : - new option to send the values of a form to Zapier - code improvements 2018-10-03 : - security breach on files upload fields fixed - minor improvements 2018-09-21 : - new item type : "Image with button" - demos forms included on installation - minor improvements 2018-09-14 : - the plugin can now modify the price of wooproducts then add them to the cart - subscription options improved - minor corrections & improvements 2018-08-30 : - possible issue on dropdowns in the Form Desginer tool fixed - maximum content size of custom calculations increased - minor improvements 2018-08-09 : - New option to add tooltip to Checkbox, Fields, Selects & Buttons items - New option that allows to send the prices/values of the wanted items as GET parameters to the final url - Import/Export system improved - Minor corrections & improvements 2018-07-20 : - New option that allows to empty the woo cart before adding the selected products - Possible issue on rich texts items that use visibility conditions fixed - Issue in datepicker description when using row layout fixed - Backend UI Improved - Minor corrections & Improvements 2018-07-17 : - 3 New demo forms - Icon option for default dropdowns - New option to enable/disable the data encryption in the database - Issue on rich text items that use visibility conditions fixed - New item option "Don't use payment if selected" - Minor corrections & improvements 2018-06-20 : - forms speed improved - rich text item variable system improved - minor improvements & corrections 2018-06-01 : - the Form Designer tool is now unlocked by default - code & UI improvements - minor improvements 2018-05-17 : - GDPR compliance : - all personal data of customers are now encrypted in the database - new option to allow the customers to manage their data (they can download their informations and send modification or deletion requests to the admin) - new options to customize the data management page & emails - minor corrections & improvements 2018-04-09 : - booking system now accepts events generated from date ranges that coming from 2 datepickers - bulk actions to export and delete orders - confirmation popup when a step is deleted - animations speed option improved - new options to change the html tags of the titles - possible bug on conditions based on comparing the attributes of two items fixed - possible layout issue when using the option "Save for later" fixed - automatic scrolling improved - speed of backend actions improved - new option "Disable minutes" for datepickers - verification system of available dates and hours in datepickers improved - datepicker component improved on mobile - form designer numberfields issue fixed - minor corrections & improvements 2018-02-20 : - new booking system - calendars management - email reminders management - new orders can register new events on the defined calendar and set the selected dates as unavailable - timepickers improved - backend improved - custom calculations improved - possible issue using wooproducts in the last step fixed - Stripe payment improved - minor improvements & corrections 2018-01-16 : - the content of the pdf attachments is now freely editable from the backend - possible slowdowns on backend fixed - performance of the steps manager canvas improved - minor corrections and improvements 2018-01-03 : - new option allowing the users to save their selection to finish the form later - new option to send the form automatically when the user arrives to the last step - new option allowing to use the total selected quantities of a step in a custom calculation - reductions on quantity option can now be used on sliders and number fields - minor corrections and improvements 2017-11-28 : - prices, titles and quantities of the selected items can now be recovered and used in the email templates - prices, values, titles and quantities of the selected items can now be used in Rich Text items - numberfields can now define a quantity and have price - new option allowing to show links to the uploaded files in the customer's email summary - price range can now be defined by a percentage - new option "Disable steps manager links animation" to avoid possible slowdowns on backend using some notebooks - new option "Style of image titles" allowing to use static titles instead of tooltips for images - new button to reset the current order reference index - new conditions options for textfields - new shortcode [date] to show the date of the current day in the emails & pdf files - datepickers now show the current date if there is no default value defined - minor improvements 2017-10-10 : - new options allowing to add a summary in a bubble, available from any step of the form - new available icons (786 in total) - new option allowing to show the prices in the email summary even if they are disabled in the form one - stripe payment form improved - backend panel of stored orders improved - backend UI improved - minor corrections and improvements 2017-09-06 : - stored orders panel improved (pagination & search field) - generation of pdf files improved - new option allowing to add payment link in the email sent to the customer - lot of minor improvements 2017-07-18 : - new item type "Button" - new options "Call next step on click ?" and "Main color" for buttons - new item option "Calling method of the url" - now works with Woocommerce Subscriptions - new option "Introduction Image" - minor corrections and improvements 2017-06-12 : - new "Layered Image" item, allowing you to show/hide the different layers depending on the wanted conditions - new validation options for textfields - new icon options for fields - new design option "Style of fields" - new design option "Shining effect on buttons" - minor improvements 2017-05-24 : - can now work with Easy Digital Downloads - stored orders can now be edited, exported as pdf and sent again by email directly from the backend - new custom validation options for textfields - can now add woo products to the cart even by using a Gravity Form on the last step - RTL support improved - generation of PDF files improved - minor improvements 2017-04-19 : - new option to define the quantity of an item from a custom calculation - new options allowing to create more complex conditions - any type of item can now be used on the last step, allowing admins to create single step forms - new type of item "Shortcode" to insert wp shortcodes in any step of your forms - new type of item "Separator" to freely add line breaks in a step - new type of item "Time picker" - conditions can now be applied to the time-pickers items - new options "Time min" and "Time max" for time-pickers - possible issue in charts by year fixed - minor corrections, optimizations and improvements 2017-03-03 : - new option allowing to freely define the email sender name - new option "Allow dates in past" for date-pickers - new option "Show months menu" for date-pickers - new option "Show years menu" for date-pickers - new options to add icons to buttons - new option to easily recover the number of days between two dates in custom calculations - new option to quickly edit each option of a select item - new available "zoom" style for selection icons on images items - design panel improved - image items can now be SVG files - issue on distance calculations during form duplication fixed - issue using GetReponse fixed - minor improvements 2017-01-18 : - Code improvements & minor corrections 2016-12-12 : - New CAPTCHA option - New design options - Result can now be a price range - Generation of PDF files improved - Form Designer improved - Stripe payment improved - New option allowing to hide decimals in the final summary 2016-12-06 : - New option to change the quantity interval for sliders - Distance calculation used as quantity improved - Backend UI improved - Form Designer improved - Minor corrections & improvements - There is now a demo form by default after a new installation - Import/Export of forms now include the modifications made using the Form Designer 2016-11-28 : - Fill your purchase code to activate the new powerful Form Designer extension - New code editors for Custom CSS and Custom JS options - New option to change the language of the paypal payment page - New option allowing to disable the selection of the first option of a dropdown - New option allowing to define a fixed width for the columns of a form - Distance calculations improved - Backend UI improved - PDF generation improved - Option "make payment only if this checkbox is selected" now works with Stripe too - Minor corrections and improvements 2016-11-16: - The plugin now generates the pdf files itself, there is no more external service used - Minor improvements and corrections 2016-11-03 : - Conflict with Autoptimize css compression fixed - Minor improvements 2016-10-23 : - Style of select items improved - New option to hide the total row in summary - New item option "Hide quantity in summary" - New conditions "Is different than" for values, prices and quantities - PHP7 support improved - New colors options 2016-10-03 : - New step option "Hide the next step button" - New form option "Custom JS" - New item option "Is required" for pictures - New item option "Default value" for fields - New item option "Hide quantity in summary" - Duplication of forms improved - Minor improvements and corrections - Documentation improved 2016-09-23 : - minor corrections and improvements 2016-09-08 : - new distance calculations feature (calculated distances can be used in custom calculations and as quantity on items) - the final redirection can now change depending on the wanted conditions - documentation improved - new demo form included in the package - minor improvements 2016-08-10 : - Fields values can now be used in email templates - New option to display the total price at bottom of each step - New option allowing to hide the progress bar - Backend UI improved - Maximum value possible for sliders increased - Conditions in calculation using numberfields improved - New option to freely change the top margin scroll (to improve the use of forms with a fixed theme header) - Woo products can now be assigned to checkbox and sliders - Minor improvements and corrections 2016-06-21 : - New Statistics feature - Duplication of forms improved - Minor improvements 2016-05-29 : - Payments can now work with Stripe - New features & options - Backend UI improved 2016-05-10 : - New type of items : "Sliders" - Minor improvements 2016-04-29 : - Orders can now be sent as PDF attachment in emails - Custom calculations using numberfields improved - Items visibility conditions system improved 2016-04-22 : - New type "Number Field" for items. It can be used in calculations and conditions - Possible issue using custom calculations fixed 2016-04-19 : - Like steps, items can now be displayed depending on conditions - Items and last step fields can now be sorted by drag & drop - Minor UI improvements 2016-04-08 : - Google Analytics support - New feature to export orders as .csv - Animations of forms improved - Auto calculation of steps height improved 2016-04-06 : - New option allowing to use any google font or the default theme font in the forms - Address, city, country, state, first name, last name and phone can now be detected and sent to Mailchimp & GetResponse list - New step option allowing admin to set a number max of items per row 2016-04-01 : - new feature allowing to create easily custom calculations on items prices - summary and email improved using subscription + single prices - possible issue on preview page fixed 2016-03-31 : - New option allowing to choose if all conditions or only one must be filled to activate the link - New multiple files upload feature for file fields (admin can choose allowed extensions and define the maximum number of files that can be uploaded for each field) - RTL support - Issue in calculation using hidden items on last step fixed - CSS improvements 2016-03-23 : - New item option "Is a part of subscription ?" allowing forms to generate a single price and a subscription price together (works also with payment) - Admin can now use dates from datepickers in conditions - New option to improve compatibility with themes using ajax navigation to show pages 2016-03-19 : - New option allowing to hide items and steps from the form (useful to apply a tax at end) - New options "Min size" and "Max size" for textfields 2016-03-15 : - New "Colorpicker" type for items - Customer's email can now be automatically sent to MailChimp / MailPoet / GetResponse lists - New option "Million separator" to format price - New option “Hide all prices” in “Last step” tab, to hide price column and total from summary/email - New option “Automatic next step” to enable/disable the automatic call of next step when only one item is selectable and step requires a selection - New option ”Inverse gray effect” to inverse the grayscale effect on picture (item is gray if unselected) - Minor issues fixed - Bug on links fixed - Frontend & backend CSS improvements 2016-03-04 : - New feature "Discount coupons" 2016-02-17 : - Possible bug on shortcode integration fixed 2016-02-08 : - Potential warning message on activation fixed - Backend UI improved 2016-02-02 : - New automatic update system - New option to hide a step from the summary and customer's email - Hidden steps and items are now displayed in logs and admin's email - Logs improved - Rich text editor for the legal notice content - Potential bug fixed in email editor - Rich text editors improved - Minor code improvements 2016-01-26 : - New option to hide quantities column in summary and email - New option to hide zero prices in summary and email - New item : Rich text - German and French translations included - Minor code improvement 2016-01-03 : - Forms can now be used to generate subscriptions - New option to use Paypal IPN - New paypal options for subscriptions - Display of selection improved on generated emails - Stored orders improved - Summary improved - Minor code improvements 2015-12-10 : - Step description and summary improved - The font size of the price now change automatically to not exceed the circle - CSS improvements 2015-12-05 : - Steps can now have a description under title - Orders can now be sent to several emails 2015-12-03 : - The customer's email is now used as "from" field in received orders - Potential bug using visual composer with a signle form fixed 2015-11-28 : - New option "Slider" for quantity selection - Woo product variations support improved 2015-11-23 : - Bug fixed on summary - Previous page button of the browser can now be used to return to the previous step 2015-11-12 : - A summary can now be displayed on last step - Bug fixed when deleting log 2015-10-30 : - User can now freely edit thousands separator and decimals separator 2015-10-23 : - new paypal currency & minor corrections - bug fixed : sometimes the price seemed to increase a short time between each step. 2015-09-18 : - New type of field : Textarea - New rich editor for email templates. Admin can now easily add pictures to content . - Visual Composer support : there is now an "Estimation form" module in V.C . 2015-09-16 : - New type of item : file field, to allow customers to upload files - New loader using the main color during the file upload - New option : the payable amount on paypal can now be a percentage of the total price of the form - Yes/No labels of checkbox are now replaced by icons - The background color can now be changed from the "design" tab of each form 2015-08-30 : - Security improved - Feature to call the next step directly on selection using grouped items improved - Css improved 2015-08-11 : - new type of field : "Date picker" - option to set the language of datepickers - correction of double click issue on iOS improved - minor corrections and improvements 2015-08-05 : - "doubleclick" issue to select pictures on iOS fixed 2015-07-27 : - New option to call an url on selection of an item - Next step will be called automatically at selection if all items use the same group - CSS improved - Height of the step panel was increased 2015-07-23 : - New option to add legal notice on last step - Css improvements 2015-06-19 : - New type of item : Select Field - New option in form settings to add custom css code - Issue with conditions on form duplication fixed - Demo data to import improved - Automatic updates system - Minors improvements - Potential bug using checkbox fixed 2015-06-18 : - New option to hide the price on the final step - New option to modify the price font size - Backend UI improved - Steps can now be duplicated 2015-06-16 : - Orders are now stored and readable from backend - Percentage symbol issue fixed in emails and tooltips - New help tooltips on UI buttons (backend) 2015-06-08 : - RUB currency added - Bug fixed with previous link using the "Show step" feature 2015-04-23 : - Bug on email template fixed 2015-04-18 : - Current step display bug fixed - Predicting calculation improved 2015-04-09 : - Bugs fixed 2015-04-08 : - Completely reworked backend : more visual, more intuitive and more beautiful interface - New powerful conditional system - Quick form preview from backend - Plugin is now fully translatable using .po file or WPML 2015-03-11 : - Bug with description in "row" layout fixed 2015-01-19 : - Database error fixed 2015-01-09 : - Compatibility with avada theme improved 2014-12-12 : - Bugs fixed 2014-12-08 : - New integration system (without iframe) - Gravity Forms support improved - Reorganized and simplified backend - Colors can now be managed per form 2014-12-03 : - items can now be showed as column or row - total price can now be recovered in a field when a form uses gravity form - auto-height animation improved, when a form uses shortcodes 2014-10-21 : - Integration with shortcodes improved 2014-10-20 : - "Blank screen" bug fixed 2014-10-17 : - Paypal payment support - Order reference number added to payments and emails - Price animation improved 2014-10-10 : - When the user changes step, the page is scrolling to the top (for mobile use) - New option : initial price can now be hidden in the progress bar advancement 2014-09-26 : - Bug on required field validation fixed 2014-09-10 : - Admin can now freely edit content of emails (wysiwyg editor) 2014-09-06 : - Steps and items can now be duplicated 2014-09-04 : - Checkbox can now be grouped (1 selection per group) 2014-08-26 : - When a form is set to "Save to cart", items that are not woo products can now be used as conditionals items 2014-08-12 : - Items price can now be displayed in the title - Admin can now apply differents reductions depending on the quantity selected - Quantity selection can be done with buttons or number field 2014-08-08 : - Progress bar can now shows the total price or the step number 2014-07-10 : - Admin can now change titles and descriptions colors - A form can now be sent to the customer too (email subject and additionnal text can be edited) . 2014-06-30 : - Admin can now sets the textarea height - Items can now have a description - Background panel animation improved - License verification system 2014-06-22 : - Bug with fields fixed 2014-06-18 : - You can now integrate a form in a page using shortcode 2014-06-16 : - A step now may depend on the selection of an item - An item may have a price or apply a percentage to the total 2014-06-12 : - Multiple forms management 2014-06-07 : - Gravity forms support : you can now assign a custom form to the last step 2014-06-05 : - Now you can create your own textfields and textareas in the last step - Items can be textfields too - You can define a specific url for the close button - Admin settings panel improved - Recover easily the selected items and datas with php 2014-06-04 : - WooCommerce support ! - Possibility to change the size of pictures - Auto tint images option - Colorpicker for colors settings 2014-05-31 : - Items can now be selected by quantities ! (try the item "Database" on demo) - Option added to settings to skip introduction - Plugin name updated - Bug with some versions of mySQL fixed - Examples data are now included in the package, ready to be imported 2014-05-30 : - Fast & easy import/export system for your settings, steps and items (including pictures) - Prices can now be negatives - Items can be selected by default - "Previous step" link - Now can be used as page template - Colors bug fix
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If you need help, feel free to contact me from the support page
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