WP ACF-VC Bridge – powerful add-on for Advanced Custom Fields and Visual Composer
Extend your possibilities and improve usability of your WordPress website.
Multiple Visual Composer Editors
New ACF field type Visual Composer, allows you to add many Visual Composer editors to any page, post, custom post type, category, tag or any custom taxonomy.
Reusable Content Snippets
With CV Snippets you can create content you’ll want to include on multiple pages.
Add Content Snippets to Sidebars
Wonderful content you create with Visual Composer can be added to any sidebar.
Create Master Templates with VC Snippets
When you create multiple pages with the same layout, you can design your layout in VC Snippet, while using data from the pages you’re embedding it to.
Re-create design from Templates
All VC Snippets you create, automatically become available as templates in Visual Composer template manager.
All ACF fields in Visual Composer
With ACF Field Picker you can add ACF field from any page, post, term or options page.
ACF Flexible Content Layout Templates
From now on you can create design in Visual Composer editor and define it as a template for rendering layout of ACF Flexible Content field type. See how to create templates for Flexible Content ACF field.
ACF Repeater Field Templates
For the rows of any complexity in ACF Repeater field type you can define a template and create it with Visual Composer editor right from WP Admin panel. Read an article how to create Repeater field templates.
WPBakery Page Builder (former Visual Composer) – must be installed and activated before using this plugin
The plugin may not have conflicts with other plugins like WooCommerce, bbPress etc. Special attention and support made for:
- WordPress 4.7.0 and newer
- Visual Composer 4.11.0 and newer
- Advanced Custom Fields Free and Pro
- Advanced Custom Fields: Table Field
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