WordPress WooCommerce Wallet System Plugin




WordPress WooCommerce Wallet System is an awesome plugin which allows customers to make the online payment from their Wallet System. You can offer your customers a new convenient way of paying for goods and services. Wallet is an online prepaid account where one can stock money, to be used when required.

There is no chance of a decline of payment since wallet is a prepaid account. As it is a pre-loaded facility, customers can buy a range of products without having to enter their debit/credit card details for every online transaction. In this plugin, customer/user can use Wallet Cash during the checkout and amount will be deducted from their Wallet Cash. They can easily add credit to their wallet system.





Features of WordPress WooCommerce Wallet System Plugin



  • WordPress WooCommerce Wallet System Plugin behaves as an online Payment Gateway –
    It behaves as an online payment gateway so a buyer can purchase products from the store by using its available amount.
  • The customer can easily add credit to their wallet system –
    The process of adding credit to their wallet system is super easy for the customers of an online store. They simply need to enter the amount that they want to credit to their wallet system and checkout via available payment methods.
  • On the checkout page, a customer can choose to use wallet cash or any other payment method –
    While placing an order, a buyer can choose whether he want to use wallet cash for checkout or not.
  • Wallet amount will get credited after the approval of admin –
    If a buyer uses a payment method like Direct Bank Transfer, Check Payments, then the amount will be credited after the approval of admin.
  • Mail notification for wallet transactions –
    A buyer will be notified via mail of all the wallet transactions.
  • Custom Wallet Amount Management –
    The admin can manually Debit or Credit amount into the customer’s wallet.
  • Cashback Rules –
    The admin can set minimum cart total, maximum cart total and the cashback amount which the customer will receive if the cart total lies in the range selected by admin.
  • Restrictions –
    Minimum Wallet Credit Amount can be set by admin which means a customer has to credit at least this much amount in his/her wallet. The admin can also set maximum wallet debit amount which means that the customer can use at most this much amount in a single transaction.
  • Multiple Cashback Conditions –
    If the admin has selected the multiple cashback conditions then the customer will get cashback applicable to both cart and product. If the admin does not choose multiple cashback conditions then the customer will get cashback applicable to cart or product, the preference of cart or product will also be selected by admin.
  • Wallet Transfer –
    A customer can transfer his cashback amount to any registered customer.
  • Wallet Transaction List –
    The admin can view the transactions made by the customers and also the transaction details like transaction id, reference, transaction type, amount, date etc.
  • The admin can set configuration to accept payments for virtual order using the wallet.


WordPress WooCommerce Wallet System Plugin - 1


WordPress WooCommerce Wallet System Plugin - 2

Video Tutorial

WordPress WooCommerce Wallet System Plugin - 3


"Initial release v 1.0.0" "Current release v 3.5.1"
v 3.5.1
Fixed : Fixed security issues.
v 3.5.0
Added : Added feature to manual credit/debit in bulk from admin end.
Added : Added an image for the wallet product.
Added : Added feature to restore cart products if a customer is recharging his wallet.
Added : Added feature to set a maximum debit amount according to the percentage of the order total.
Added : Added feature to export user wallet details into a csv file.
Added : Added a filter to filter the wallet transactions between entered dates.
Added : Added feature to export wallet transaction details into a csv file.
Fixed : Fixed issue in tax while using the wallet as partial payment.
Fixed : Fixed security issues.
v 3.4.0
Added : Added feature to add cash back for 2 categories now i.e. either for cart or for wallet recharge.
Added : Added auto refund of wallet amount if the order gets canceled for any reason.
Fixed : Fixed security issues.
v 3.3.1
Added : Added a better way for transaction details of transferred money through the wallet.
Added : Added validations.
Fixed : Fixed security issues.
v 3.3.0
New : Introduced new updated layout.
New : Configured Twilio for OTP service through SMS.
Update : Updated list tables.
Fixed : Fixed all validation issues.
Fixed : Partial payment and max debit amount from wallet issue fixed.
v 3.2.1
Update : Updated database tables amount column data type for transaction and cashback.
Update : Translation support added, provided .pot file.
v 3.2.0
New : Added the new menu to view transactions.
Update : Provided the transaction note at admin end.
v 3.1.0
New : Cashback rules can be multiple/single on a checkout.
Update : Compatible with Woocommerce 3.2.x
v 3.0.0
New : Introduced Wallet to Wallet Amount Transfer.
New : Introduced OTP verification over Amount Transfer via SMS or email.
New : Introduced Custom Cashback Rules via Admin.
Update : A bit more admin controlled Wallet Transaction now.
v 2.0.0
New : Added support for refund in Wallet Payment Gateway.
New : Added Manual Wallet Transaction via Admin.
Fixed : Fixed pagination issue from wallet order list on customer end.
v 1.0.1
Update :Compatible with Woocommerce 3.0.x
v 1.0.0
Initial release


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