WordPress Multilingual Multisite




Multilingual WordPress Made Easy

Translating a WordPress website should not be complicated, it should be easy. Our new multilingual WordPress Plugin helps you to translate your site into different languages.

!! You need a WordPress Multisite in order to use our plugin !!
Read more if you do not know what a WP Multisite is.

  • Simply manage WP Translations
  • Connect Posts & Terms
  • Country Selector Dropdown & Page
  • Automatic Language Redirect
  • Automatic / Machine Translation via Google, Microsoft or DeepL
  • Synchronize Post / Product data (e.g. stock, post title) and metas
  • WooCommerce Integration
  • Assign Translators (custom user role)
  • Copy Posts or Terms to other languages
  • Copy complete blog to a new site
  • Im- or Export posts via JSON (e.g. for external translations)
  • one Media Database for your complete network

Plugin Features

WP Multilingual Features


  • WordPress Multisite Environment


  • WordPress 3.8+
  • PHP 5.6+


- NEW:    In Backend the excluded sites will still show
- NEW:    Moved CSS into footer
- NEW:    HTML lang attribute now uses alternate tag set
- FIX:    Default lang not available in machine translation
- FIX:    Flag icons loaded locally now
- FIX:     Strong & B Tags broke translation

- FIX:    Auto redirect not working from master site when excluded
- FIX:    Fallback URL not working

- FIX:    Country + Languages not translateable
- FIX:    Excludede sites do not execute JS & CSS anymore
- FIX:    Updated POT & PO Files

- NEW:    Improved DeepL Machien translation
- NEW:    Added a Filter for custom taxonomy bases
        An example can be found here: https://www.welaunch.io/en/knowledge-base/faq/custom-taxonomy-translation-base-url-filter/
- FIX:    Removed wp_die exceptions so that machine translation still continues even on errors
- FIX:    Translator enable option stil showed meta boxes in backend
- FIX:    Country selector not visible on smaller screens
- FIX:    Terms machine translation not working properly

- FIX:    Product attribute syncing issues
- FIX:    Fallback URL missed a slash
- FIX:    PHP notices
- INFO:    When you meta sync product prices, make sure you sync _regular_price,_sale_price,_price

- FIX:    Moved updater into weLaunch framework

- NEW:    Dropped Redux Framework support and added our own framework 
        Read more here: https://www.welaunch.io/en/2021/01/switching-from-redux-to-our-own-framework
        This ensure auto updates & removes all gutenberg stuff
        You can delete Redux (if not used somewhere else) afterwards
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- FIX: PHP Notices ====== 1.1.10 ====== - FIX: Having only one translated site caused auto redirection not working ====== 1.1.9 ====== - FIX: Lang & Country Options in wp-admin > general are now prefixed !!! IMPORTANT !!! You need to update the options for each site again !!! - FIX: Endpoint issue with product links ====== 1.1.8 ====== - NEW: Add multiple menus to country selector
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- FIX: Mobile country selector dropdown CSS - FIX: Redirect check if only 1 blog exists ====== 1.1.7 ====== - NEW: Machine Translate comments
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- FIX: Added redirect checks - FIX: Sync function returned to wrong data and redirected wrong ====== 1.1.6 ====== - FIX: Product category base URL echo - FIX: Wrong product URL base ====== 1.1.5 ====== - FIX: Select2 container full width - FIX: Molly payment issue - FIX: Rolled back to guzzle version 6.0 (PHP5 Support) ====== 1.1.4 ====== - FIX: DeepL PHP error ====== 1.1.3 ====== - FIX: Updated all vendor libraries to latest version - FIX: Mollie Payment issue (Guzzle library) - FIX: Default categories still set ====== 1.1.2 ====== - FIX: Meta data not syncing / updated ====== 1.1.1 ====== - NEW: Generate WC lookup tables after product copy - FIX: Removed Google Free Translate from Settings - FIX: After copy redirect default set to false ====== 1.1.0 ====== - NEW: Default terms no longer gets synced (e.g. uncategorized) - NEW: Sync terms removes existing ones - NEW: Sync terms now also work for WooCommerce attributes - NEW: WooCommerce Attributes will be copied including terms (slug should be the same) - NEW: WooCommerce Variations will be created when copied - NEW: Post children will get copied - NEW: Post copier now also copies custom taxonomies - NEW: Post copier registers non existing taxonomies - NEW: Backend adjustments (post_data keys now select field) PLEASE CHECK YOUR SETTINGS - FIX: PHP notices ====== 1.0.17 ====== - NEW: Posts translation overview tables - NEW: Init translation tables Clicking the button below will initially fill the translation tables. Click this when you installed our plugin in an existing WordPress Multisite.
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- FIX: Issue with term attributes not saved correctly - FIX: Prevent type from beeing deleted when post updated (preparation over overview table) ====== 1.0.16 ====== - NEW: Dropped redux sites_select function - FIX: removed google translate free (Google no longer offers this) - FIX: Updated composer files ====== 1.0.15 ====== - FIX: Create / Edit icons not visible in post / pages overview - FIX: Font awesome icons changed - FIX: Additional select2 issues ====== 1.0.14 ====== - FIX: Font awesome admin updated - FIX: Select2 only executed on single posts in backend ====== 1.0.13 ====== - NEW: Machine translation issues fixed - NEW: Sync all data default value set to true - FIX: Changed machine translation class loading priority to support custom post types - FIX: PHP notices - FIX: Return if menu position not specified (otherwise it got added to all items) - FIX: Country selector options more understandable ====== 1.0.12 ====== - NEW: Sync create will now also create meta data -> Create a product in one site, it will be created with all meta data in all enabled subsites - NEW: Term sync including creation + parent term creation & assignments (UNIQUE) - NEW: Copy posts will create parent terms - NEW: Improved Sync admin panel - NEW: Post copier issues - NEW: Added shortcode label parameter for machine translation - FIX: Machine translation now removes all non utf8 chars - FIX: Google Translate malformed JSON ====== 1.0.11 ====== - NEW: Increased max flags to 14 and show on terms also - NEW: Image copier using file name now - NEW: Select2 field for post / page selection - FIX: Linked posts show draft, trash etc. - FIX: Deleting a site now also deleted the UNIQUE INDEX from table (avoid 64 max index) ====== 1.0.10 ====== - NEW: Limited the view of flags in post overviews to 10 - FIX: Show flags / linked posts on excluded sites ====== 1.0.9 ====== - NEW: Machine Translation Data Segmentation -> Support for HTML inside HTML tags e.g. links, bold, strong texts -> Support for shortcodes variables "text", "heading" and "tooltip" - FIX: Cleaned / shortend the languages - FIX: Country selector dropdown not working on some themes ====== 1.0.8 ====== - FIX: Options panel broken ====== 1.0.7 ====== - NEW: Theme mods now also supported - NEW: Switched wp_set_post_terms to wp_set_object_terms for custom post type taxonomy support - NEW: Added info window in general settings to show where to find site settings - NEW: Moved default source language to machine translation settings - NEW: Added examples in general settings for alternate & local settings - FIX: Override blog settings not working - FIX: Added is_wp_error check for image upload ====== 1.0.6 ====== - NEW: Image debug in advanced settings. Enable this when product images do not get copied over - NEW: When copying posts and terms do not exists they will be created an linked automatically - NEW: It is now possible to copy the MAIN blog (id 1) ====== 1.0.5 ====== - NEW: Remove white spaces from API keys to avoid errors - FIX: Categories for blog id 1 not translated correctly - FIX: Switched table creation to utf8_general_ci to support older databases - FIX: PHP Notice ====== 1.0.4 ====== - FIX: Machine Translation Gutenberg support (changed button with a checkbox) - FIX: Shop page URL not connected correctly - FIX: php notice check variable ====== 1.0.3 ====== - FIX: Copy blog / site performance - FIX: Copy site not matched post / term translations - FIX: Machine translation enabled ====== 1.0.2 ====== - NEW: User Sync, Create / Delete Posts on Sync, Images gets copied Settings: https://imgur.com/a/l1DQE5H - NEW: User Sync (new registered users can be added to all blogs) - NEW: Delete or Trash connected posts on Sync - NEW: Sync all post Data / All post Meta fields instead of defining each separately - NEW: Copy posts also now copies the feature image + product gallery images - FIX: Redirect to default site also for backend - FIX: Sorting no longer possible in backend - FIX: Error message when terms edited and enter pressed ====== 1.0.1 ====== - NEW: Auto redirection to best language - NEW: Copy complete blog functionality - FIX: Source blog not available - FIX: Posts not showing in dropdown ====== 1.0.0 ====== - Inital release

multilingual, translation, translations, multisite, wpml, polylang, deeply, google, translate, microsoft, country, selector,



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