WooReminder – Product Reorder Reminder plugin for WooCommerce




WooReminder is a WordPress plugin built for WooCommerce. WooReminder boosts sales of your WooCommerce Shop by sending reminder Email to your customers to re-order items/products that they have purchased earlier in your shop.

Shop admin has to set reminder days(How many days after the purchase of product a reminder should be sent) for products. WooReminder will take care of sending reminder Emails to your customers. WooReminder act as virtual IoT re-order button for your online shop, meaning there is no physical button at all present in this case. Instead, WooReminder sends Email and make the customer buy from your shop with email links present on reminder mail.

WooReminder is a must have plugin if you use WooCommerce to sell daily consumable product categories like Groceries, Cosmetics, Foods ,Office & Stationery Supplements etc.

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How it works?

  • Reminder days for products are set first
  • When a customer purchases products which are enabled for reminder, then those will be added as reminder in WooReminder List
  • Once the reminder day is reached, an email will be sent to customer
  • Customer re-order/buys the product again in your shop from the email link.
  • That’s it. Above is the basic concept, but there are follow-up email if the customer is not buying from initial email.

Just think of Amazon dash button, where customer re-order by pressing the dash button once they ran out of products. But here instead of the customer requesting for re-order, we are sending emails to the customer to make the order on a particular interval days set by the admin.
Setting a likely reminder days plays a major role in this plugin.

NOTE: This plugin has nothing to do with Amazon / Amazon dash button and this plugin does not even have any physical button. Given example is to get an idea of how the plugin works and what its concept.

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How is WooReminder helpful to You?

Day to day Consumable products are more important for your customers. If they ran out of it, they might reach out to the nearest store to get it on the same day because they must use it in order to run the day and sometimes they might forget to get from your shop too due to urgencies.
This is where sending a reminder mail on time or Prior makes them to buy again and again from your shop before they get frustrated of running out. Which results in customer retention, as well they’ll be happy with the convenient your shop provides. So more sales to the shop owner.

How is WooReminder helpful to your Customer?

WooReminder makes your customer to re-order products easier just by clicking email links and this prevents the customer from running out of their loved products.
Which reduces customer shopping time and customer don’t have to remember about purchasing products on time.
Your customer will love this reminder feature from your shop.

What kind of shops can benefit from WooReminder?

If the shop is selling consumable products, then WooReminder is best suit.
Following are some example category but not limited to

  • Cosmetics & Grooming
  • Groceries
  • Foods & Supplements
  • Office & Stationery Supplies
  • House cleaning items
  • Any day to day consumable products
  • Digital Items / Membership which need renewal but no payment here, just email reminder.

Why Customer retention? – There are many reasons to focus on customer retention, but in simple it is a known fact that 60- 80% of your company future income comes from existing customer.
and selling to a new customer cost 8-10X more than to an existing customer.

Moreover you don’t have to spend more money marketing your products to your existing customer. WooReminder takes care of that.

WooReminder Payoff

  • Convert one time buyer to regular buyer
  • Customer Retention
  • Boost sales
  • Engage Inactive Customers
  • Easy usability for your customer

WooReminder features stats, which will be helpful in finding how well the plugin is performing.

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Don’t forget to give us rating on codecanyon after using WooReminder for a while.

You will get positive return(ROI – Return will be more than the plugin cost) and your rating going to be positive as well ;)

Don’t forget to RATE and Give Feedback. It will boost to craft the Product well.

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- V 1.5 - 17 Nov 18
* Fix: Fixed white screen issue on order edit page when order status updated to success by manually.
* Fix: Backslash string escape in email template settings, frontend fix.

- V 1.4 - 02 Jun 18
* Feature: Reminder days can be set by customer at checkout page. 
In order to use this feature, enable the Show Reminder Opt-In on Checkout in settings page 

- V 1.3 - 16 Oct 17
* Feature: Unsubscribe Shortcode - [wrmdr_unsubscribe_url anchor="Link"] added in mail template. Customer can Unsubscribe to particular reminder by the link present in the mail template. 
* Feature: Orddered date Shortcode - [ordered_date] added in mail template.
* Feature: Reminder Opt-In option can be provided for customer in checkout page.
* Fix: Double mail sent when reminder added from order page is fixed.

- V 1.2 - 27 Aug 17
* Feature: added "Use / Inherit WooCommerce Mail Template Style" to use WooCommerce Mail template for all mails.
* Fix: If same product is added by same user before reminding day, then the old reminder will be removed from reminder list and new reminder will be created with new reminder date.

- V 1.1 - 30 July 17
* Feature: added "Send Re-order Reminder Notication" in WooCommerce Order action to send mail instantly. Should be used only when you think they need re-order.

- V 1.0 - 12 July 17
 * Initial Release 


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