WooCommerce Wishlist




Only $19 for first 200 Sales

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Make Customers Wishes come true

All big eCommerce Stores offer a Wishlist feature for their shops and you can do to. With our WooCommerce Wishlist Plugin you can easily create, view, edit, share or search Wishlists. Logged in Customers can create own wishlists and share them. If Guest Mode is enabled users can also create lists without being logged in.

Wishlist Features

WooCommerce Wishlist Features


  • Tested with WordPress 3.8+
  • Tested with WooCommerce 3+

WooCommerce Plugin Bundle


  • WooCommerce 3+
  • WordPress 3.8.1+
  • PHP 5.6+
  • Redux Framework


- NEW:    Wishlists in WooCommerce My Account section:
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Resave permalinks after enabling - FIX: Added support for store locator - FIX: Updated PHP Office library to latest version ====== 1.1.6 ====== - NEW: Added classes to wishlist modal - NEW: Added font awesome 5 support - FIX: Guest Wishlist not working - FIX: Added aria label ====== 1.1.5 ====== - NEW: Dropped Redux Framework support and added our own framework Read more here: https://www.welaunch.io/en/2021/01/switching-from-redux-to-our-own-framework This ensure auto updates & removes all gutenberg stuff You can delete Redux (if not used somewhere else) afterwards https://www.welaunch.io/updates/welaunch-framework.zip
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- FIX: No products added text not shown on my wishlist page ====== 1.1.4 ====== - FIX: Long description css class wrong - FIX: Switched to custom argument in wishlist for better theme support ====== 1.1.3 ====== - NEW: Section in options panel for custom texts ====== 1.1.2 ====== - NEW: Excel exports image as file not as URL path now - NEW: First rows bold in Excel - NEW: Auto wrap description text - NEW: Products on Guest Wishlist now show on default as added to wishlist - FIX: Added to cart now set by default if a product is in guest wishlist ====== 1.1.1 ====== - NEW: Export wishlists as CSV or Excel XLSX See data to show you can enable both buttons ====== 1.1.0 ====== - NEW: Share Guest Wishlists, the URL is adding a GET Parameter: xxx.com/my-wishlist/?wishlist-products=70,234 70 & 234 are IDs - NEW: Option to remove the sidebar with the login info text for guests - NEW: Product image & product title are linked now - NEW: Print option with additional CSS Print Styling Can be enalbed in Share Settings - FIX: Removed Google+ sharing as Google+ is stopped - FIX: Facebook Share Button - FIX: Twitter Share Button - FIX: Pinterest Share Button - FIX: Issue when public wishlists showed edit / delete links ====== 1.0.11 ====== - FIX: Public / Shared wishlists are visible by guests ====== 1.0.10 ====== - NEW: Added support for Guest Wishlist PDF Export Plugin https://demos.welaunch.io/woocommerce-pdf-catalog/ ====== 1.0.9 ====== - FIX: Set default button position to before meta information - FIX: Set wishlist Query to posts_per_page unlimited ====== 1.0.8 ====== - FIX: Added span tag to add to wishlist btn - FIX: Issue when product was deleted / no longer available ====== 1.0.7 ====== - FIX: PHP Error ====== 1.0.6 ====== - NEW: Added span tag to add / view wishlist texts - NEW: Added an option for custom integration in shop loop - NEW: Added btn classes to submit button - NEW: Set your own login page URL ====== 1.0.5 ====== - NEW: Set Cookie Lifetime in plugin settings for guest wishlist - FIX: Translations breaking HTML ====== 1.0.4 ====== - NEW: Added translations: - de_DE - en_US - es_ES - fi_FI - fr_FR - hu_HU - it_IT - nb_NO - nl_NL - pl_PL - pt_PT - ru_RU - sk_SK ====== 1.0.3 ====== - NEW: Products added to a wishlist show in backend ====== 1.0.2 ====== - FIX: Wishlist button not working after AJAX loaded products - FIX: Wishlist loading icon not disappearing after close ====== 1.0.1 ====== - NEW: Integration to our WooCommerce PDF Catalog Plugin: https://codecanyon.net/item/woocommerce-pdf-catalog/15310703 - NEW: Actions: woocommerce_wishlist_before_wishlist woocommerce_wishlist_before_products woocommerce_wishlist_after_products woocommerce_wishlist_after_wishlist ====== 1.0.0 ====== - Inital release


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