WooCommerce Wallet Management | All in One




WooCommerce Wallet Management

WooCommerce Wallet Management module allows customers to use virtual money on the store with lots of other features like send, request, or withdraw wallet money. The customers won’t have to fill the payment details every time. They can simply login and pay for products using the wallet money. The customers will also get the advantage of earning cashback on the basis of cart, topup & product.

Why choose our plugin?

All our products are meeting the WordPress quality standards including security, quality, performance and modern coding standards. For this, We are also awarded with WP Requirements Compliant Badge by Envato for our CodeCanyon Profile.

DevDiggers WP Requirements Compliant Badge
WooCommerce Wallet Management Live Demo
WooCommerce Wallet Management Documentation
WooCommerce Wallet Management Support


  • Admin can Enable/Disable the module functionality for the customers.
  • Admin can set the Max top-up limit for the wallet.
  • Admin can set the Max debit limit for the wallet during the purchase.
  • Admin can set the Max transfer limit for the wallet during sending/requesting money.
  • Admin can set the registration credits in the wallet for new customers.
  • Admin can set the wallet topup default order status.
  • Admin can enable the payment gateways for the wallet topup.
  • Admin can enable/disable the wallet partial payments.
  • Admin can enable/disable the wallet withdrawal functionality at the customer end.
  • Admin can set the withdrawal charges for customers either fixed or percentage.
  • Shortcodes can be dynamically used for the wallet.
  • Admin can set the my accounts page menu endpoint.
  • Admin can set the my accounts page menu endpoint title.
  • Admin can enable/disable the sidebar widgets on my accounts page menu.
  • Admin can view the list of users and their wallet balance.
  • Admin can export users with wallet data into csv.
  • Admin can perform bulk credit/debit by importing csv.
  • Admin can perform manual credit/debit of wallet balance for the users.
  • Admin can view the list of withdrawal requests and can mark them as paid or cancel them.
  • Admin can view all the transactions done related to wallets with the various filters.
  • Admin can enable/disable the Wallet payment gateway.
  • Admin can create various cashback rules for the cart total, product as well as wallet top-up.
  • Customers can purchase the products with wallet balance in the store.
  • Customers can check their wallet balance.
  • Customers can send, request, or withdraw money from the wallet.
  • Fully responsive wallet layout at the customer end.
  • Customers can view all the transaction details.
  • Customers need to top-up their wallet in order to use Wallet as a payment method.
  • Refunds with wallets are also supported.
  • WooCommerce Email templates are added for wallet related mails.
  • Multilingual is also supported by the given .pot file.


Visit this URL for documentation of the plugin – User Guide


Dear Customers, if you have any question/query with the plugin or need any special customizing, please contact us at [email protected]. We will do our best to answer as quick as possible. If you have a moment, please rate our plugins, We’ll appreciate it very much!….Thank you.

Change Log

v 1.2.0
Added bulk credit/debit users via csv import.
Added export users with wallet data feature.
Added My Accounts page endpoint configuration.
Added compatibility with WordPress 5.7.x.
Added compatibility with WooCommerce 5.1.x.
Fixed security issues.
v 1.1.0
Added payment gateways setting for the wallet topup.
Added wallet topup order status option.
Added compatibility with WordPress 5.6.x.
Added compatibility with WooCommerce 4.8.x.
Fixed security issues.
v 1.0.0
Initial Release


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