This is a WordPress plugin for Woocommerce site to upload/post woo products to Facebook automatically with optional time delay. It will post when you publish new product through Woocommerce. It will be shared to your Facebook friends, followers through your wall or pages and on your Facebook groups. You can also add like/share buttons to your woo products and get more traffic.
- Post products on Facebook wall, pages and groups
- Post product’s gallery images as Facebook gallery on wall, pages and groups
- Post to groups you don’t manage (Groups you joined as member)
- post to multiple pages and/or groups at once
- post products with optional time delay between posting
- Post products multiple times (on every update)
- Bulk posts to pages, groups (multiple posts at once)
- Add Facebook Page Like Box widget
- Add Facebook like/share buttons on product page
- Bulk like/share button on/off option
- Multi user ready
- Rich products page
- And many more to come…
Download Free Version:
Video: How to use?
Video: How to use WooSocio Pro
A step by step guide about using WooSocio Pro version.
Select / Share pages and/or groups:
Saved and shared connections:
Custom message and like/share buttons:
Bulk actions:
How it will look on Facebook:
With product’s gallery images on Facebook:
Facebook Page Like Box Widget:
Change Log:
01 Nov, 2017: V1.6 released
- New: Saved and shared connections for all WordPress users.
- New: Optimized for better performance. No more posting delay
- New: Full multi user capability.
- New: New look. Better design.
- Update: Translation updated.
- Fixed: Many bugs fixed.
01 April, 2017: V1.5 released
- New: Post to groups you don’t manage (Groups you joined as member)
- New: Permanent login feature added (No more disconnection).
- New: Optimized for better performance.
- Update: Translation updated.
- Fixed: Many other fixes.
04 April, 2016: V1.4 released
- New: Post product as picture.
- New: Post product’s gallery images as Facebook gallery.
- New: Price with currency symbol added when posting as picture.
- Fixed: Some minor bugs fixed.
06 Jan, 2016: V1.3 released
- New: Optional time delay introduced between posting.
- Modify: Shop managers can also access the plugin along with admins.
- Fixed: Facebook cache cleaner bug fixed.
- Fixed: Some minor bugs fixed.
24 November, 2015: V1.2 released
- Added: Post to Facebook groups API v2.5
- Added: Facebook cache cleaner
- Refresh product URL in Facebook automatically!
- Updates product featured image correctly!
- No more wrong images!
- Added: View permissions granted to your Facebook App.
- Update: Post to Facebook pages API v2.5
20 June, 2015: V1.1 released
- Update: Invalid Scopes: publish_stream.
- Update: Post to Facebook pages up to API v2.3
- Added email notification on failed posting.
- Better reporting on errors.
- New options page added.
- Option added to control re-post on product update.
- Option added to control error notifications by email.
20 December, 2014: V1 released with following features
- Post products on Facebook wall and pages
- Post on page as page owner (post from page)
- post to multiple pages at once
- Bulk posts to pages (multiple posts at once)
- Add Facebook like/share buttons on product page
- Bulk like/share button on/off option
- Multi user ready
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