WooCommerce Show Variations as Single Products




WooCommerce Single variations - Online DemoWooCommerce Single variations - Online Documentation

Do it like Amazon or the other big online shops: Show variations as single products in your WooCommerce shop or category pages. With our neat plugin you are able to transform boring variable products into single products, that the user can buy or view directly.

Why do you need this?

  1. Users can directly view variations inside your WooCommerce shop and categories
  2. Customers can add variations to their cart directly without having to select everything
  3. It increases your SEO traffic by creating more specific internal links

Incredible Features

Our plugin comes with multiple features, that will help you to easily setup single variations.

Show Variations as Single Products

Instead of just showing one variable product, our plugin will show all variations directly as single products inside your shop & category pages.

Show Variations as Single Products
Variations as Single Products Demo

Exclude Products or Categories

Exclude variable products, single variations or whole categories with ease.

Show Variations as Single Products
Exclusion Demo

UNIQUE: Custom or Dynamic Title

Define a custom variation title or use our dynamic title feature which will automatically name variations like “T-Shirt in Color grey and Size 30”.

Custom or Dynamic Variation Titles
Variation title Demo

Filtering supported

The filtering by attributes is well supported by our plugin.

Filtering supported
Filtering supported

Product search supported

The Woo product search shows variations as single products.

Product serach supported
Search Demo

WPML & Woo Compatible

Our plugin was tested with WPML and WooCommerce latest version.

Well documented

As all our products, we created an easy to follow documentation including an explanation & setup video.

> Online Documentation

Unique Support

We are an Envato Elite Author and provide you with fast, helpful support.


You need at least PHP5.6, WordPress 3.8+ and the free Redux Framework plugin.


- NEW:    Variation title option enabled by default now
- NEW:    Option to hide variations on Shop main page:
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- FIX: Sorting / ordering variations is just a pain -> from now it will always use parent product order menu - FIX: Enabled / disabled not working on product page - FIX: Using found_variation now for getting variation title (AJAX support) - FIX: PHP notice ====== 1.3.10 ====== - NEW: Related products variation support
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- FIX: Woo 4.9 compatibility ====== ====== - FIX: auto draft post type was syned to variations (stopped variation from beeing published) ====== ====== - FIX: Hot fix ====== 1.3.9 ====== - NEW: Added shortcode support to show single variations Demo: https://demos.welaunch.io/woocommerce-single-variations/variations-shortcode/ Docs: https://www.welaunch.io/en/knowledge-base/faq/woocommerce-single-variations-shortcode/ ====== 1.3.8 ====== - FIX: Moved updater into weLaunch framework ====== 1.3.7 ====== - NEW: Dropped Redux Framework support and added our own framework Read more here: https://www.welaunch.io/en/2021/01/switching-from-redux-to-our-own-framework This ensure auto updates & removes all gutenberg stuff You can delete Redux (if not used somewhere else) afterwards https://www.welaunch.io/updates/welaunch-framework.zip
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====== 1.3.6 ====== - FIX: Reset variations AJAX used 5 instead of 50 variations - FIX: Added another check for JS loading custom variation title ====== 1.3.5 ====== - FIX: AJAX Get variation title now runs async (delays title change, but better for shopping UX) - FIX: Product not found ====== 1.3.4 ====== - NEW: Reset variations now also runs via AJAX - NEW: Variation post status is now taken over from parent product (e.g. draft status) - FIX: Pagination issue (reset & init variation again after update) ====== 1.3.3 ====== - NEW: Reset transients Caching within plugin settings - NEW: WooCommerce Shortcodes now no longer show parent variable products - FIX: Category transients not deleting - FIX: Better cache handling ====== 1.3.2 ====== - NEW: Added excluded attributes filter: apply_filters('woocommerce_single_variations_excluded_attributes', $excludedAttributes); - FIX: Excluded attributes when filtering active showing duplicate results - FIX: removed var dump ====== 1.3.1 ====== - NEW: Add an option to disable excluded attributes when filter are active
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====== 1.3.0 ====== - NEW: Change variation title when another variation is selected (AJAX)
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- NEW: SEO section with canonical support
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- NEW: SEO Variations in Sitemap
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- NEW: SEO Change Meta Title
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- NEW: SEO Change Meta Description
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- NEW: Support for 3rd party plugins who uses custom post types like subscription or gift cards - FIX: PHP Notice ====== 1.2.4 ====== - NEW: Show ratings for single variations in shop loop
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====== 1.2.3 ====== - NEW: Option to add support for 2nd gallery images in listings Requires our new plugin "WooCommerce Gallery Images" (soon available) https://www.welaunch.io/en/product/woocommerce-gallery-images/ - NEW: Filtered pages now also respect excluded attributes - NEW: Option to specify excluded attribute cache expiration
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- NEW: Option to hide variations when filters are active - NEW: Option to include product variations in search results ====== 1.2.2 ====== - NEW: Improved performance by using nested tax queries - FIX: switched return with continue statement ====== 1.2.1 ====== - NEW: Rewritten the exclude attributes functionality - FIX: Products with one attribute, that was excluded only shows once in frontend now e.g. a Variable product with just size variations shows once now only - FIX: Ordering now gets correctly reset on "init variations" ====== 1.2.0 ====== - NEW: Performance increase when saving variations in backend - NEW: Performance increase (change query relation in plugin settings to AND) - NEW: Optional transient caching - NEW: Sorting works now on variation level - FIX: New published products not appearing - FIX: Default query relation set to "AND" for better performance - FIX: Removed tansient caching ====== 1.1.23 ====== - FIX: New things sometimes break old things ... this will fix duplicate single variation products ====== 1.1.22 ====== - NEW: Keep One Attribute Products For example when you have color + size products, but also you have a product with just size. Then size will still show. - NEW: Only Keep in Stock Products It will keep the first variation only when it is also on stock.
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You need to reset + init variations after you checkd one - FIX: Excluded attributes filter count wrong ====== 1.1.21 ====== - NEW: Init variations NOW uses ajax and shows statistics about initating - FIX: PHP notice in public.php line 290 ====== 1.1.20 ====== - NEW: Performance increase in admin panel through AJAX loading !! MAKE SURE YOU ARE ON LATEST VERSION OF REDUX FRAMEWORK !! - FIX: Updated Docs ====== 1.1.19 ====== - NEW: Added support for custom attributes (even though we recommend not to use them)
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- FIX: Error when no get_menu_order ====== 1.1.18 ====== - NEW: Added an option to disable "adjust count" for performance
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- FIX: Custom variation title not shown on single product page - FIX: Count now substracts vairable if main product hidden choosen ====== 1.1.17 ====== - NEW: Added support for date_created on variations - FIX: Category & Layer nav count wrong - FIX: PHP notice attribute not defined ====== 1.1.16 ====== - NEW: Added support for non utf8 attributes (cryillic signs) - FIX: When enabled to hide main products, the filter / category count substracts variable products now ====== 1.1.15 ====== - NEW: Caching for excluded attribute functionality for pagespeed - FIX: Filtering now still shows all variations - FIX: Issue with out of stock products not excluded ====== 1.1.14 ====== - NEW: Added support for 3 or more variations to be excluded when used in variable products ====== 1.1.13 ====== - NEW: Reset variations performance - FIX: Reset variations now deletes caching meta key so you rerun init afterwards ====== 1.1.12 ====== - FIX: Menu Ordering removed the single variations ordering (breaking main loop) - FIX: When attribute e.g. "S" was in the title it got removed in product title - FIX: Not enabled variations showed in catalog ====== 1.1.11 ====== - NEW: Added updated check to avoid memory outtakes for first init - FIX: PHP notice ====== 1.1.10 ====== - NEW: Added support for Price Filter widget when attributes excluded ====== 1.1.9 ====== - NEW: Excluded attribute will now also be removed from permalink if enabled Demo: https://imgur.com/a/HwIkP25 - FIX: Parent product check when initing variations ====== 1.1.8 ====== - FIX: Exclude attributes query respects in stock query now ====== 1.1.7 ====== - NEW: Keep first variation when excluding attributes This allow you to skip creating "any" product variations DEMO: https://imgur.com/a/YIjOLCY FAQ Updated: https://demos.welaunch.io/woocommerce-single-variations/faq/exclude-attributes-variations/ - NEW: Option to only show variations in shortcode ====== 1.1.6 ====== - NEW: Variation Sorting When sorting variable (parent product) it is the first index e.g. 1 When sortin variations inside the variable product it wil be second index For example: 11, 12, 31, 32 1 & 3 are products ====== 1.1.5 ====== - NEW: Added an option to set the excluded attribute relation query See: https://imgur.com/a/H3x5aYw ====== 1.1.4 ====== - FIX: PHP Notice public 390 ====== 1.1.3 ====== - NEW: Option to exclude attributes from variation title (e.g. size) - NEW: Option to "Always show these Variation Products" in exclusions This can be used to show a variation, that is excluded by size but the only one available E.g. a shirt available in color grey and size 40 (that would normally get excluded by size attribute) - FIX: Reset variations showed taxonomies ====== 1.1.2 ====== - NEW: Reset Variations (this will remove all variation <-> category, tag, attribute connections) - FIX: Adding a new variation in backend showed wp-admin panel ====== 1.1.1 ====== - NEW: Variation title is now also changing on single product pages Example: https://demos.welaunch.io/woocommerce-single-variations/product/variable-t-shirt/?attribute_pa_color=grey&attribute_pa_size=20 ====== 1.1.0 ====== - NEW: Added an option to exclude attributes So you can now show only color without size How to: https://demos.welaunch.io/woocommerce-single-variations/faq/exclude-attributes-variations/ Credits to our client Alexandros Koritsoglou ====== 1.0.6 ====== - FIX: Simple products not showing in shortcode ====== 1.0.5 ====== - NEW: init variations on product publishing - FIX: Product check issue - FIX: Parent product showing in shortcode ====== 1.0.4 ====== - FIX: Product check issue ====== 1.0.3 ====== - FIX: Added a check if a product really exists ====== 1.0.2 ====== - NEW: Added a filter for custom taxonomies "woocommerce_single_variations_taxonomies" See: https://demos.welaunch.io/woocommerce-single-variations/faq/add-custom-taxonomies-filter/ ====== 1.0.1 ====== - NEW: Added support for WooCommerce Attribute Filtering ====== 1.0.0 ====== - Inital release


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