How to improve your sales workflow by helping your customers to choose from a lot of products and be sure they will fit each other?
According to the last researches, more than half of the customers have difficulties choosing products from plenty of stock.
Bundle sales make the process easier and faster for a customer and make them happier giving them a bundle-discount and helping to make the right choice. At the same time, it allows for increasing the number of sales on the site.
The WooCommerce Products Wizard plugin enables mass-customization features for your store and gives your customers the opportunity to personalize their purchase using the product builder.
Boost your sales and enhance your customers’ shopping experience by:
- Enabling customers to configure and build products that fit their requirements
- Simplifying the way your customers buy complex, customized products
- Offering “build-a-box” features on your WooCommerce store
Get a solution for any case with only one tool!
What use-case you can achieve for your shop:
- Gift boxes
- Software bundles
- Personalized dishes
- Customized services
- Furniture configuration
- Custom technics or mechanisms
- And anything you can imagine within the plugin!
Get the plugin once to have unlimited sales boost!
What exactly is possible to achieve:
- Different workflow modes: step tabs, single screen and other
- Place wizard on a separate page or attach it to a product
- Unlimited number of steps with their own content, view, settings, and rules
- Combine products to a single kit if you need
- Get products requests via email with a generated cart PDF file attached
- Collect custom order data from customers using HTML fields
- Apply a flexible discount to products bought through a wizard
- Allow to select one or many products from a step
- Generate a thumbnail of the ready product
- Set availability conditions rules for products or steps
- Add products filters within steps
- Set a pre-defined bundle of products for the first launch
- And many-many more!
Products Wizard won’t be a super-star of your online-shop but it can make your online-shop a super-star
WooCommerce Products Wizard is made with love and according to the needs of the real customers
Started as a tiny script with the only function in 2015, after a lot of feedback, hard work, and regular improvements, the plugin has grown to a multifunctional tool for building WooCommerce composite products.
Most of the features were made jointly with the customers and for the customers!
Try WooCommerce Products Wizard before you buy!
Try the lite version of the plugin with only basic possibilities to understand the workflow better.
Also, you can email [email protected] for access to an admin panel and experience how the full WooCommerce Products Wizard version fits into your eCommerce store!
Technical features:
- Full async work – no excess page refreshes
- Responsive design for any device size
- Good organized and customizable code
- High-performance re-styling approach
- Accessibility friendly
- Adopts Bootstrap-based themes
- Easy views and templates customization
- Works without Javascript even
Compatible plugins:
- Woocommerce Extra Product Options (check the documentation);
- Woocommerce Subscriptions.
- Watch video tutorial
- Live example
- Online documentation
- FAQ – Issues and solutions
Note: The plugin requires the 5.5 PHP version or higher.
The plugin gets updates and improvements regularly
= 9.5.0 = New: "Expand widget by default" setting Fix: "Scrolling top on the form update" with individual controls bug Fix: Cart PDF product data line breaks bug Fix: Combined kit cart price bug Fix: ContactForm7 v5.4 bug Tweak: Thumbnail generator next/prev area settings controls in the admin part = 9.4.0 = New: Skip child products count setting Tweak: Sort filter values by the include setting Tweak: Work boost Fix: Better RTL support Fix: Kit fixed price bug = 9.3.1 = Fix: EPO plugin better form validation Fix: ContactForm7 v5.4 bugs Fix: Text products filter bug Fix: Small CSS improvements Fix: Variable products discounted price output New: Step filters default value = 9.3.0 = New: Navigate using steps in widget setting New: Show header/footer settings New: Hide edit/remove buttons for step individually settings Fix: Taxes calculating bugs Fix: Cart kit subtotal bug Fix: Availability by an attribute bug = 9.2.1 = New: "To results" button behavior setting New: Auto nav action setting value New: Product attributes output possibility Tweak: Filters work improvement Fix: Quantity rules with several product variations bugs Fix: Elementor preview bug Fix: Prices including taxes bugs Fix: EPO plugin pricing bugs = 9.2.0 = Fix: Breadcrumbs bug with an attached wizard Fix: Combined kit price bug New: Filter controls class settings New: More step view settings New: Masonry layout Tweak: Bootstrap update to v4.6.0 = 9.1.3 = New: Buttons nav list view Tweak: Widget toggle control badge Fix: Redirect to a wizard feature with AJAX add to cart action Fix: Product category settings saving bug = 9.1.2 = Fix: Latest WooCommerce version combined kits bug Tweak: Code improvements = 9.1.1 = New: Availability rules by product attributes Fix: "Scrolling to top on the form update" bug = 9.1.0 = New: "Send current state hash via AJAX" global setting New: Step thumbnail settings New: "Add to cart" button behavior value Tweak: Code improvements Fix: Results table mobile view Fix: Mobile navigation work = 9.0.0 = Removed: All dependencies/exclusions settings New: Unified availability rules setting for steps/categories/products/variations New: File type support for custom inputs New: Price discount type setting Fix: Description step content tags wrapping Fix: Better variations work Fix: Better cart reflection work Fix: "Add to main cart" button work = 8.9.0 = New: Thumbnail generation feature New: Filters include/exclude terms setting Fix: Bug of the emails sent Tweak: Admin copy step possibility Tweak: Code improvements = 8.8.0 = New: "Select several variations per product" setting New: "Show steps names" setting New: On/off sticky elements settings = 8.7.0 = New: Attach wizard to a product feature Fix: Double discount rare bug Fix: Products reflect in the main cart bugs = 8.6.0 = New: "Show steps names in cart" setting New: Sidebar position setting New: None navigation view New: Categories dependencies setting Fix: Inline custom fields work bug = 8.5.0 = New: Class settings for each main control button New: Step id setting for redirect to a wizard feature New: Min/max total products price setting New: "Results tab description" setting New: "Show results tab table" setting New: More values for "Show sidebar" setting Fix: Unmet product variations bug Fix: "Hide prices" option with table view bug Fix: Description tab content tags wrapping Fix: Hidden product quantity work bug Tweak: Total price including/excluding taxes Tweak: Item description output for the table view Tweak: Documentation update = 8.4.0 = New: "Add to cart by quantity" step setting New: Form item title/price font size settings New: "None" value for "Item description source" setting Fix: Filter by categories bug Fix: Filter inline-checkbox/radio views bug Fix: Rear bugs = 8.3.0 = New: Nav action setting New: "Products per page items" step setting New: "Enable 'Order by' dropdown" step setting New: "Filter position" step setting New: More filter views Tweak: Small code improvements = 8.2.1 = Fix: Icons bug with the custom styles file Fix: Bootstrap 3/4 cross CSS grid bug Tweak: Documentation update = 8.2.0 = Removed: Variable products without default selected variation New: Admin custom styles settings New: Pre-defined kit base product setting New: Product tags output setting New: Output product title link setting New: "Don't add specific products to the cart" setting New: "All items are selected by default" setting Tweak: Hide out of stock items using product attribute filter Tweak: "Selected items by default" setting variations support Tweak: "Excluded products" setting variations support Tweak: noUiSlider update Tweak: Admin improvements and fixes Fix: Products filter by category work bug Fix: Individual cart controls bugs Fix: "Don't add to cart" setting within kits using Fix: Price range filter values bug Fix: Bulk edit bug = 8.1.0 = New: "Hide choose element" step setting Tweak: Clickable thumbnail of "type 5" item template Fix: Drop steps on disable/enable the plugin Fix: Rare PDF generation bug = 8.0.0 = Removed: Subtotal and discount rows from widget and results New: Unlimited steps with any products within instead of just categories New: Custom inputs in steps description New: "Exclude already added products of steps" setting New: "Merge thumbnail with gallery" step setting New: "Kit base price" setting New: Products/categories price discount rules New: Product item view type 6 Tweak: Minimum/Maximum products selected/quantity rules based on one or multiple steps Fix: Small admin improvements Fix: Line nav view bug = 7.0.0 = Removed: "Enable all tabs availability" setting Removed: "Enable single step mode" setting New: "Mode" setting and new "sequence" mode New: "Expand filter by default" step setting Fix: "Store session in the DB" global setting initialization bug Fix: Variation data pass bug Fix: Combined kits quantity bug Tweak: Code optimization = 6.0.0 = Tweak: Global API refactoring Tweak: Better nav UI New: Form item view with modal New: Nav template setting and a few new templates Fix: Rare product variation bugs = 5.1.0 = New: Images variations view Fix: Multiple variation properties bug Fix: Results PDF total pages bug Fix: Minimum/Maximum total products quantity among pages bug = 5.0.0 = Removed: "Include full styles file" global setting New: "Styles including type" global setting New: "Store session in the DB" global setting New: Filtering by a search string New: "Excluded added products" term setting New: "Kit price" for combined kits setting Fix: Pagination with filters bug and among pages cart bug Fix: Cross-terms filtering results bug Tweak: Filter section toggling Tweak: Code optimization and fixing = 4.5.0 = New: Results emailing settings New: Buttons variations view Fix: Sticky elements rare bugs Fix: Extra Product Options with variable products init bug = 4.4.0 = Tweak: Migrate to Bootstrap v4 Tweak: Styles refactoring Fix: "Skip" button appearance bug = 4.3.0 = New: Minimum/Maximum products selected setting New: Minimum/Maximum total products quantity setting New: Default product quantity setting New: Image-radio/checkbox filter views Tweak: Form notices and messages refactoring = 4.2.3 = Tweak: Code refactoring Fix: Steps dependencies bug Fix: Subscriptions fees pricing bug = 4.2.2 = Tweak: Performance optimization Fix: Prematurely published table layout bugs = 4.2.1 = Tweak: Small code improvements Fix: Subscription products choose bug = 4.2.0 = New: Discount setting Fix: Extra Product Options with variable products bug = 4.1.0 = New: Selected items by default setting New: Products exclusions setting Tweak: noUiSlider update Tweak: More reliable description editor in the admin part = 4.0.0 = Fix: Styles bugs Fix: Stock bug with combined kits Tweak: Code refactoring = 3.21.0 = New: "Add to cart" button behavior setting New: More options for text strings Fix: "Hide prices" option bug Tweak: Templates improvements Tweak: Code refactoring = 3.20.2 = Fix: Min products quantity check on product remove bug Fix: Steps settings save bug = 3.20.1 = Tweak: Deep code refactoring Fix: Min products quantity check on product remove Fix: Max products quantity bug with the stock limit value = 3.20.0 = New: Edit cart item button Tweak: Admin part updates Tweak: Documentation update Fix: Lost "remove cart item text" option bug = 3.19.0 = New: Min/max products quantity setting by another step's products in the cart New: Min/max total products quantity setting Tweak: Documentation update Fix: Individual controls work bugs = 3.18.0 = New: Min/max selected products setting by another step's products in the cart Fix: After product remove bug Fix: Min/max selected products calculation bug Removed: Deprecated numeric grid layouts and excess template settings = 3.17.0 = Fix: Individual controls in the single step mode bugs New: Bulk dependencies edit New: "Hide prices" option Tweak: Code refactoring = 3.16.0 = New: Redirect to the wizard on product add to WC cart option Fix: Tabs order bug with WC v3.6.1 Fix: EPO plugin files upload better support = 3.15.1 = Tweak: 4.8.4 EPO plugin version support Tweak: Better cart reflections work = 3.15.0 = New: Combining products in the kits option New: Order products by price Fix: Single step layout widget bug Fix: Losing products from the other pages bug = 3.14.0 = New: Bootstrap 4 framework support New: Product "Update" button New: "Don't add products from this step to WooCommerce cart" option Fix: "Extra Product Options" bug with validation and conditions Fix: Filter reset on adding/removing a product Tweak: Widget position on mobile Tweak: Documentation update = 3.13.0 = New: "Item description source" setting New: Filtering by an attribute New: Filters refactoring New: Filter select view Fix: Product dependencies bug Tweak: Code refactoring = 3.12.2 = Fix: "Extra Product Options" default values bug Tweak: Code refactoring = 3.12.1 = Fix: Single step products order bug Fix: "Extra Product Options" bug with the kits Fix: Old IE bugs Tweak: Code refactoring = 3.12.0 = New: Maximum products selected option New: Quantity change for the kits Fix: Products reflection on the main cart bug Tweak: RTL support Tweak: Code refactoring = 3.11.2 = Fix: "No selected items by default" with "Minimum products selected" bug Tweak: Code refactoring Tweak: Translates update = 3.11.1 = Tweak: Code refactoring Tweak: Scripts including control = 3.11.0 = New: Products grouping in the cart setting Fix: Long pagination bug Fix: Insignificant code bugs = 3.10.0 = New: Responsive grid columns settings and customizable grid layout Fix: Empty filters bug = 3.9.1 = Fix: HTML validation bugs Fix: Bug default Woocommerce scripts influence Fix: Single step mode work bug Fix: Variations availability bug Tweak: "Reset" button availability in a single step mode Tweak: Dependencies using refactoring Tweak: Results table widget refactoring = 3.9.0 = New: Gallery column setting New: Products order setting = 3.8.1 = New: Get wizard APIs Fix: Variation availability bug Fix: No-JS version submit bug Fix: Product stock data output = 3.8.0 = New: Product stock data output Fix: Missed wNumb script = 3.7.0 = New: "Reflect products in the main cart immediately" option Tweak: Step description visual editor = 3.6.1 = Fix: "Minimum products selected" setting work = 3.6.0 = New: More message settings Fix: Small code bugs = 3.5.0 = New: "Scrolling up on the form update" option New: Messages options Tweak: Admin settings grouping Tweak: Code refactoring = 3.4.1 = New: Norwegian translate by Jan Arne Bakke Tweak: Variation attribute views refactoring Tweak: Deep views refactoring = 3.4.0 = New: Filtering products New: "Clear WooCommerce cart on confirms" setting Tweak: Views refactoring Fix: Admin Select2 rare bug = 3.3.2 = Fix: PrettyPhoto plugin re-init bug Tweak: Table responsive script launch better reliability Tweak: Documentation update = 3.3.1 = Fix: Variable product work without "Extra Product Options" plugin = 3.3.0 = New: "Minimum products selected" setting New: French translation by Louis Houde Tweak: "Extra Product Options" plugin variable products support Tweak: "Extra Product Options" plugin support in single-step mode Tweak: Views refactoring = 3.2.0 = New: "Show sidebar" option Fix: Results table empty column Fix: Add to cart occasional bug with 3rd party plugins versions = 3.1.1 = Fix: Rare redirect bugs fix Fix: "Extra Product Options" plugin initialization bug = 3.1.0 = New: "Final redirect url" setting = 3.0.0 = New: Minimum/maximum product quantity options New: Enable/disable results tab option New: Styles update Removed: "Minimum products to add" option Tweak: Deep refactoring ...Source
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