Key Features
- Easy configuration.
- Role-based pricing for products
- Role based discount
- Role based markup
- Hide the “Add to Cart” button from unregistered users and replace with custom text
- Hide prices from unregistered users and replace with custom text
- Hide the “Add to Cart” button from the specific user role group and replace with custom text
- Hide the prices from the specific user role group and replace with custom text
- Write custom text after price generally or role based (price suffix)
- Create and delete custom role
- Set different prices for different roles for individual products
- Charge different prices for each variation for different roles in variable products
- Hide the price for unregistered users for individual product
- Hide the price and the “Add to Cart” button from user groups for individual products
- Disable discount & markup for individual product
Version 1.5 Release Date 27.01.2021 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Fixed - with Woocommerce 4.9.x Version 1.4 Release Date 11.06.2020 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Fixed - issue discount any rule in single product Version 1.3 Release Date 28.04.2019 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Fixed - esc_html for unregistered user * Fixed - issue in variation product * Fixed - Used stripslashes Version 1.2 Release Date 15.07.2017 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Fixed - suffix price text * Added - URL plugin in plugins listSource
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