– Have you ever felt Uncomfortable with the WooCommerce Product pages your site?
– Your WooCommerce Product pages look too similar to other stores’?
– If WooCommerce default layouts or the current theme are not helping you customize Product Layout (Shop, Categories, Tags, Product Detail, Brands, Attributes) pages , you’ve come to the right place!
With WooCommerce Customize Product Layout For WPBakery Page Builder (Visual Composer), you will easily customize your product category page, your shop page, your product page, your product tag page to your style by simply dragging and dropping the interface without code, with require must have WPBakery Page Builder.
- Easy setup & easy to use.
- Just drag and drop interface without code with WPBakey Page Builder (Visual Composer)
- Easily customize WooCommerce shop page to your style.
- Easily customize WooCommerce product category page to your style.
- Easily customize WooCommerce product detail page to your style.
- Easily customize WooCommerce product tag page to your style.
- Easily customize WooCommerce product brand page to your style.
- Easily customize WooCommerce product attribute page to your style.
- Speed things up & save your time
- And more…You can install this plugin on your site to experience more functions.
Demo Customize shop page
Demo Customize product category page
Demo Customize product detail page
Demo Customize product tag page
Demo Customize product brand page
Demo Customize product attribute page
Test plugin before you buy
You can see that in more detail
Video Demo plugin: Woocommerce Customize Product Layout For WPBakery Page Builder
Video Demo : Plugin compatible with WPML language.
03/11/2021: (version 3.2.0)
- Added: Product brand templates - Added: Product attribute templates
10/07/2020: (version 3.1.0)
- Added: Elements for Product Tag (Name, Description,...). - Removed: A few elements with Product Category, Animation option of a few elements. - Fixed: A few problems with CSS/JS bug, Compatible with themes, Some bugs with WPBakery Page Builder, Filter with Product Category page and Product Tag page. - Fixed: UI/UX with Templates, Add New Template page and Edit Template.
03/28/2020: (version 3.0.0)
- Added: Compatible with WPML language. - Added: Compatible with Polylang language. - Added: Import Template. - Added: Export Template. - Edit: translate language (plugin) compatible with language in wordpress settings. - Removed: A few option Font-size,Font-family,Animation,Line-height,Color in element Title, Price, Excerpt, Description,... of tab product single. - Fixed: Compatible with themes "Boxshop".
02/05/2020: (version 2.2.0)
- Remove button Active in page Edit Template - Resolve problems with error_log: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /.../wp-content/plugins/customize-product-layout-builder-for-visual-composer/file_includes/admin/hooks.php on line 498
04/05/2018: (version 1.2.0)
- Fixed a few bugs. - Fixed: element product category not working with wordpress 4.9.x. - Fixed: element product tag not working with wordpress 4.9.x. - Fixed: Cannot use 'Object' as class name as it is reserved in.... - Add Supported languages (Translate): Portugal, Germany, Spain, France, Italia,Brazil,... - Add Tab Customize Product Layout in WooCommerce Settings: Allows users to change the number of products display on a Shop page ( product category page).
09/01/2017: (version 1.1.0)
- Fixed a few bugs. - Add option : product subcategory, name category, description category In the Tab " Product Category". - Add option : product share in the Tab "Product Single". - Add option : template product category. - Support MPC add-on. - More options : Font-size,Font-family,Animation,Line-height,Color,...In the Tab : product single (product title, product price, ...).
08/01/2017: (version 1.0)
- Version 1.0 Initial ReleaseSource
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