WooCommerce Bulk Product Editing




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WooCommerce Bulk Product Editing - 5

WooCommerce Bulk Product Editing Plugin

WooCommerce Bulk Product Editing
plugin is a useful extension for managing and bulk edit WooCommerce products in
a robust and flexible way. With this plugin, you can professionally manage the
data of your woocommerce e-shop made with WordPress.

If your store has a large number
of products, it becomes difficult to edit and update
as well as manage those products individually. For example, if you have
products with lots of variations, it is a difficult task to update all the
attributes and variations of the products.

This Bulk Edit plugin helps to do
the bulk editing task easier with a lot of bulk editing options and support for
any product related properties.

Why is WooCommerce Bulk Product Editing plugin

Saving time by

Managing and editing huge number of products

Editing a large amount of items
can be extremely annoying and time consuming because:

  • you have to select them one by one
  • Choosing the value you want.

Bulk Edit of Woocommerce products or categories

You can use Bulk Edit of
Woocommerce products or categories when:

  • You want to view all your products in a single page
  • You need to create a lot of products quickly
  • You need to search products by Keyword, Status, Author and any
    other fields
  • You want to copy settings from one product into a lot of products

Easily search and filter specific products

By using this plugin, you can
filter your products by category, title, taxonomy, regular price, and sale
price and any WooCommerce field, taxonomy and custom field that you can think of
before editing.

Bulk edit of values for variable products

Variable products are a very
important element of any e-shop. They allow your customers to buy what they
need in any variation they like. For example, they can choose different colors,
sizes and etc. But editing the attributes of hundreds of variable products can
be a very time-consuming task. With WooCommerce Bulk Product Editing plugin,
you can easily bulk edit these products in no time.

Bind editing

By using this option, you can
edit several products at the same time and set the same value by simply
selecting them.

Deleting multiple products

You can also delete multiple
products simultaneously with just one click.

You can delete any number of
products by category, tag, product attributes, custom taxonomies, meta field,
title, content, user, products status, price, sku, etc… and basically any
filter conditions.

Duplicating products

Some time you need to have a copy
of one or group of products, you have to add new products and set fields as
other product’s fields one by one, that is a boring task. With Duplicating
Products option, you can select desired products and duplicate them, rather
than duplicating each product one by one.

Scale-up online store by

Adding or editing products in a short time

If your store has a numerous number
of products, it becomes difficult to edit and update as well as manage those
products individually.

For example, if you have products
with lots of variations, it is a difficult task to update all the attributes
and variations to the products. This Bulk Edit plugin helps to do the bulk
editing job easier with a lot of bulk editing options and support for any
product related properties.

Suppose you want to change the
price as percent for all products, you must open all of them one by one,
calculate the new price and set the new value and save your changes, while you
can do all of them in the same time without any calculation, set value and save
new changes!

Using a spreadsheet to control, manage and edit
numerous products at the same time

It’s easier to update hundreds of
products using a spreadsheet, and the Bulk Product Editing Plugin enables you
to do so.

In Products Bulk Editor you can
view all the products and their fields details) in a spreadsheet table in
separated rows and columns.

Saving search queries to reuse many times

There are many other options that
help you save time while editing your products.

For example, you can save and
load expressions filters later, or you can save you search queries or regular
expressions for later.

This makes your job a whole lot
easier, since you don’t have to type the same thing over and over again but you
can simply access them with just a simple click.

Support taxonomies

By default, WordPress allows you
to organize your content with categories and tags. But with custom taxonomies,
you can further customize the way you sort your content. While creating custom
taxonomies is powerful, but editing them
can be pretty hard when there are too many products.

If you have a third party plugin
that has added new Taxonomy to your product, there is no need for you to worry,
all of them (such as brand, category, …) are supported by this plugin and you
can search upon them and batch bulk based on them. You can add/ remove and bulk
edit taxonomies with WooCommerce Bulk Product Editing plugin.

Edit regular and sale price

As mentioned above, WooCommerce
Bulk Product Editing supports all WooCommerce fields, which includes regular
prices and sales prices.

Edit products stock status easily

  • Manage Stock: You can choose to enable or
    disable stock management for all the filtered products and variations.
  • Stock Quantity: You can bulk update the stock by increasing,
    decreasing, or replacing the stock value.

Edit all product field, taxonomy, custom field
and attributes

With WooCommerce Bulk Product
Editing, you can bulk edit

  • Any product field
  • Custom field
  • Taxonomies
  • And attributes

You can add, remove, or overwrite
them with the existing ones to all the filtered products in bulk. You can
upload featured images or galleries for selected products. You can also bulk
edit prices using the price calculator. You can also bulk edit taxonomies such
as category and any other custom taxonomy you can think of.

How can store managers take advantage of this

Bulk Edit

With WooCommerce Bulk Product
Editing plugin, you can easily filter the products you want to bulk edit, and
then modify any information: prices, description, custom fields, basically
anything. You can even add products and export and import data.

Column Manager

This plugin has a powerful Column
Manager. Each product is shown in a row and its fields are shown in column.

With WooCommerce Bulk Product
Editing Column manager, you can choose to show/ hide columns, set their labels,
colors and change their position. By changing these options, you can create as
many column profiles as you like and save them under your preferred name for
later use.

Meta Fields

Meta fields are a handy WordPress
feature that allows you to add various additional data / information to your
WordPress. A lot of popular WordPress third-party plugins and themes use meta
fields to store important data.

If you have a third party plugin
that has added new meta fields to your product, there is no need for you to
worry, with WooCommerce Bulk Product Editing all of them are supported by this
plugin and you can search upon them and batch bulk based on them. You can do
this by adding the meta fields themselves.

Also, you can add custom fields
by adding a product ID to our plugin and its fields will be added

For example, to update a
meta-field called Custom Meta for another plugin, you need to enter the meta
key of the equivalent meta-field in a text field.


With this plugin you will have
access to the history of Bulk and solo operations with roll-back possibility.
You can save all of change log and also revert your changes.


Another way to bulk edit products
is by using Excel spreadsheets (CSV is just an Excel format) and a reliable
Import/Export plugin for WooCommerce products.

Using WooCommerce Bulk Product
Editing enable you to export selected products to CSV file through the related
button available.

To import CSV files, you can use
the WooCommerce import option.


With this option you can change
the settings of your plugin depending on your needs. For example you can choose
how many search results should appear in the results table, or if you want to
use the fast search option or not. You can also change the appearance of the
plugin’s toolbar and some other useful option.

Key Features

  • User friendly design
  • Filtering by all woocommerce products fields :: Title, Category, Taxonomy, Pricing , …
  • Advanced Bulk Editing Form: Edit all WooCommerce Products Fields in specific operands :
    • Append, Prepend, Replace for Text fields :: Title, Sku and …
    • Increase, Decrease for Pricing Fields :: Regular and Sale Pricing
    • Calculator for decimal values
    • Use Custom Formula for Pricing fields
    • Featured Image and Gallery
    • Date picker for date fields :: Sale price date
    • Multiple selection :: Category, Taxonomy, Tag
    • And …
  • Show/Hide Columns
  • Column Manager:
    • Set Color and BG color for columns
    • Set Custom Label for Columns
  • Create Product And Variation
  • Duplicate Product
  • Create Variations for multiple product at once
  • Delete several products with one click.
  • Delete Product variation
  • Set Category/Taxonomy for multiple product at once
  • Inline Edit: Edit values in separate types: Numeric, Text, Date, Checkbox and …
  • Save Search form query
  • Add Custom Fields / Taxonomy as columns, Search field and Bulk Edit Field
  • Import / Export
  • Binded Editing : Edit several products at once.
  • History: Save all of change log beside of Undo / Redo :: You can revert your changes.
  • Sticky Column: Fix ID column
  • Find Duplicate product and delete all of them easily
  • Support all woocommerce products fields

    • Title
    • Product Description
    • Product Short Description
    • Publish Date
    • Post Author
    • Product Slug
    • Categories
    • Attributes
    • Tags
    • SKU
    • Image
    • Image Gallery
    • Regular Price
    • Sale Price
    • Sale Price From (Use Datepicker)
    • Sale Price To (Use Datepicker)
    • Tax Status
    • Tax Class
    • Weight
    • Height
    • Width
    • Length
    • Stock Quantity
    • Stock Status
    • Manage Stock
    • Allow Backorders
    • Sold Individually
    • Shipping class
    • Purchase Note
    • Product URL
    • Button Text
    • Product Status
    • Catalog Visibility
    • Up-Sells
    • Cross-Sells
    • Product Permalink
    • Catalog Visibility
    • Featured
    • Virtual
    • Downloadable
    • Download Expiry
    • Download Limit
    • Downloadable Files
    • Download Type
    • Product Type
    • Menu Order
    • Enable Reviews
  • WooCommerce Bulk Product Editing Plugin is Compatible with:

    • Advanced Custom Fields(ACF)
    • WooCommerce Brands
    • WooCommerce Brands by Proword
    • Woocommerce Brands by iThemelandco
    • Perfect Brands for WooCommerce by QuadLayers
    • Woocommerce Dynamic Pricing by User Role by Ithemeland
    • WOOCS – WooCommerce Currency Switcher by realmag777

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Change Logs:

Version 1.9.0 Release Date 04.08.2021

Added: Compatible with WOOCS - WooCommerce Currency Switcher by realmag777
Fixed: some other issues

Version 1.8.0 Release Date 03.14.2021
Upgrade Optimizing the Performance
Fixed Some other issues

Version 1.7.0 Release Date 02.19.2021

Added: Compatible with Woocommerce Dynamic Pricing by User Role by Ithemeland
Updated: Compatible with WooCommerce 5.0.0
Updated: Compatible with WordPress 5.6.1
Fixed: some other issues

Version 1.6.0 Release Date 01.24.2021

Added: Compatible with Perfect Brands for WooCommerce by QuadLayers
Fixed: Advanced Custom Fields(ACF) search
Fixed: some other issues

Version 1.5.0 Release Date 01.13.2021
Updated: Purchase Verification System
Updated Optimizing the Inline Editing
Fixed: some other issues

Version 1.4.0 Release Date 12.31.2020

Updated: Compatible with WordPress 5.6
Added: “Empty Trash” & “Restore” for Trash Products
Fixed: Optimizing Core plugin installation via TGM
Fixed: Undo/Redo operation
Fixed: some other issues

Version 1.3.3 Release Date 12.09.2020

Fixed: Change the column order in Column Manager
Fixed: some other issues

Version 1.3.2 Release Date 11.23.2020

Update: Reordering the Column Profile checkboxes
Update: Separating Custom Taxonomy and Attributes in Category tabs in Search and Bulk Form
Update: Increase Productivity by optimization some functions
Fixed: Editing the ‘Dimension’ fields
Fixed: some other issues

Version 1.3.1 Release Date 11.18.2020

Added: Product status bar above the table
Added: quick access to pro bulk bundle in WooCommerce default Product list
Fixed: ‘Featured Image’ of product Editing
Fixed: ‘Variations’ Issue
Fixed: some other issues

Version 1.3.0 Release Date 09.01.2020
Added: Compatible with Popular WooCommerce Brands Plugins (Yith, Proword, WooTheme and iThemeland)
Fix: Some issues
Version 1.2.0 Release Date 08.11.2020
Added: Compatible with Advanced Custom Fields (ACF)
Update: License Verification
Fix: Some issues
Version 1.1.0 Release Date 07.23.2020
Fix: Some issues
Added: License Verification
Version 1.0.5 Release Date 07.13.2020
Fix: Attribute Assign issues
Added "Use for Variation" for Attributes (Bulk -> Taxonomies)
Version 1.0.4 Release Date 07.01.2020
Fix: Some issues
Version 1.0.3 Release Date 06.24.2020
Fix: Variation issues
Fix: Install Core Plugin
Version 1.0.2 Release Date 06.23.2020
Fix: Column ordering in column manager
Fix: Column Profile
Fix: Install Core Plugin
Version 1.0.1 Release Date 06.14.2020
Fix: Assign Category/Taxonomy/Tag
Version 1.0 Release Date 05.26.2020


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