Time Tracking and Activity Reporting WordPress Plugin




WPTTAR is a WordPress plugin for businesses and companies who would like to keep a track record of there ongoing or past projects. Time tracking can be easily managed where developers, designers or other team members can submit there worked number of hours along with the comments.

Time Tracking and Activity Reporting WordPress Plugin - 1

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Time Tracking and Activity Reporting WordPress Plugin - 6

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Version 1.0.11 (30th Nov 2020) 
- Multi-role user support added.

Version 1.0.10 (30th Jan 2020) 
- Coding tweaks as per the Latest WordPress.org standards.

Version 1.0.9 (20th April 2019)
- Coding tweaks as per latest WordPress.org standards.

Version 1.0.8 (24th Sept 2018)
- Coding tweaks as per latest WordPress.org standards.

Version 1.0.7 (5th Sept 2017)
- Misc Fixes.

Version 1.0.6 (29th Aug 2017)
- Unnecessary Error message removed.

Version 1.0.4 (9th Feb 2017)
- Custom log can be added/edited. It'll require admin's approval.
- Create new user roles and assign permissions.
- Other GUI changes.

Version 1.0.3 (28th Jan 2017)
i) Delete a project functionality added. 
ii) User and admin can both edit comments now.
iii) Filters added in Hourly Report graph.
iv) Blank report generation bug has been fixed.
v) Now administrator can also start a project and check his own progress.
vi) Misc designing changes.

Version 1.0.2
- Comment section will be disabled if there are no comments by user.
- Success messages changed into settings area.
- Note added at the bottom of the time zone.
- Spelling mistakes fixed.
- Other small issues fixed.

Version 1.0.1
   - Small bugs fixed.

Version 1.0.0
   - Initial Release


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