Current Version 3.2.4 – January 21, 2021 – View Changelog
WordPress 5.6 Ready
WooCommerce 4 Ready
Elementor Ready
Buddypress Ready
GDPR Ready
What is Stachethemes Event Calendar?
Stachethemes Event Calendar is a unique approach to the classic event calendar concept. Fully responsive with modern design and feel this WordPress Event Calendar Plugin will display your events in easy to read and navigate way. The plugin is packed with rich arsenal of features and options to help you create fully detailed and informative events quick and easy!
Plugin Features
General Features
Buddypress Support
Sidebar Widget
Elementor Builder Integration
Ticket QR code scan
Allow users to create paid events from the front-end.
Collect RSVP
New sharing options: Messenger, WhatsApp and Viber
CSV Import & Export
Open Event in Modal Window
Create Custom Event Submission Forms
Edit Events from the Front-End
Add Custom Icon with PNG
Add Date Instead of Icon
Add Image Instead of Icon
Add New Icons from Font Awesome
New Icon Interface
Color Themes
Organizer Information
Event Coming Soon Page
Event Categories
Show/Hide Category Tags
E-Mail Event Sharing
WPML Support
Booking System
Month View
Week View
Day View
Grid View
Box Grid View
Map View
Agenda View
Create Event Single Pages
Create Single Day Events
Create Multiple Day Events
Create All Day Events
Create Events that hold more than one day
Create Never ending events
Open Events in the Calendar or in Single Page
Set Featured Event
Show Only Featured Events
Duplicate Event
Allow users to submit events from the front-end
Review and Approve the Submitted Events
Set a certain date for event to end
Repeating Events
iCalendar RRULE Support
Finish an event after certain repeats
Unlimited number of events per day
Unlimited number of event calendars
Add Multiple Images to the event
Re-Arrange the images in event description
Filter Events
Filter Events by Location
Filter Events by Category
Filter Events by Organizer
Option to enter keywords to event to show on calendar search result
Search Events by date, name or keywords
Add Location Map
Advanced Event Locations system
OpenStreetMap Location Direction
Google Maps Location Direction
Multiple map styles for Google Maps
Add Event Countdown Timer
Export to Google Calendar
iCalendar support
Import, Export and Sync .ical files
Export all events from the WordPress Back-end
Enable/Disable the Event Tooltip
Attach files to your users to download from the event
Ability to hide past events in shortcodes
Change the number of the columns in grid view
Create Detailed Schedule
Create Detailed Event Guests list
Add Weather Forecast section
Facebook Comments Section
Disqus Comments Section
Create Embed Events
Auto Updater
API (Beta)
Create Merchandise section
Set E-Mail Reminder
Customize Reminder e-mail content
Customize Invitation e-mail content
Multi-site Ready
Translation Ready
Responsive Design
Show/Hide Search Button
Show/Hide Social Icons and Export options
Show/Hide Filter Button
Show/Hide View Buttons
Show/Hide Time Zone
Enable/Disable Remind feature
Show/Hide Top Navigation
Change Date Format: YY-MM-DD, DD-MM-YY or MM-DD-YY
Change First day of the week: Monday, Saturday or Sunday
Change Time Format: 12 or 24 hours
Change the Default view: Agenda, Month, Week, Day, Grid, Box Grid or Map
Change Events visibility from Public to Private
Change Weather degrees from Celsius to Fahrenheit
Change Weather wind from Mph to Kph
WPBakery Page Builder support (Formerly Visual Composer)
Share Events on Social Networks
Google Recaptcha
Repeating Events
Create Daily Events
Create Weekly Events
Create Monthly Events
Create Yearly Events
Repeat Events on Weekdays and Weekends
Set Custom Intervals for Events
Option to put gap between repeats
Different Views
Month View
Week View
Day View
Agenda View
Grid View
Box Grid View
Map View
Modal Mode
Coming Soon Mode
Single Pade Mode
Select Custom Colors
Select Custom Fonts
Change Layout Colors
Font-Awesome Icons
Add Custom CSS Code
Powered by WooCommerce
Enable and Disable the booking feature
Create different kind of tickets
Create free tickets >
Create certain fees for each ticket
Set a limit for certain tickets
Set a limit on total bookings
Add custom fields to booking form
Coupons and Discount System
Notification for the customer
Notification for admin
Verification to customer
Confirmation by admin to customer
CSV export option
Currency options
Global Tax/Fee system
Powered by WooCommerce
Pay with: PayPal, Stripe, Amazon Pay, PayFast, Square, Checks, Bank Transfers or On Delivery
Ticket QR code scan
WPML Support
Font Awesome Icons
Elementor Builder
Google Fonts
Google Maps
For Developers
Custom Functions Using WordPress Actions API
Filter Plugin Options Using WordPress Filtering System
Create Custom Tabs
Envato Mentions
In Top Lists
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Event Calendar WordPress Plugins
How to use it?
Icons by Font Awesome. Check them out!
Comments section by Disqus
Map and reCAPTCHA by Google.
Weather Forecast by OpenWeather
Change log
21.01.2021 Version 3.2.4
- Added privacy agreement checkboxes for RSVP and Reminder functions - Added OG Twitter data - New widget option: Click Link (Permalink, External Link) - GDPR option renamed to "Double Opt-In" - Bug fix where [stec_submit_form] shortcode is not subitting event - Other minor bug fixes
11.01.2021 Version 3.2.3
- Bug fix where the calendar returns fatal error if WooCommerce is not installed.
08.01.2021 Version 3.2.2
- Added Buddypress activity log to calendar group - New widget option: Open in (New Window, Same Window) - Bug fix where calendar does not display on Internet Explorer - Bug fix where top menu year scroll display NaN
11.12.2020 Version 3.2.1
- Added WordPress 5.6 Support (jQuery 3.5.1) - Bug fix where BoxGrid View sometimes displays 1 column instead of 2
02.12.2020 Version 3.2.0
- Event's shop tab in the admin area now uses search field instead of dropdown list of products in order to prevent server freezing due to big products list. - Events' widget can now be set to display featured events only. - Submit form now auto-fills user email address if available. - Search field no longer displays expired events if "upcoming_only" setting is turned on. - Search field no longer displays upcoming events if "expired_only" setting is turned on. - Admins can now mark tickets as "scanned" when scanning tickets QR Codes. - "Look for more" button no longer shows up if there are no more events. - Bug fix where submission form's attachments button does not open wordpress' media window. - Bug fix where WooCommerce order page triggers error when trying to complete order. - Bug fix where events may now show up on the front-end if event product was deleted.
18.11.2020 Version 3.1.9
- New shop tap. Now supports variable products and includes gallery modal window. - Added "Hide end" in CSV Import/Export Settings. - Event "Duplicate" function now properly links WPML translated event to its parent event. - WPML switch language in edit event mode now properly switches to the translated event if exists. - Removed deprecated WPML methods. - New filter: stec_submit_form_content ($content, $atts, $event). Allows overriding the submit form content. - Bug fix where only the first calendar is responsive if multiple calendar are displayed on the page. - Bug fix where date navigation may skip a month. - Bug fix where repeated event displays the event's initial date in the mouseover tooltip. - Added missing find coordinates button for Elementor "Add New Locations". - Calendar's jQuery mobile library now includes vclick method only.
31.10.2020 Version 3.1.8
- Bug fix where events may not display correctly past November
14.10.2020 Version 3.1.7
- Added option to disable the Map View events' list by adding map_list=0 attribute to the shortcode - Added Location Coordinates field to the CSV import/export function - Bug fix where location filter was not working properly
13.10.2020 Version 3.1.6
- New map view - Added option to display events from given timeline in the map view via shortcode attributes map_date_start and map_date_end Example: [stachethemes_ec map_date_start=2020-01-01 map_date_end=2020-12-31] - Added option to place custom date format via shortcode attribute date_format Example: [stachethemes_ec date_format="ddd DD MM YYYY HH:mm"] - Bug fix where sometimes not all events are pulled from the database - Added option to open events in new or same window (General settings) - Added option to enable/disable js and css defering (General settings -> Misc)
05.10.2020 Version 3.1.5
- Buddypress support. Buddypress groups can now create and manage their own calendars. The calendar will now log users activity when they create, edit or delete calendars and events. - Import ICS: added option to keep the old event's meta data (like images) when overwriting event. - Grid View now displays organizers instead of guests. - Grid View now displays location title only if available. Otherwise full address is displayed. - Added option to display expired events to the calendar widget. - Super admins can now change events' authors. - Fix for missing translation for "esc_attr_e" keyword. - Fix where RSVP form's captcha may display blurred. - OpenStreetMap now includes privacy policy link.
19.09.2020 Version 3.1.4
- New: Virtual locations. Includes QR Code pointing to the location address, "Join" button, share links and location details - New: Option to limit total number of tickets customer can add to their cart for certain event - Fix: Elements being cut-out of view on mobile due to overflow: hidden - Fix: Upcoming events widget no longer displays unapproved events - Fix: Bug fix where some events display their initial start date (if repeated) in Month layout - Event schema has been rewritten. Now uses JSON-LD markup instead of Microdata. The schema can be extended via "stec_event_schema" filter - CSV import: added Location Type field. Expected values are "physical" or "virtual"
10.09.2020 Version 3.1.3
- Added french translation (thanks to nicoxygen) - Added find coordinates button for front-end submission form location field - Locations are now sorted alhpabetically - Filters menu can now be set to be visible at all times (static view) - Added search field in filters top menu for each filter that contains more than 8 elements - Added option to hide top menu navigation - Added option override the calendar's default submit form by creating stec-submit-form.php file in your theme folder - CSV meta now includes event uid - Updated font-awesome version to 5.14.0 - Bug fix where updating general settings resets email notification values - Bug fix where RSVP persons value can be set to 0
03.09.2020 Version 3.1.2
- Added "Upcoming Events" Widget - Added Elementor v3+ support - The default submit form won't ask to select calendar if only one calendar is available - Force load script should no longer trigger javascript error on event single pages - Organizer Page fix - Other minor bug fixes
24.08.2020 Version 3.1
- Added WPML support for Elementor Builder pages - Added WPML for email notifications - Bug fix where Open Event In - External option was not returning correct url - Bug fix where Builder "Open List" returns empty projects if project was deleted previously - Assets Compression option has been removed
17.08.2020 Version 3.0.9
- Added Elementor plugin support. You can now build Event pages and Event submission forms with Elementor. Old builder has been removed. Elementor is not included in the package. Elementor PRO is not required. - Bug fix where tickets left is not counted correctly if the event is using repeater. - Bug fix where import csv function does not check existing events by calendar id. - Attendance list (admin) reordered by attendee last name. - New options in General settings -> Single Page: Disable page title, Disable page sidebar, Disable page thumbnail (featured image), Disable default page comments.
02.06 2020 Version 3.0.8
- Added OpenStreetMap integration for Location and Map View. If OSM is chosen, nominatim geocoder will be used instead of google geocoder. - Since DarkSky is no longer available the calendar moved to OpenWeather ( - Bug fix where Force Load Calendar Scripts may cause conflict between moment libraries - Bug fix where user roles are not fully listed if user does not have edit permission - Bug fix where booking ticket may not be visible in the admin - Bug fix where calendar accepts only images for attachments - CSV Export Attendees: added people count
22.04.2020 Version 3.0.7
- Added option to change individual events' timezone (defaults to calendar timezone) - Added timezone element in builder's submission form
14.04.2020 Version 3.0.6
- Added Web Workers support ( - Cache now uses file cache (previously used transients) - Organizer Page uses schema ( - Organizers' URL replaces spaces with underscore (can be changed via filter) - Media slider html now includes only 1 source per image - New preloader - Calendar now uses the default WordPress' moment library - New plugin hooks: - stec_wp_mail_headers - stec_admin_ajax_public_verify_nonce - stec_single_page_template - stec_single_page_content - stec_organizer_get_permalink_replace_name_spaces_with - New js extend hook: - afterFillEvents - New js action trigger - stecInitOnTrigger
31.03.2020 Version 3.0.5 Bug Fix
- Bug fix where plugin displays update is available.
25.03.2020 Version 3.0.5
- Added event status option in add / edit event admin page and in the builder. Possible values: Scheduled (default), Rescheduled, Postponed, Moved Online, Cancelled - Added event status meta scheme in the event single page - Bug fix in the mail class
06.02.2020 Version 3.0.4
- Export list displays event date - RSVP Limit now displays propery if the attendance list is private - Bug fix in tickets sold number - More (month layout) display fix - Submission tinymce toolbar update - Added CSV Delimeter option in CSV Settings - Added google maps zoom filter for single event page - Verify Captcha Submission form display message - Allow free tickets - Added new option "Allow new locations only" - Fix for .pl_PL - Added new action hook "stec_before_add_to_cart" - Added month layout medium size style
31.12.2019 Version 3.0.3
- Added Icon type element to builder. Replaces icon element. - Added option to disable openssl encryption. In wp-config.php file add: define('STEC_NO_ENCRYPT', true); - Added option to define custom encryption keys. In wp-config.php file add: define('STEC_SECRET_KEY', 'YOUR CUSTOM SECRET KEY'); define('STEC_SECRET_IV', YOUR CUSTOM SECRET IV'); - Coming soon page external link fix. - Coming soon page date/image/icon fix. - Fix in reccurence-id
20.12.2019 Version 3.0.2
- Single page displays related events at the bottom via do_action("stec_single_show_related") hook. - Shortcodes in the description area are not enabled by default. - Added "Unlist" option to the attendance tab. Unlist removes the attendee from the event's attendance list. - Repeat offset value is removed from Ticket order details. - Extension of the RSVP custom fields filters in the back-end. - Bug fix where some events are not displaying when Preprocess rrules option is turned off.
3.12.2019 Version 3.0.1
- Location name is now visible in Add/Edit event location tab. - Bug fix where some events may display on wrong dates. - Bug fix where EXDATEs are still showing
30.11.2019 Version 3.0
- New updater system. Update process now is as every other plugin via Dashboard -> Plugins. - Added new map parameters gmap_theme, gmap_focus, gmap_zoom. Examples: [stachethemes_ec gmap_theme="silver"] [stachethemes_ec gmap_theme="aubergine"] [stachethemes_ec gmap_theme="retro"] [stachethemes_ec gmap_theme="night"] [stachethemes_ec gmap_theme="dark"] [stachethemes_ec gmap_focus="London, UK"] [stachethemes_ec gmap_zoom=8] [stachethemes_ec gmap_theme="silver" focus="London, UK" gmap_zoom=8] - Location filter menu now displays location title instead of address if title is provided - Added missing translate string "Number of Persons"Source
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