Social Stream Designer – Instagram Facebook Twitter Feed – Social media Feed Grid Gallery Plugin




Social Stream Designer WordPress Plugin

Are you looking for a solution that helps you showcase feeds from social networks right on your website?

WP Social Stream Designer plugin is Perfect for this. Plugin is used to get social media content from various platforms like Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, RSS and many more to give you beautiful responsive wall on your WordPress website. You can combine all of your social network feeds into a single network stream or display one social network feeds with different designs and layouts.

Plugin will not collect any data from your site visitors. So it is GDPR compatible.

Social Stream Designer plugin by elite author

Supported social feed types

Plugin supports 14 social streams. There are 30+ different feed types in total. Here are all list in detail.

  • 1. Twitter: home timeline, user feed, search feeds by * (any keywrod) including hashtags, user lists, likes
  • 2. Facebook: posts of page, posts from album, all albums with its posts, posts of event, posts of group
  • 3. Youtube: user feed, channel, playlist and search
  • 4. Vimeo: public videos of user, channel, album, group, liked videos of user
  • 5. Flickr: photos by tag, public photos of user
  • 6. Instagram: public photos by username and hashtag
  • 7. Pinterest: latest pins and public boards
  • 8. Tumblr: photos
  • 9. Dribbble: public posts of user
  • 10. Foursquare: location photos, location tips
  • 11. Soundcloud: public playlist
  • 12. Rss: RSS feeds by xml channel url
  • 13. WordPress: blog posts, custom post types, comments, posts of specific categories, comments of specific post
  • 14. Tiktok:Username and Hashtag

Social Stream Designer Key Features

Social Stream Designer Facebook New Features

Social Stream Designer version 1.1.1

Social Stream DesignerTiktok Support

Social Stream Designer Pre-moderate Feeds

Social Stream Designer Engage Your Audience

Social Stream Designer Multiple Social Feeds

Social Stream Designer How to Get Started

What makes Social Stream Designer Outstanding?

10 reasons to choose Social Stream Designer

1. Supports 14 growing social networks

Supports 14 growing social network Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Pinterest, Flickr, Instagram, YouTube, Vimeo, RSS, WordPress, Dribbble, Foursquare, SoundCloud and Tiktok.

2. Multiple Social streams in single feed

Display multiple social streams in a single feed. Ex: Display twitter, facebook etc social feeds on single wall.

3. Unlimited Social Streams

Add unlimited Social Streams with different designs on your website.

4. Fancybox Interaction

Fancybox makes your social stream feeds more pretty. It allows user to display Social feed content in a fancy box.

5. Layouts settings options

40+ options available in layout settings which make your social stream feeds more attractive.

6. Social sharing Buttons

Share any social feed on any social network. For Ex: You can share twitter feed on facebook.

7. Different pagination types

Autoload, Load More button and number pagination options are available.

8. Amazing Animations

Allow to Animate the social feeds content and manage the animation of the content/image.

9. Sorting and search option

Let your visitors search posts or sort the content.

10. Auto Refresh API

Allow user to get the latest feeds by auto refreshing API.

Live Demo

Instagram Feed Demo

Social Steam Designer

Golden Layout Demo

Social Steam Designer

Text Timeline Demo

Social Steam Designer

Dribble Feed Demo

Social Steam Designer

Filter Feed Demo

Social Steam Designer

Grid Pintrest Feed Demo

Social Steam Designer

Vimeo Album Feed Demo

Social Steam Designer

White Layout Demo

Social Steam Designer

Youtube Channel Feeds Demo

Social Steam Designer

Social Stream Designer No Coding Skill required

Other useful features

1. Cross Browser Compatibility

Our all the plugins are running with all popular browsers like Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Opera etc.

2. Fully Customizable Admin Interface

Social stream designer plugin provides tons of options using huge Admin Panel to customize layouts.

3. Duplicate Layout

Social Stream Designer Plugin offers the functionality to easily duplicate the layout.

4. Translation Ready

Translate your plugin to new language with just one click, create a .po file from our integrated .pot file.

5. Well Documented

Detail documented with all types of configuration and settings.

6. Fully Responsive

This Plugin is fully responsive and it is compatible with all devices.

Social Stream Designer Multi Language Support

Social Stream Designer support

Socail Stream Designer Review and Ratings

Theme Authors and Developers? ThemeForest or elsewhere

Add Social Stream Designer plugin in your themes and give your users tons of features to enhance Social media presence. All you need is ONE extended license for each theme you put on the marketplace and permission from the author which you can get by writing us:


This plugin comes Localization/Internationalization ready. It is following WordPress I18n standards. It can be easily translated or localized in other languages different than English.


.pot files included, for easy translation

Improvement suggestions

If you have any suggestions on how to improve this item please let us know! We will be happy to consider any suggestion and appreciate your efforts. We will go through all your feedback weekly and pick the most requested features to be included in a future update!
Contact us Here


July 15th, 2020 (Version 1.1.3)

* Added: Facebook support for Group posts, Event posts, All Albums and posts 
* Fixed: minor bug issue

June 25th, 2020 (Version 1.1.2)

* Updated: Make compatible with WordPress version 5.4.2
* Fixed: not allowing to save ajax data

May 29th, 2020 (Version 1.1.1)

* Added: Pre-moderate feeds option
* Added: Tiktok support for hashtag and username
* Added: 28 languages support
* Updated: Optmize Plugin
* Updated: Improve popup functionality

May 15th, 2020 (Version 1.1.0)

* Added: Twitter User List Feed
* Added: Foursquare Location Tips Feed
* Added: WordPress Custom Post Type Support for RSS
* Added: Preview layout at backend
* Updated: Instagram Api
* Fixed: Dribbble Feed
* Fixed: Auto Refresh Feed
* Fixed: Debug log issue

Apr 23rd, 2020 (Version 1.0.0)

* Initial release


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