Please Note that you won’t be able to make fake payments via PayPal with this APK, that’s because you need your own Sandbox and Production Client Keys from PayPal developer website.
If you also will encounter some malfunction while trying to make an order or a wishlist, that’s because we weekly clean our demo database, so your own test user may have been removed. All you have to do is to uninstall the APK from your device, install it again and simply sign up as a new user.
Both iOS and Android version can share the same Parse database
8 Apr 2020 • FCM Firebase Cloud Messaging implemented. will send push notifications on Android OS 7.0, 8.0, 9.0 and above. • UI enhancements done
16 Sep 2019 • Fixed the issue with "Login with Facebook. " • Fixed the issue “Compatibility Issue with Facebook SDK 4.38.0” so we downgraded Facebook SDK to “4.37.0” still using the old constructor, so using that version fixes this particular issue.
16 July 2019 • Improved App performance from backend structure and reduced loading time • Fixed app Crash on the scroll of the Home page by using recycler view instead of list view • Improved Home page Screen design • Back stack issue has been fixed • Contact Us screen alignments has been improved • Introduced a New feature “View Cart” on the Product detail page • Code structure improved for android version 9.0
14 October 2018 • Refactored bottom navigation menu. Switched from activities to fragments. • Fixed backstack clearing on home screen start from login / signup screens.
01 August 2018 • Fixed crash on checkout for the languages other than English.
25 May 2018 • Accordingly to the new EU GDPR terms, I've updated the 'tou.html' file and Documentation. IMPORTANT: This means that if a User asks for his/her Account deletion, you must do it within 24 hours, as the GDPR's "Right to be forgotten" Article states (LINK:
8 May 2018 • Changed Parse version in build.gradle into 1.16.0, due to some issue on the latest Parse SDK and FCM: implementation 'com.parse:parse-android:1.16.0' • Edited 'getUserDetailsFromFB()' method in, this line of code: } else { currUser.put(Configs.USER_EMAIL, facebookID + ""); }
17 April 2018 • Added new Firebase dependencies in build.gradle(Module:app) • Removed the '' implementation and updated all dependencies to the required ones only • Added the 'google-services' classpath in the dependencies{} list in build.gradle(Project:) classpath '' • Added this Permission into Manifest.xml: <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.RECEIVE_BOOT_COMPLETED" /> • Updated the Documentation (connect your App to Firebase for FCM)
15 April 2018 • Updated to Android Studio 3.1.1 • Removed all dependencies of play-services | left only this one in build.gradle: implementation ''
11 April 2018 • Updated to Android Studio 3.1 • Updated 'compileSdkVersion' and 'targetSdkVersion' to 27 in build.gradle • Replaced 'compile' with 'implementation' in build.gradle (Module: app) • Updated classpath '' in build.gradle (Project:)
4 April 2018 • Fixed a Cart's bug by editing the 'calculateTotalAmount()' method in, so it'll always give the right total amount after refreshing the cart. • Removed this line into the 'queryCart()' method in totalAmountArray = new ArrayList<Double>();
Shoppy is a great eCommerce App template for you to build your mobile store for any item, from clothes to accessories, electronic stuff, etc.
You can manage all your data via your Parse Dashboard (hosted on from inserting/editing Products and Categories to get Orders and Users details. Everything is explained in the User Guide.
You may also use the, a free CMS panel for Parse SDK as a great alternative to insert/edit data in your Parse Dashboard, after you’ll create your app on back4app, create a free account on and create a new Panel, choose Self-hosted Parse Server and paste your Host link, Application ID and Master Key in the relative fields (you can find them in Core Settings of your back4app dashboard)
This app includes PayPal SDK for orders payments, it works with Parse SDK hosted it on back4app, native Android Studio project, easy to customize.
About Parse SDK and back4app
Read this article for more info about back4app and Parse SDK:
Can I host Parse Server on my own server?
Yes, although I don’t provide support for the setup process, you can read the official Guide here:
What about free support for this template?
I can offer free support for bugs encountered in the original code.
Instead, if you’ve edited the code and messed something up with it, I may apply some fee to fix it either via TeamViewer or by checking your app project files directly on my computer.
How do I rename the app’s package name?
Read this tutorial to learn how to rename a package name:
Should I use the latest version of Android Studio to edit this template?
Yes, I always update my apps to the latest version of the IDE and you also should make sure you’ve updated the Android Tools to their latest version of the Android SDK manager.
The demo APK crashes on startup
Make sure that the minimum Android version of your device is the one listed in the FEATURES section below. If the problem persists, please contact me by my profile’s contact form and send me the Logcat message of you get when the app crashes along with the steps you made to reproduce the crash.
Please note that not all real devices print an error Logcat message, in this case just run the APK into the Android Studio’s emulator and you’ll surely get the red messages about your issue.
How do I remove AdMob banner ads?
- Enter the .xml files where there’s an AdView and remove its code:
< android:id="@+id/admobBanner" android:layout_width="wrap_content" android:layout_height="wrap_content" ads:adSize="BANNER" ads:adUnitId="@string/ADMOB_BANNER_UNIT_ID" android:layout_alignParentBottom="true" android:layout_centerHorizontal="true"> </>- Enter the .java files where there’s an AdRequest instance into its onCreate() method and remove its code:
// Init AdMob banner AdView mAdView = (AdView) findViewById(; AdRequest adRequest = new AdRequest.Builder().build(); mAdView.loadAd(adRequest);- Lastly, remove the play-services-ads reference in the build.gradle file:
compile ''
- Android Studio 3.x project – Universal- Android 5.0+
- Backend with Parse SDK hosted on back{4}app
- Facebook login
- PayPal SDK integrated (a Paypal Developer account is required and it’s free)
- Products are sorted into Categories
- Cart details, Orders, Wishlist, Login/Sign Up and Account activities
- Send Order’s details email to Admin and Buyer (php files included)
- User Guide & PSD files included
- Android Studio 3.x and basic knowledge of its interface
- Photoshop (or similar photo editor softwares)
- Windows PC or Mac
- Free account on
- A Facebook Developer account
- A PayPal Developer account
- A Google Developer and Play Store account
- A real device with Android 5.0 or above (recommended)
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