Shipping Rate by Distance for WooCommerce




Shipping Rate by Distance allows you to easily charge customers for shipping based on the distance between you shipping location and theirs.

Shipping Rate by Distance for WooCommerce - 1

See the flexibility of Shipping Rate by Distance plugin in action. The plugin is built entirely with our options and require no custom coding.

Shipping Rate by Distance for WooCommerce - 2


If you still have any questions please submit here before buying the plugin to make sure it will work well for your specific need.

Note: this plugin uses Google Distance Matrix API to calculate distance ( Google Maps API ).


= 1.0.0 = 28/03/2018
*  First plugin release.
= 1.0.1 = 21/06/2019
*  Show free shipping label if shipping price is 0
= 1.0.2 = 20/07/2019
*  Fixed bugs
= 1.0.3 = 12/08/2019
*  Fixed problem of addresses with special characters not getting a response from Google API
= 1.0.4 = 09/09/2019
*  Allow floats for max, min and price on the shipping options
= 1.0.5 = 17/09/2019
*  Added filters to allow developers to control shipping rates applied (enable, disable, change rate...etc) ( `wpali_distance_shipping_rate`, `wpali_control_add_distance_shipping_rate` )
= 1.0.6 = 03/10/2019
*  replaced the filter 'wpali_control_add_distance_shipping_rate' with 'wpali_add_distance_shipping_rate' and added more action hooks ( 'wpali_before_add_shipping_rate', 'wpali_after_add_shipping_rate', 'wpali_shipping_rate_not_added', 'wpali_before_no_shipping_message' )
= 1.0.7 = 27/03/2020
*  Fixed bug ( float numbers were not saving properly for max, min and price )
= 1.0.8 = 26/04/2020
*  Added a hook to allow changing the distance calculation mode ( 'wpali_distance_calculating_mode' )
= 1.0.9 = 28/04/2020
*  Fix a bug with saving shipping distance (from and to) larger than 999 in the backend
= 1.1.0 = 28/04/2020
*  Added more parameters to the shipping rate hook
= 1.1.1 = 28/02/2021
*  Fixed bugs
*  Added 'Minimum order' feature


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