School Management is a WordPress plugin to manage multiple schools and their entities such as classes, sections, students, exams, ID cards, admit cards, teachers, staff, fees, invoices, income, expense, noticeboard, study materials and much more. Admin can control the student and parents Dashboard.
Now eLearning management : You can upload the subject wise Video Classes ( Recorded Video Classes ) and Documents PNG, JPG, PDF Files or YouTube Video also.
Payment gateway : Paypal, Stripe, Pesapal , Paystack , Razorpay , PayTM, SSL Commerz, Bank Transfer
SMS Service Provider : Nexmo, Twilio, MsgClub, SMS Striker, Msg91, TextLocal, EBulkSMS, Infigo SMS
For more details to visit :
School Management Admin Demo Login Details:
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Username: userdemo | Pass : userdemo | Username: school_admin | Pass: 123456 |
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Username: student1 | Pass: 123456 | Username: parent1| Pass: 123456 |
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Username: accountant | Pass: 123456 | Username: teacher001 | Pass: 123456 |
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Username: receptionist| Pass: 123456 | Username: librarian| Pass: 123456 |
School Management – Education & Learning Management
School Management Features in Details :
Multi-School Management :-
Add multiple schools, assign admins and classes to each school to manage individual school.
Session Management :-
Create new session and keep all the records of previous sessions.
Manage Classes and Sections :-
Administrators can create classes and assign them to schools. With each class, there can be multiple class sections.
Student Management :-
School admins and staff with necessary permissions can new admissions to school by assigning them admission number, class, section and roll number. Also, for each student record in a session, a new enrollment number is generated automatically.
Inquiries Management :-
Display inquiry form for a school in a page using shortcode. Also, receive inquiries school-wise, add next follow up date and notes for the inquiry.
Student Promotion :-
Promote students to a new class for a new session. This creates a new enrollment of a student for the next session.
Student Transfer :-
Transfer student from one school to another. This also keep track of students transferred to and transferred from the school.
Student Attendance :-
Take the daily attendance of students. Print the attendance sheet of a class. Also, students can view their attendance report in dashboard.
Student Dashboard :-
Students view their fees report, admission details, ID card etc. and pay remaining fees using suitable payment method.
Roles and Permissions :-
Create custom roles like teacher, accountant and assign them necessary permissions as per the role so they are restricted to the management of school entities assigned to them.
Assign School Admins and Staff :-
Multi-School admins assign an administrator to a school. The school administrator can create any number of staff with roles to manage the school.
Noticeboard Widget :-
It has a noticeboard widget that displays notices to the widget section of your website. Here, you can change the number of notices, widget height, and width to incorporate the design of your website.
Distribute Study Materials :-
School staff with the necessary permission can add study materials of classes. These study materials will show up on the student dashboard section, allowing them to download and view the study materials.
Students Home Works :-
School staff and teachers with the necessary permission can add Home Works of classes. These Home Works will show up on the student dashboard section and students get the notification on SMS, Home Works SMS details can be sent on Parents and students Mobile
Automatic Notifications via Email, SMS and Custom Templates :-
Send SMS and email notifications to students at the time of new admissions, fee invoice generation, payment receipts generation etc. SMS providers include Nexmo, Twilio, MsgClub, SMS Striker, Msg91 SMS , TextLocal and more.
Exams Management :-
Create exam, add exam papers, exam center, timings, date and room number for single class or multiple classes.
Publish Exam Time Table :-
Option to publish exam time table which will show up on student dashboard or you can use the shortcode to display exam time table on a particular page of your website.
Generate Admit Cards :-
For each exam, generate admit cards for students. Also, publish the admit cards which students can download from student dashboard section.
Accounting Management :-
This include fee invoice generation, fee payment collection, income management and expense management.
Generate Fee Invoices :-
Select students from classes and generate fees invoices in bulk or for a single student. This also supports partial payment collection or one-time payment collection.
Fees Collection Form :-
Display fees collection form on a page using a shortcode which allows students to search their names and view pending fee invoices. Students can pay their fees by using a payment method.
Payments via Stripe, Razorpay, Pesapal :-
Fee payment can be done by using Stripe or Razorpay, Pesapal payment gateway.
Print Fees Invoice and Payment Receipt :-
After adding a fee invoice, it supports the printing of fee invoices. Also, after making a payment, students or staff can print the payment receipt.
Manage Expense and Income :-
Add expense categories and income categories. Add expense and icome date wise for a school.
Student Dashboard :-
In the student dashboard, students can view noticeboard, print their ID cards, view pending fee invoices, make payments and view their payment history. Also, they can download study materials, exam time table, admit cards and much more.
Student Login Widget and Shortcode :-
The student login form can be displayed on the page via shortcode and also you can place login widget on your website.
Update History
Version 8.1 [04-05-2021]
Added : Hostel module is added with school package. -Added : now room can be assigned when student register -updated: fee periods
Version 8.0 [16-04-2021]
-Added : Show teacher remark added in exam result (Optional ) -Added : Show school remark added in exam result (Optional ) -Updated: In Exam Subject Remark Made Optional settings -Updated: Teacher and school remark setting will take effect for exam result and student result assessment both. -Added : Hostel management addon added to the school management plugin ( This is added as an extra plugin. ) -Added : In single fee invoice total amount added.
Version 7.9 [05-04-2021]
-Fixed : Attendance can not see February attendance issue fixed. -Added : Discount is added in Student admission form in back-end for invoices. -Added : New bulksmsgateway SMS API Added. -Updated: Fee type list will now show total as well. -Updated: Discount is now in percentage instead of the amount. -Added : Student Due Date Invoice SMS notification template. -Added : Student Due Date Invoice Email notification template. -Updated: Student Invoice layout.
Version 7.8 [24-03-2021]
-Added : Registration setting for student approval. -Updated: Zabra date-picker library. -Added : If school is inactive school admin can not access the school. -Updated: Fee Type minor bug fixed. -Updated: Fee invoice new feature added for fee type list in one invoice. -Changed: On student admission auto fee generate feature is changed now it creates combine fee invoices if (student dashboard is not checked). -Added : Now if school is inactive students can not login in that school. -Fixed : Student auto generate Roll number bug fixed (it was not increasing after 10). -Added : School signature in admit card and student detail.
Version 7.7 [23-02-2021]
-Added : Subject wise attendance -Fixed : Multi school students registration shortcode notices. -Fixed : Noticeboard bug fixed. -Updated: Payment method Have more information about supported countries. -Updated: school-management.pot file updated languages translation.
Version 7.6 [04-02-2021]
-Fixed : In fee type fee title was not showing. -Fixed : You can enter student full name in all languages now.
Version 7.5 [02-02-2021]
-Added : kivalosolutions franse sms api -Added : gatewaysms sms api -Changed: Price links and locations added for Sms carriers. -Changed: Now you can change student class as well. -Fixed : In fee type fee title was not showing. -Fixed : You can enter student full name in all languages now.
Version Version 7.4 [29-01-2021]
- Added : SSL Commerz Payment Gateway. -Minor other issue fixed.
Version 7.3 [23-01-2021]
-Added : Study material now support videos as well. -Changed: Study material now you have to select class and subject (sections can be selected all or single). -Fixed : Noticeboard bug Fixed ( Notices was not showing on student dashboard ). -Added : Zoom API settings tab added to SM school settings ( Guide how to setup Zoom API keys ). -Added : Zoom PAI settings input link is added for staff users. -Changed: In zoom live classes - now class, subject and teacher field is required. -Added : Settings added for Auto generate roll number.
Version 7.2 [19-01-2021]
-Added : India Text sms api added. -Fixed : inquiry class issue fixed. -Changed : Noticeboard setting is Changed classes to Students. -Changed : You can select multiple classes in fee type. -Added : Class column is add in fee type. -Added : Now you can select section and students in noticeboard..
Version 7.1 [30-12-2020]
-Changed: Zoom Live classes are separated by staff users..
Version 7.0 [25-12-2020]
-Fixed : Fee type bug fixed. -Fixed : url redirect bug fixed.
Version 6.9 [21-12-2020]
-Fixed : Fee type bug fixed.
Version 6.8 [17-12-2020]
-Updated : Class wise fee type. -Updated : gender show hide option -Updated : fee receipt layout. -Updated : admission for updated.
Version 6.7 [24-11-2020]
-Updated : SMS Settings Infigo point & MsgClub.
Version 6.6 [18-11-2020]
-Added : New Role permission. -Added : You can select subject in homework. -Added : Stats added in Accounting.
Version 6.5 [21-10-2020]
-Fixed: Exam Results Bug Fixed.
Version 6.4 [12-10-2020]
-Fixed: Student Bulk Import admission date fix. -Added: Subject Wise remark system. -Added: Library Book issued label and quantity. -Added: Update Notice fixed. -Added: Email setup helper links -Fixed: Zoom live class validation error fixed.
Version 6.3 [25-09-2020]
-Fixed: Mobile view. -Added: School details on student dashboard. -Fixed: student Login redirect.
Version 6.2 [18-09-2020]
-Fixed: Data Base Issue FIXED. -added: French Translation.
Version 6.0 [25-08-2020]
-Added: Now invoices wll auto generate -Added: Dashboard disabled in fee type.
Ver 5.9 (08 Aug 2020)
-Added: vinuthan sms api.
Ver 5.8 (23 July 2020)
-Updated: Stduent dashboard. -Added: Admin now able to print student admission form detail.
Ver 5.7 (16 July 2020)
-Updated: Homework module. -Removed: Settings to hide Transport and library.
Ver 5.5 (17 june 2020)
- Added Attachments in Homework section. - Added Url in study material.
Ver 5.4 (10 June 2020)
-Added option for Student registration form to able show and hide the individual field. - Added reference field in the inquiry form. - Added Transport and Library Menu hide option. - Mobile API Issue fixed.
Ver 5.3 (21 May 2020)
-Added API support for android/iOS apps
Ver 5.2 (18 May 2020)
-Added PHP incompatibility message for Zoom API
Ver 5.1 (15 May 2020)
-Added Zoom conference API for creating live classes
Ver 5.0 (06 May 2020)
-Add bank transfer payment method
Ver 4.9 (01 May 2020)
-Improved student dashboard design -Fixed typos -Added setting to enter redirect URL after logout
Ver 4.8 (07 April 2020)
-Fixed mobile display issues.
Ver 4.7 (04 March 2020)
-Added books issued in student dashboard -Fixed staff attendance table design
Ver 4.6 (27 Feburary 2020)
-Added redirect URL settings for registration form -Added subject-wise results assessment -Print subject-wise final marksheet -Added exam group field for exams
Ver 4.5 (21 Feburary 2020)
-Added GDPR text settings for inquiry -Fixed exam overall grade bug -Fixed typos -PHP 5.6 compatibility issue fixed -Added registration shortcode and settings -Auto generate admission number settings
Ver 4.4 (17 Feburary 2020)
-Fixed CSS issues
Ver 4.3 (14 Feburary 2020)
-Fixed minor bugs -Added bulk delete option for students table -Added attendance percentage on student dashboard -Added ID number, ID proof, extra note fields for student -Added separate permissions to delete students, invoices, sections -Class teacher restricted to class students and class attendance
Ver 4.2 (07 Feburary 2020)
-Added class teacher and bus in-charge field for staff record -Improved class sections table -Added student leave request and approval feature -Added staff leave request and approval feature -Added more placeholder fields for certificate generation -Added events feature
Ver 4.1 (31 January 2020)
-Added noticeboard in parent dashboard -Export exam results with ranks -Added description field in staff detail -Added logging feature
Ver 4.0 (22 January 2020)
-Added inquiry settings -Added inquiry email and SMS templates for inquisitor and admin -Added custom message after inquiry submission
Ver 3.9 (20 January 2020)
-Added multi-selector for assigning classes -Added student rank in exam results -Export/Import exam results
Ver 3.8 (16 January 2020)
-Updated Infigo Point SMS API
Ver 3.7 (13 January 2020)
-Added staff attendance -Added Paytm payment gateway
Ver 3.6 (10 January 2020)
-Added exam results assessment -Updated documentation
Ver 3.5 (08 January 2019)
-Improved file upload validation
Ver 3.4 (06 January 2019)
-Added homework section
Ver 3.3 (27 December 2019)
-Added EBulkSMS SMS carrier
Ver 3.2 (25 December 2019)
-Uninstall/Reset bug fixed
Ver 3.1 (23 December 2019)
-Added transport management
Ver 3.0 (20 December 2019)
-Send test email for each template -Send test SMS for each template -Added paystack payment method
Ver 2.9 (13 December 2019)
-Noticeboard shortcode bug fixed -Library books issued quantity bug fixed
Ver 2.8 (12 December 2019)
-Added float value support for obtained marks
Ver 2.7 (10 December 2019)
-Added books issued quantity limit -New permission added for viewing payment stats on dashboard -Added textlocal SMS provider -Minor bugs fixes
- Ver 2.6 (04 December 2019)
-Changed expense and income stats by session in dashboard -Added library stats in dashboard -Documentation updated
- Ver 2.5 (02 December 2019)
-Added payment date field when adding offline payment -Added students library cards feature
- Ver 2.4 (28 November 2019)
-Added settings to show charts on dashboard -Added chart.js library for charts -Added library management
- Ver 2.3 (21 November 2019)
-Added exams stats on the dashboard - Added total fees structure amount - Added monthly admissions and payments charts - Added monthly expense and income charts
- Ver 2.2 (19 November 2019)
- Added city, state and country fields for students - Added search filter for city, state and country - New feature: class specific notices - Update: Student dashboard design
- Ver 2.1 (15 November 2019)
- Bulk import students from CSV file
- Ver 2.0 (13 November 2019)
- Improved exam dashboard - Added new menu for admit cards and exam results - Account settings in student and parent dashboard - Added grade criteria for exams - Added shortcode for exam results - Added shortcode for certificate
- Ver 1.9 (07 November 2019)
- Added teacher name in class time table - Added new SMS to parents templates - Added MsgClub SMS carrier - Added exam results management - Added Pesapal payment gateway - Added Msg91 SMS carrier - Added enrollment prefix settings
- Ver 1.8 (31 October 2019)
-Added class timetable
- Ver 1.7 (24 October 2019)
-Send custom email and SMS to students - Improved student dashboard design - Added student absent SMS notification to parent
- Ver 1.6 (21 October 2019)
- Generate student certificate
- Ver 1.5 (12 October 2019)
-Add PayPal payment gateway - Minor bug fixes
- Ver 1.4 (07 October 2019)
- Print ID cards in bulk - Updated documentation
- Ver 1.3 (01 October 2019)
-Added fee types - Added fee structure for students at the time of admission - View student fee structure when creating an invoice
- Ver 1.2 (28 September 2019)
- Added print preview. - Export student records, inquiries to CSV - Export invoices, expenses and income to CSV - GDPR compliance for inquiry form
- Ver 1.1 (26 September 2019)
- Improved dashboard design - Added parent login and dashboard - Added fees shortcode session wise - Added exam admit card shortcode - Add print preview for ID card - Add admission from inquiry
- Ver 1.0 (23 September 2019)
- New release
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