NextGen – WooCommerce Dynamic Pricing and Discounts




NextGen – WooCommerce Product Pricing and Discounts is an one-stop-solution to manage your stores “Pricing and Discounts”.
With the help of our “5 Star” rated plugin you can manage your stores “Discounts & Pricing” dynamically with all the ease.
To get started you just need to create simple rules which describe your “Discounts and Pricing” and voila!!.

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Our plugin is designed to organize your store’s discount and pricing with Ease & Elegance.
We have defined the below three features:

  • Product Pricing and Discounts
  • Cart Discounts
  • Checkout Fees

Special Features:

Not just discounting price, plugin also adds more value to shop with below special feature.

  • Fully customizable Discount Slider
  • Discount shortcodes
  • Displaying offers in Shop and Product pages
  • Discount rule priority
  • Advance Ajax UI for defining unlimited rules

What’s New in Latest Version 5.x:

  • Apply discounts to the Highest or Lowest Product Prices
  • Apply discount based on Product Tags in Cart
  • Cart discounts based Cart Tag Total Quantity
  • Cart discounts based on fixed discount per item with repeat option

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Product Pricing and Discounts

In Product Pricing and Discounts, you can adjust the discounts across all or the selected products in your store.
You can adjust the “Global Conditions”, to add the discounts to all products in your store irrespective of range. You Can add in conditions like Discounts based in $, Discounts based in % or total discount limit. These comes in handy if you apply discounts to a wide range of products.
You can even self customize rules based on your business interests. With “Woo Discounts” you can customize your product to handle discounts like

Simple Adjustment

This scheme can be useful to create simple adjustments on your product purchases here you can adjust the Discount, Fee and Price. Hurry! Watch the demo.

Bulk Pricing

You can provide similar discounts based on the quantity your customer wishes to buy.

Usecase: Customer A wishes to add 20 stocks of product P and Customer B wishes to add 100 stocks of product P would it be fare if both of them land on with a same discount? So, with “Woo Discounts” you can generate a different discount plan for both the customers.

With bulk pricing you can create rules to manage the discounts based on the quantity your customer is buying a product. So, you can define a discount of 5% for a product which is bought in between 0 – 20 stocks and a discount of 20% for a product which is bought in above 100 stocks and apply all the conditions from Simple adjustment for each unique range you selected. Hurry! Watch the demo.

Group Discounts

If you see a trend where a customers buy a product as a group of specified quantities and you would like to provide discounts to increase the sales of these products with “Woo Discounts” you can always define a rule to apply discounts to multiple products as a group.

Usecase: You can add products as a group and apply discounts based on per item or the whole group as one. Product A as a Group here you can add a discount on 20% to the purchase of number of products of type A.

Whatever may be the Statistics from your sales team you can always add these simple rules in order to apply the discounts to the group of products.

Buy and Get

Its not just the discount sales which are popular buy and get are also a popular sales trend.
With “NextGen – WooCommerce Product Pricing and Discounts” you can define the rules where you can give your customer all the buy and get deals like.


  • Buy 1 Get 1: This is the most popular trend and “Woo Discounts” got it covered.
  • Buy A and Get A: Here you can discount your customers to buy X stocks of a product A to get Y stocks of product A at a discounted price. In this you can also provide discounts based on Fixed and Percentage.
  • Buy A and Get B: Here you can discount your customers to buy X Stocks of a product A to get Y stocks of product B at a discounted price and you can also provide discounts based on Fixed and Percentage.
  • Buy and Get covers all the possible scenarios one could ask for, Hurry! Watch the demo.
    Not only these you can also Exclude your list of products from all the discounts.

Cart Discounts

Very Similar to Pricing and Discounts, With Cart Discounts you can manage your discounts to your customer based on the Cart items which the user shops.
You can apply the above conditions and your customer can earn his discounts with his purchase.

Usecase: You can add products as a group and apply discounts based on per item or the group whole as a one. Product A and B are a Group here you can add a discount on 20% to the purchase of A+B or you can individually apply the discount of 10% to A and B to the purchase of A+B.

Customer A shops for $25000 and Customer B shops for $2000 now you can manage the discounts defining the rules like for a purchase of above $20000 you can provide overall discount of 25% and for a purchase of $5000 and less you can provide a discount of 10%.

Do we have your attention? Hurry! Watch the demo

Checkout Fee

If you are providing services like gift packing or any additional customization’s to your products you can avail this feature to seamlessly integrate these extra costs to your total cart amount.

We have even provided different methods like Fee and Fee per Item with these you can manage the fee of all the cart items or you can add a cost for each item to be gift wrapped. And you can also add the conditions to enable different rules for different type of purchases.
With “Woo Discounts” you have the ease to manage the pricing and the discounts of your products based on the Product purchases and Discounts.

“Woo Discounts” fits in all of your business needs and requirements,

Hurry! Watch the demo and ORDER NOW!!!


With “Woo Discounts” you can even add conditions for each rule you define using the above scenarios.
You can define conditions on

  • Cart Item Quantity
  • Purchase Quantity History
  • Purchased Value History
  • Customer Value
  • Payment Gateway
  • Shipping Address
  • Cart
  • User Profile
  • Date and Time
  • Mega Rules

Plugin video tutorials:

Discount Slider Shortcode.

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Discount Offers Shortcode.

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Simple adjustment based on Date.

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Get 25% discount on Bulk products.

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Group of Products Rules

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Buy X and Get X Rule

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Buy X and Get Y Rule

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Discount based on cart weight

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Fixed discount based on Shipping Postcode

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Flat discount based on Cart Items

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Get 20% Discount based on Cart item Quantity

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Handling fees based on Date

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Extra fee for Specific Country

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Gift wrapping fee

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Release Notes

Version 5.16 – October 27, 2020

This release contains two new customer requirements:
1. Apply Product Discount to one of the Lowest and Highest Prices
2. Apply discount contains an equal quantity.

Version 5.15 – October 10, 2020

This release contains new feature implemented for customer related to minimum price and quantity.

Version 5.14 – October 04, 2020

This release contains bug fixes related to Product Attributes and variations.

Version 5.13 – September 27, 2020

This release enabled "Cart Category Quantity", mobile resolution issue fix and minor bug fixes.

Version 5.12 – September 24, 2020

This release contains the bug fixes related to product variations and other minor bug fixes.

Version 5.11 – September 05, 2020

 In this release two conditions "Greater Than Equal" and "Less Than Equal" conditions added for Product Purchase History.

Version 5.10 – August 28, 2020

 This version of plugin supports latest WordPress 5.5.

Version 5.09 – August 09, 2020

 This version contains the ability to add any Product in Buy 1 and Get 1 discounts with repeat option.

Version 5.08 – August 01, 2020

 This version contains the new feature called "fixed discount per item - Repeat" and "Cart tag total quantity" in cart and bug minor fixes.

Version 5.07 – July 18, 2020

 This release contains the bug fixes releated to category and single product page.

Version 5.06 – July 12, 2020

This release contains a new feature. This feature enables customers to define the discount rules only for the product with maximum value or minimum value.

Version 5.05 – July 04, 2020

This release contains the bug fix for product category in combination with user role.

Version 5.04 – July 01, 2020

This release contains the below new features:
1.Displaying the Product ID as part of the discount rules.
2.Default opening of the Global settings.

Version 5.03 – June 06, 2020

 This release is mainly focused on bug fixes. 
 Fixed plugin deactivation message issue.

Version 5.02 – May 20, 2020

 This release is mainly focused on bug fixes. 
 Fixed check fee description. 

Version 5.01 – May 06, 2020

 This release is mainly focused on bug fixes. 
 Fixed discount rules priority issues. 

Version 5.00 – April 30, 2020

 This release is mainly focused on performance improvements. 
 Due to the change in design, existing customers have to recreate the existing discount rules.

Version 4.02 – May 10, 2019

 Bug fixes.

Version 4.01 – April 25, 2019

 Fixed performance issue in shopping page.

Version 4.0 – March 16, 2019

 Fixed major bug fixes on cart when tax is enabled. I recommend all customers to upgrade to this version.

Version 3.14 – December 06, 2018

Minor bug fixes.

This release contains support for Groups plugin ( ) for user groups in conditions.

Version 3.12 – November 29, 2018

  Enabled fixed discount and fixed discount per item in cart discounts when tax rates are enable and bug fixes

Version 3.11 – November 27, 2018

This release contains feature of displaying description of a discount in cart and checkout pages.This will ensure customers to understand available discounts and very useful in case of Buy X and Get Y use cases.

Existing customers: In earlier versions this feature is available as part of Rule Name but considering the customers feedback. Instead of rule name now description is shown.
This release contains discount using shipping method feature and bug fixes.
 1. Now discount is supported in Product variation price issue is fixed.
 2. Now plugin supports multiple rules in slider.. 
 3. Slider CSS issues fixed.
 1. Fixed plugin conflict issues with other plugins.
 1. Discounted products cannot apply Coupons feature added.
 1. Product variations in slider issue is fixed.
 2. Bug fixes
1) Added feature for showing "You Saved" discount amount in Cart.
1) Added feature for discount using user domain.
2) Buy X Get Y issue is fixed.
1. Add free product to cart automatically for Buy X Get Y and Buy 1 Get 1 Free rules.
2. Bug fixes.
1. Fixed slider issue in mobile layout.
2. Fixed Sale price overriding issue in Product Page.
3. Minor bug fixes.
1. Fixed bug related timer feature
2. Updated validation logic to allow decimals in discount.

Version 3.0 – October 12, 2018
This is a major release which covers most advanced discount use cases.

1. Discount using Quantity based on

    For each single product
    For each single variation
    For each single cart line item
    Added quantities by category
    All added quantities

2. Repeat discount features

    Group of products
    Buy x get x
    Buy x get y
    Buy 1 get 1 free

3. Discount Timer 

4. Discount on Cart Item Quantity

 Cart product quantity
 Cart variation quantity
 Cart category quantity
 Cart tag quantity
 Cart attribute quantity

5. Purchase History

 Product purchased history
 Variation purchased history
 Category purchased history
 Tag purchased history
 Attribute purchased history

6. Purchase Quantity History

 Product quantity purchases
 Variation quantity purchased
 Category quantity purchased
 Tag quantity purchased
 Attribute quantity purchased

7. Purchased Value History
 Purchased product value
 Purchased variation value
 Purchased category value
 Purchased tag value
 Purchased attribute value

8 Last order spent

9. Bug fixes.

  Discount using coupon feature added.
1.Discount using nth order feature added. If nth order is 10 customers are going to get discount for 10, 20, 30 etc orders respectively.
1.Discount rules clone option enhanced.
2.Bug fixes.
1.Implemented Fixed Fee and Percentage Fee in Bulk, BOGO XX, BOGO XY methods.
2.Implemented discounts using product brands.
3.Settings added for Enable/Disable option for displaying offers.
4.Settings added for Enable/Disable option for shortcode evaluation.
5.Discount rules clone option added.
  Fixed CSS conflict issue in discount slider.
This release contains a new feature called discount based on regular and sale price.
Bug fixes on tax calculation and rule priority.
  New conditional logic feature added whether to consider Cart Discounts if a Pricing Rule is applied or not and vice versa.
  This release contains discount based on Product published date & time.
 This release handles the hiding of inactive payment gateways in payment short code.
    Discount based on product published days feature added.
This release contains below two new features.
1. Discounts based on payment gateways.
2. Payment gateway discount shortcode.
    Example:  mega_gateway_discount
    Fixed minor bugs.

Version 1.01 – August 05, 2018

    Updated preview and icons.

Version 1.00 – August 04, 2018

    Initial Release.

Version 1.02 – August 10, 2018



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