MultiSaas – Multi-Tenancy Multipurpose Website Builder SAAS PHP Scripts. It use Separate Database for each Tenants,
so that your website load fast, has option to add custom domains. automatic subdomain creations and much more. it comes with a different 5 theme with necessary inner pages, it will help your tenant to multiple type of website easily without hassle or thinking much about design. it also has 19+ payment gateway, will more than 150currency support. It’s highly customisable, it comes with many awesome features, like drag & drop menu builder, drag & drop form builder, drag & drop widget builder and many more. it’s compatible with Desktop, laptop, mobile and also compatible with major browsers.
Version: 1.0.0
Laravel 9x
Required PHP v8.0
Demo Link
Frontend Demo:
Super Admin Demo:
Super Admin Login
Username super_admin
Password 12345678
Frontend User Demo:
Username test
Password 12345678
Custom Domain Based Website:
Custom Domain Demo:
Admin Login Details
username: super_admin
password: 12345678
Sub Domain Based Website:
Sub Domain Demo:
Admin Login Details
username: super_admin
password: 12345678
06 Theme Available
- Donation theme ( with complete donation module )
- Event theme ( with complete event booking module )
- Support Ticketing theme ( with complete Support ticketing module )
- Knowledgebase theme ( with complete knowledgebase module )
- Job Board Theme ( with complete Job board module
- eCommerce Theme ( with complete eCommerce module )[Coming Soon]
- Appointment Theme ( with complete Appointment module )[Coming Soon]
- Newspaper Theme ( with complete Newspaper module )[Coming Soon]
Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) Prevention
Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) Prevention
Password Hashing
Avoiding SQL Injection
System Requirement
This script need VPS to run it properly.
System Requirement
Backend Framework: Built
on Laravel 9x
Frontend Framework: Built on Bootstrap 4x
Requires PHP >=8.0
Requires MYSQL >=5.7
Supports MySQL, Mysqli.
Donation Module
this multisass comes with donatio module support, means your user can create easily donatio/fundrising website for themself within a few minutes. collect donation or fund from their users easily
Job Board Module
it has a beautify job board theme with complete job board solutions, where your user can create their own job board website and can post job charge applicat for apply and more.
Event Booking Module
Mutltisass comes with evernt booking module, which allow your users to create event booking website with no time, they can sale their event ticket thought this module, can print their event ticket for attendance and much more.
Support Ticking Module
support ticking module allow your users to create a support ticking website, where they can manage all of their support ticket through their admin panel, user can open support ticket reply and set priority of support ticket base on their need
Knowledgebase Module
Knowledgebase website is much needed for now a days for many companies, this script will allow your users to create knowledgebase website with just a few click, extensive seach system, group wise article shown and more avilable.
eCommerce Module [coming soon]
eCommerce is neccessary for now a days to run any kind of business, most of the user are online today. multisass comes with Advance eCommerce module support where you user will get, advance inventory, advance shipping, advance coupon, advnace tax, promotional campaign creationg support, it also support multiple variants for product with additional price and image.
Subscription Module
It has details permission wise subscription package for teanants, with package admin can decide how many page they can create and which module they will has access.
Plan Renew Notification Module
admin can decide who many time and how many days ago systme send reminder mail to renew subscription plan of teanant. also can decide after how many days teantn account will be termenated and delete permanantly
Automatic Subdomain
this system comes with automated subdomain system. when any tenant register it automatically create subdomain for that tenant.
Custom Domain
Teanant can request for custom domain from their user panel or from their website admin panel. the system will notify admin regarding it, and tenant has to connect dns to the landlord doman. landlord need to add this domain as addon domain.
User Activity Log System
this Multipurpose Saas script comes with user activiy log system, admin can see their activity using the logs.
Multi-Langual Supported
TeanancyLand – Multipurpose Saas is full multi-lagual support for landlord and tenant as well. you can use mutliple langauge same time, where use can choose which one they want to see from dropdown
Support Ticket Module
This script comes with support Ticketing system, user can easily raise any ticket regarding their issue.
Admin Role Permission Module
It has in details user role Permissions, admin can decide by role which permission he/she want to give to other admin. super admin can control view/edit/create/delete any of the script module for any admin role.
Services Module
Services module is key feature of an this website , we have added all the thing you need to sale a service via this script, it has support all the thing, we have also add support for og meta and meta for each services
Blog Module
This script also has blog module to make engage with user easily.
Facebook / Google Login
This script has option to login to this website using facebook or google accoount, it will give your user choice to make account in your website within quick time, it also has option in checkout page to make a new account using order details.
Custom Page With Drag & Drop Page Builder Support
You can build any page with this Dynamically for your need, you have full access to our Drag & Drop page builder, you can buil any thing using it. it has 30+ custom widget to make your life easy
Custom Page import/export
it allow your users to export / import their ready page to create similar page in another website they own
Drag & Drop Menu Builder
TenancyLand Multi-Tenancy Multipurpose Cms comes with drag & drop menu builder with mega menu support. You can drag & drop any menu item to short it, Or make it dropdown if you want.
Drag & Drop Form Builder
TenancyLand Multi-Tenancy Multipurpose Cms comes with a great feature for your need is Drag & Drop Form Builder, it has text, number, email, select, checkbox, textarea, file etc fields. You can easily customise any form of this script. Also you can set is this field is required or not.
Drag & Drop Widget Builder
This Script comes with Widget Builder with 09 pre Made widget. You can build footer widget area with your needed widget. you can also use raw html for widget area, you can show newsletter widget or you can just show an image here. It’s up to you, you have full control over it.
Custom Js/CSS Module
You can add your own JS/CSS code to the script frontend. it will help if if you want to add any script code for tracking susch as facebook pixels.
GDPR Cookie Settings
This script comes with GDPR Cookie. you can change all the contnet from admin panel
700+ Google Fonts
From admin panel you can acess 700+ google font, you can set any font for your website body or heading
Unlimited Color Scheme
From admin panel you can change all the colors for the website
Visitor Details
Admin Dashboard has comes with all the information regarding your visitor, country/devices/os/browser and your website most visited url, it will help you to understand your customer need and write content accoding to your user base
- Unique Design
- 06 theme (5+ more theme coming soon)
- Donation Module
- Event Booking Module
- Job Board Module
- Support Ticking Module
- Knowledgebase Module
- eCommerce Module [coming soon]
- NewsPaper Module [coming soon]
- Appointment Module [coming soon]
- Hotel Booking Module [coming soon]
- Course Selling Module [coming soon]
- Real State Module [coming soon]
- Food Ordring Module [coming soon]
- Powerful Admin Dashboard
- Muti language support
- User Role Permission System (Super Admin Can Assign Role or Can Add New Admin)
- User Dashboard
- RTL Support
- Dynamic Page
- Page Slug Change Options
- Page Meta Tag Options
- Drag & Drop Menu Builder
- Drag & Drop Form Builder
- Drag & Drop Widgets Area Builder
- FAQ Page with google schema markup support
- Page Slug & Name Change
- 950+ Google Fonts
- Cache Settings
- Pre Made Pages Slug change
- Pre Made Pages Name change
- Custom CSS Settings
- Custom JS Settings
- Sitemap Generator
- Maintains Mode
- GDPR Cookie Settings
- Email Template Settings
- SEO Settings Available
- OG Meta Added
- Google Analytics Settings
- Live Chat Options
- Unlimited Color Option
- Admin Dark Mode
- Dynamic Order Page
- FAQ Page
- Typography Settings
- Well Documented
- Quality Support
- Lifetime Update
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