Multi Step Form Wizard jQuery validation
Multi Step Form Wizard jQuery Validation
Multi Step Form Wizard based on Html5, CSS3 and jQuery. It can be used for all type of web applications like custom admin panel, project management system, admin dashboard application backend, CMS or CRM. It is lightweight and compatible with almost all major browsers and device.
Multi Step Forms Wizard fully responsive on any device like a phone, tablet, and desktop. We have use animate.css for making animation on step wizard. we have provided full jQuery form validation inside the plugin option. you can validate all field or specific field by using this plugin.
Multi Step Form Wizard provide step Counter and step Image feature. You can set a field description with a popover. you can adapt step navigation clickable to your website’s requirements. All error message are configured inside plugin so you can quickly change error message when you have enabled form validation.
- Multi step Form Wizard
- Design & Developed to supports any device using latest Bootstrap 4 framework
- Multistep Form Wizard along with multi option
- 100% Responsive and Mobile Friendly
- Easy customization with Plugin Option
- Wizard with Step counter Feature
- Wizard with Step Image feature
- popover on all Input field
- jQuery Form Validation for all field
- Go to next step with validation or without validation
- Wizard with Clickable Active Step only
- Wizard with Clickable All Step
- Wizard with Disable All Step click
- Wizard with Multi theme Option
- jQuery
- bootstrap-grid.css
- Font Awesome
- animate.css
Change Logs
Version1.1 ? 29 August 19
-> Bootstrap 4 Included
Version1.0 ? 21 June 17
-> Initial release
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