Get Motion to your images. Media Hovers is a responsive HTML5 plugin which plays audio and video on hover. It can be applied to any element. Just specify thumbnail and audio or video file and turn it into your hover. Media Hovers also supports lightbox mode where images and videos can be viewed in larger mode. Lightbox can also contain Youtube videos, Vimeo videos, or any custom iframe.
Using wordpress admin, upload and configure your images with audio and video, and use shortcode in any page or post to display.
- Play media on hover or click (works on mobile too!)
- Responsive grids with breakpoints
- Masonry support
- HTML5 video and audio support
- Youtube and Vimeo support
- Lightbox support
- Animation effects
- Lightweight code
- Attach url link to images
- Accepts custom HTML inside
- Image categories
- Supports shortcodes in title and description
Features and options:
- Responsive grids with breakpoints
- Masonry support
- HTML5 video and audio support
- Youtube and Vimeo support
- Lightbox support
- Animation effects
- Lightweight code
1. This is a WordPress plugin. If you would like a jQuery version go here:
2. Since recent Chrome and Safari autoplay restrictions, it may not be possible to play on hover until user interacts with the page before (like a click on using browser scroll before interaction with videos).
If you are looking for similar plugin that is compatible with WooCommerce we present Media Hovers functionality inside WooCommerce product images and WordPress featured posts:
Updates / Changelog
UPDATE 3.52 [5.05.2021]
- [FIX] custom CSS not saving sometimes
UPDATE 3.51 [13.3.2021]
- [FIX] youtube video not looping
UPDATE 3.5 [5.3.2021]
- [FIX] load more button not working - [FIX] justify grid mode not working well when pagination is used - [FIX] lightbox triggering when url is set and no lightbox is set, and all triggers are set to whole item - [UPDATE] option to upload image icon for lightbox, share, url link - [ADD] new title skin - Viva - [ADD] option to play video on touch down on mobile (only while finger is down) - [ADD] option to play video in tooltip
UPDATE 3.05 [14.2.2021]
- [FIX] pagination not working - [UPDATE] choose where to apply autoplay mode (desktop / mobile)
UPDATE 3.0 [6.1.2021]
- [UPDATE] option to use just videos without thumbnails (for self hosted media) - [ADD] load more items in the gallery when scrolling to window bottom - [UPDATE] multiple galleries in page improvement (no instance_id) - [FIX] edit category creates new category instead of edit - [UPDATE] categories sorted by title - [UPDATE] admin backend translatable
UPDATE 2.85 [19.10.2020]
- [UPDATE] video unmute improvements - [UPDATE] IOS youtube autoplay
UPDATE 2.81 [29.9.2020]
- [FIX] disable hover on mobile always active when true
UPDATE 2.8 [22.9.2020]
- [ADD] grid pagination - [ADD] search field
UPDATE 2.65 [23.8.2020]
- [FIX] link, lightbox click not detected
UPDATE 2.65 [11.7.2020]
- [FIX] link, lightbox icon created even if trigger is thumbnail or whole item - [UPDATE] prevent video download on tap hold
UPDATE 2.62 [18.6.2020]
- [UPDATE] image hover lazy loaded
UPDATE 2.6 [8.6.2020]
- [UPDATE] category can be used in shortcode (select images with categories...), works with load more - [ADD] select default categories before image upload in admin
UPDATE 2.5 [8.5.2020]
- [UPDATE] ajax powered gallery edit - [ADD] image categories - [ADD] option to add a button with url inside description - [ADD] support for shortcodes in title and description
UPDATE 2.4 [29.1.2020]
- [UPDATE] hover items are faded in once thumbnail loads to prevent elements over thumbnail like title showing before image loads - [ADD] add custom classes to gallery - [ADD] restrain gallery width - [ADD] specify image ratio for placeholder when lazy load is used (or use placeholder from image size) - [ADD] justifed grid layout
UPDATE 2.35 [25.1.2020]
- [UPDATE] video / audio only loaded when hover happens - [UPDATE] ratio no longer required if only videos are used without thumbnails - [ADD] muted video autoplay mode (autoplay all, slideshow, random) - [ADD] playback rate - [ADD] wordpress widget
VERSION 2.3 [1.12.2019]
- [FIX] duplicate player, playlist function jquery not defined
UPDATE 2.3 [22.11.2019]
- [UPDATE] hovers now work on mobile - [ADD] trigger playback on hover or click - [UPDATE] select which element will trigger hover, link and lightbox - [ADD] option to add HTML inside hover item
VERSION 2.26 [11.11.2019]
- [UPDATE] export gallery update
VERSION 2.25 [4.11.2019]
- [UPDATE] export gallery update
UPDATE 2.21 [9.10.2019]
- [ADD] set icon over hover element (video, audio, image..) - [ADD] optional video loader over Youtube and Vimeo hover
UPDATE 2.2 [30.9.2019]
- [ADD] load more - [ADD] lazy load images - [ADD] social sharing - [ADD] export / import playlist in csv
UPDATE 2.1 [30.4.2019]
- [ADD] Masonry layout support - [UPDATE] other layout improvements for more flexibility
UPDATE 2.0 [2.2.2019] (Not compatible with previous version)
- [ADD] media hovers now available with Youtube and Vimeo videos
- [UPDATE] new layouts and styles
UPDATE 1.46 [16.11.2018]
- [ADD] option to remove breakpoints and apply manual width to images
UPDATE 1.45 [7.11.2018]
- [ADD] option to apply link to whole image thumbnail instead of just icon
- [ADD] image hover option (display another image on hover)
- [UPDATE] use tooltips option
UPDATE 1.36 [28.10.2018]
- [UPDATE] auto sort break points from low to high
UPDATE 1.36 [25.10.2018]
- [UPDATE] update to font awesome
UPDATE 1.35 [17.10.2018]
- [ADD] auto grid calculation (calculate rows, columns and gutters)
UPDATE 1.3 [13.10.2018]
- [ADD] option to disable hover functionality on mobile
- [ADD] option to apply lightbox to whole image thumbnail instead of just icon
VERSION 1.21 [27.9.2018]
- [UPDATE] small code improvements
VERSION 1.2 [6.6.2018]
- [UPDATE] added muted autoplay for videos
VERSION 1.2 [14.4.2018]
- [ADD] added "image" type will can display simple thumb and any content in lightbox - [UPDATE] lightbox can now contain Youtube, Vimeo, or any custom iframe as well - [UPDATE] some mobile playback improvements
VERSION 1.1 [9.4.2018]
- [UPDATE] some code improvements
VERSION 1.06 [5.4.2018]
- [UPDATE] update icons to font awesome 5 - [FIX] some bugfixes in admin
VERSION 1.05 [22.2.2018]
- [FIX] fixed bug gallery not saving image changes
VERSION 1.0 [11.10.2017]
- first release
tags: youtube grid, vimeo wall, video hover, audio, facebook, twitter, share, lightbox gallery
Presenting Media Hovers functionality inside WooCommerce product images and WordPress featured posts:
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