Maildollsaas is a subdomain-based application only for Maildoll – Email & SMS Marketing Application. With this
application, you can register a user with a subdomain based on the subscription plan. The user can use the Maildoll
application depending on the subscription. Each customer must have a valid subscription plan. There is a trial mode
where customers can use the application for limited days and times.
Maildollsaas application depends on Maildoll’s main application. Before purchasing this application Please
purchase Maildoll – Email & SMS Marketing Application.
What is Maildoll?
Maildoll is the Email Marketing and SMS Marketing Application for any business marketing purpose. It is a
self-hosted Email Service Provider and easy to install, which has all the meaningful and user-friendly features you
Use Maildoll to build customer loyalty, nurture leads, and increase direct sales. You can perform all the
time-consuming work for your email and SMS marketing campaign smoothly in a short period. You can also automate and
track your bulk Email and SMS performance.
Key Features
- Subdomain-Based SaaS
- Admin Dashboard
- Admin Visual Analytics & Statistics Report
- Subscription Plan
- Newsletter
- PayPal, Visa, Master Card, SSL Commerz Payment Gateways
- Invoice System
- Trial Mode
- Client Management
- User Expiry Alert
- User Blocking
- Limit Manager
- Offline Payment
- Menu Builder
- Page Builder
- Multi-Currency Support
- Dark Mode
- Billing Renew
- Customer Account Report
- Application Setup
Environment Requirements
- Maildoll version 5.0.0+
- cPanel Hosting
- Subdomain Support
- Wildcard enable
- SSL Certificate
System Requirements
- PHP >= 8.0+
- BCMath PHP Extension
- Ctype PHP Extension
- Fileinfo PHP Extension
- JSON PHP Extension
- Mbstring PHP Extension
- OpenSSL PHP Extension
- PDO PHP Extension
- Tokenizer PHP Extension
- XML PHP Extension
- curl enable
- zip enables
Link :
Admin Login
Username : [email protected]
Password : 12345678
Customer Login
Username : [email protected]
Password : 12345678
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