Koffee Fans – Saas Platform for Content Creators
The go to platform for accepting fan memberships, donations and sales
Live Demo
User frontend –
Admin panel –
User: [email protected]
Password: adminer
Features Overview
The most complex platform for creators at your finger tips
4 Income Streams for Creators
Creator Memberships: Unlock all of a creator’s content
via monthly & yearly subscriptions -
Coffee tips: Reward your favourite content creators with
a tip via the coffee form -
Locked Posts: Paywall: Creators can post members-only or
free posts than can be unlocked via Tips -
Post Tips: If you don’t want to subscribe to access all
posts, you can reveal a single locked post via a Post Tip! -
Sell Products: Influencers can create their your own shop
and sell products
Social Network with Likes, comments, followers, feeds, etc…
Start a fully featured social network of your own with all the features you
will ever need.
2 Income Streams for Platform Admin/Owner
Platinum Subscriptions Saas: Make money from monthly &
yearly platinum plan subscriptions so creators can unlock the free plan
limitations -
Show Ads: to non-platinum users to keep generating income
even if they don’t subscribe to a paid plan
Koffee Fans requires PHP8 as it’s based on Laravel v9.x, MySQL and Apache with
mod_rewrite enabled for SEO friendly urls. (PHP extensions: php-curl, php-gd,
php-mysqli, php-fileinfo, php-mbstring extensions required, which 99.99% of
hosts already provide)
Built with the best technology stack
Laravel v9.x, Livewire, AlpineJS, jQuery, Stripe API, PayPal, MySQL, VueJS
Updates Log
v1.0 - Initial ReleaseSource
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