Job & Resume Submit Steps Indicator for WC Paid Listings and WP Job Manager




It is a poor user experience when your site visitors must go through a 5-step job or resume submission process without any guidance or information. That is several page reloads containing 2 or even 3 forms. Imagine the frustration increasing with each page reload because of uncertainty.

This potentially leads to a high number of abandoned submissions. Employers and candidates may never return back to an idea of becoming your clients after failing once.

UX Improvement for WP Job Manager & WC Paid Listings

Submission process stepper or progress bar add-on will solve this problem. With an improved UX your potential job or resume package buyers are now well informed about the number of upcoming steps and their complexity.

Addon works only with WC Paid Listings and WooCommerce plugins, helping you to sell more job and resume packages for WP Job Manager and Resume Manager.

Dashboard and User Account for WP Job Manager, Addons and WooCommerce

Please check my other plugin which is 100% relevant for those who use WP Job Manager and WooCommerce. It merges all job board functional pages into WooCommerce user account.

Dashboard and User Account for WP Job Manager, Addons and WooCommerce



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