iCare – Powerful Hospital & Doctor Directory





iCare - Powerful Hospital & Doctor Directory - 1

iCare - Powerful Hospital & Doctor Directory - 2

iNiLabs – iCare Hospital & Doctor Directory is a system for all kind of Hospital, Doctor &
Health organizations. This application is designed and developed to handle
all kinds of doctor’s activities like appointment booking, prescription management, Patient information, etc.
two SMS gateway integrated (Twilio & Nexmo SMS gateway), stripe payment gateway integrated,
advanced subscription system for hospitals, independent doctor’s chambers
& Health clinics or Organizations.


Superadmin Login Details

Username: superadmin

password: 123456

Vendor or Organization Admin Login Details

Username: admin

password: 123456

Doctor Login Details

Username: doctor

password: 123456

Patient Login Details

Username: patient

password: 123456

iCare - Powerful Hospital & Doctor Directory

iCare - Powerful Hospital & Doctor Directory


iCare is committed to offering solutions that help health care professionals save time and serve their patients.

            - SaaS(Software as a service) Hospital/Doctor Management
            - Online Appointment booking system
            - Powerful & fastest doctor/hospital search engine
            - Multi-Location area wise organization/hospital/clinic management with doctor listing
            - Advanced & secure plans/subscription management under super admin panel
            - Powerful acl or organization role and permission applied behind
            - Doctor review & rating posting
            - Directory/Listing Management
            - Hospital/doctor's chamber's/organization's manage,record, activity other information.
            - Hospital/doctor's chamber's/organization's Doctor's list with prescription/appointment/ history/record/activity
            - Hospital/doctor's chamber's/organization's patients list with prescription/appointment/ history/record/activity.
            - Appointment scheduling/booking
            - Hospital/doctor's chamber's/organization's appointment management
            - Prescription Generate/Print
            - Organizations Prescription manage,record, activity other information.
            - Send sms and email to Doctor's and Patients
            - Notify Patients and Doctor's them about their appointment using sms/email
            - Notify Patients and Doctor's them about their prescription generate using sms/email
            - Secured Data.
            - Appointment scheduler A centralized web-based appointment scheduler
            - Alerts Email/SMS is available
            - Stripe Payment gateway
            - Twilio/Nexmo SMS Gateway Management

Subscription bases application – SAAS (Software as a service)

Hospital, doctor and Health organizations can take subscription and list there doctors profile into the system, and manage there appointment bookings and prescriptions

Online Appointment booking/scheduling

Users can find doctors or hospitals and take appointment near their area or anywhere

Search engine

Users can find doctors or hospitals using our advanced and fast search engine made using algolia

Multi-Location area management

Users can find multi-location area wise organization/hospital/clinic management with doctor listing and Find the nearest and most convenient location that suits your needs

Subscription bases Organization

Advanced & secure plans/subscription bases organization/hospital/clinic management under super admin panel

Appointment management

Users can find Hospital/doctor’s chamber’s/organization’s appointment management

Video Tutorial & Overview

iCare - Powerful Hospital & Doctor Directory

iCare - Powerful Hospital & Doctor Directory

iCare - Powerful Hospital & Doctor Directory

Version 1.0 (03-12-2019)

      - Initialize release


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