Energy+ A beautiful admin panel for WooCommerce




Energy+ A beautiful admin panel for WooCommerce
Energy+ A beautiful admin panel for WooCommerce
Energy+ A beautiful admin panel for WooCommerce

WooCommerce Admin Panel and WooCommerce Admin Theme

Energy+ gives you an e-commerce focused panel by simplifying and improving WordPress Admin and WooCommerce.


– A brand new interface that focuses entirely on e-commerce
– Number of visitors online
– Hourly, weekly, monthly visitors
– Tracking activities of online visitors
– Tracking which products have been viewed during the day
– Conversion rates
– Widget support for dashboard
– A beautiful interface to manage orders, products, customers, coupons, comments and reports.
– Global search for orders, products and customers from anywhere
– Theme support to keep you from having a boring interface
– Notification center
– Select which menu items will be on your panel


Energy+ does not support multivendor plugins.

About Desktop App Helper

Thanks to the great efforts of the Electron and Nativefier teams, you can run any web page like a desktop application. Is it magic? Actually not. Nativefier run your website in a special browser. You can think it as a simplified Google Chrome with your logo and notification support.

For who do not have technical knowledge or not want to install Nativefier, Desktop App Helper runs necessary commands and send you the final application.

Notice: Desktop App Helper and the desktop application are not included in the core functions of Energy+. It is just a kindly help that we offer for free to give you a better Energy+ experience. Therefore, we do not offer support or take responsibility for Desktop App.


  + Bug fixes and improvements

  + Performance improvements for right panel
  + Minor WordPress 5.5 related tweaks

  + New Reactor: Announcements 
  + Sales/Draft shortcuts for products (Products)
  + Low stock alert (Notifications)

  + New widget: Shortcuts (Dashboard)
  + Roles on Customers page

  + New Reactor: Energizer (Reactors > Energizer)
  + Options for items per page (Reactors > Tweaks)
  + Options to choose actions for every Order statuses (Reactors > Tweaks)
  + New pagination style
  + Several improvements

  + New Reactor: Login page customizer (Reactors > Login Page)

  + Custom icons for menu items (Settings > Menu)
  + Google Fonts support (Reactors > Tweaks)
  + "Show Screen Options for non-Energy pages" option (Reactors > Tweaks)

  + New: Ability to choose which menu items are shown to Shop Managers and Admins
  + Reactors: Tweaks
            + Landing page selector
            + Show "WooCommerce Settings" tab in Settings
            + Show menu item titles at bottom of icons
  * Added sorting option to Products
  * "More" menu icon is changed

  + New: Reactors
  + Reactors: Tweaks (New) 

  - Improvements for custom menu item icons
  - Improvements for Tracker

  + New: Colors
  + New: Reorder menu items
  - Fix: Currency symbol positions
  - Fix: Missing information in order addresses
  - Fix: Disable E+ interface on Network panel

  + New: "One Shadow" theme
  + New: Title & Badge count
  + New: Desktop App Helper 
  - Fix: A bug cause wrong date for coupon expiry
  - Fix: Disable access to Settings > Panels for Shop Managers 

  + New: RTL support
  + New: Reset Menu button at Settings
  + New: custom.css for custom styles
  - Fix: Some typo errors
  - Fix: A bug about internationalization


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