Elegant Tabs for Fusion Builder and Avada




Latest Version — 2.7 – 27 March, 2020

This plugin is an addon for Fusion Builder WordPress plugin that comes with Avada WordPress Theme version 5.0 and above. It works great with the WordPress 4.6 and Fusion Builder 1.0 and above. To get Fusion Builder plugin, Buy Avada Here.

The plugin also includes WooCommerce add-on for elegant tabs, that means, the plugin does work well with Woocommerce and Avada!

It lets you add any shortcode or HTML content in multiple tabs so that users get to choose the data they want to see. We have also added numerous possibilities of customization where you can select different colors, icons, backgrounds for different sections/tabs. The content area can be filled up with TinyMCE editor; which means you can implement WYSIWYG.


Elegant Tabs for Fusion Builder provides the following features. There are more to come.

  • Tab Navigation to Carousel

    Displaying multiple tabs on a single line isn’t possible sometimes and the tabs fall down to a new line. Now, you have an option to convert the tabs to a carousel. Click on the next/prev arrow to see the next tab.

  • Sticky Tabs

    An awesome feature that will take your tabs to the next level. Set the tabs to be sticky and it will act as your secondary navigation. Set the custom position to support your theme’s sticky header.

  • Show / Hide Tabs on Click

    You can now show and hide the tabs on second click. If you click on any open tab, it will be closed and vise-a-varsa.

  • Custom Icon Font Size

    Now you can set custom font size for the tab icon like tab title to make it look even more beautiful.

  • Custom Active Tab on Load

    Now you can set any tab active on page load. This will let you focus the tab for your visitor.

  • Auto Switch Tabs

    You can now set the tabs to auto-switch with custom interval. This will let you switch the tab to the next with the given interval in seconds, so your users won’t need to interact manually.

  • Custom Coloured Tabs

    This is the most requested feature. Set each tab custom color, so they will look unique to each other.

  • Icon Selector for Tabs in WooCommerce

    Now, you can use the icons on WooCommerce tabs. We have added icon selector with over 400+ icons for woocommerce tabs.

  • Tabs to Accordion on Mobile

    Now, you can set the tabs to convert in accordion on mobile devices for easy access

  • Justified Tabs

    Added another option to make all the tabs justified. This will set all the available tabs with same width across the container.

  • Vertical Tabs

    Most requested and awaited feature is finally here. Now, you can add vertical tabs to your page or turn the existing tabs to vertical tabs to add more look to your site.

  • Custom Image Icon

    Now you can use the custom image icon for your tabs. Just select the image icon from the icon type and upload your custom image icon.

  • Tab Icon

    You can choose the icon for each tab from the available fonts library in Fusion Builder.

  • Tabs Alignment

    Most of our users have asked for this feature. We have added an option for alignment. You can now align your tabs left, right or center.

Currently, Elegant Tabs for Fusion Builder offers around 10 different styles of tabs and unlimited variations to make sure no two websites have similar looking tabs. This also lets you choose from a wide variety of options. Following are the style we provide –

  • Bar Style
  • Icon Box Style
  • Underline Style
  • Top line Style
  • Fallig Icon Style
  • Line Style
  • Line Box Style
  • Flip Style
  • Trapezoid Style
  • Fillup Style

Changelog —

Version 2.7 – March 27, 2020

- New: Sticky tabs navigation
- New: Tab navigation to carousel if tabs don't fit in the container
- New: Show / Hide tab on click feature will allow you to close any open tab on click
- Improved: Hide all tabs initially feature
- Fix: If no hover image is set, do not use image icon placeholder

Version 2.6.1 – February 13, 2020

- Fixes: Deep-linking if multiple tabs are used on same page has tab ID conflict
- Fixes: If Image Icon option is selected but no image is provided, an empty placeholder was being added
- Fixes: Compatibility with Avada 6.2 and Fusion Builder 2.2

Version 2.6.0 – 7 October, 2019

- New: Frontend editor compatibility. Now, you can edit the tabs from within Fusion Builder Frontend editor
- Fix: Tab styling for content height in vertical tabs
- Fix: Tabs to accordion on mobile switch the first instance of tabs if multiple tabs container are used.

Version 2.5.0 – 10 April, 2019

- New: Option to add the ability for text to wrap as a user option in the tab set up
- Improvement: Updated option description for default active tab option to make it more clear
- Fix: Small js conflict where url has # and there's no tab with the # name
- Fix: Vertical tab styling for iconbox tab style
- Fix: Set tab content background correctly when content has a floating element
- Fix: Responsive behavior where tabs and dropdown both get displayed same time for a few styles
- Fix: Errors when Avada is not active but Elegant Tabs plugin is active

Version 2.4.0 – 22 May, 2018

- New: You can set different color for each tab
- New: Option to set Icon font size
- New: Add option to set any tab as active on page load
- New: Option to auto switch tabs with set interval
- Improvement: Added support for Google map element inside elegant tabs
- Improvement: Compatibility with Avada 5.5 and FontAwesome 5
- Improvement: Compatibility with latest WordPress
- Fix: Dropdown option doesn't work well due to wrong attribute

Version 2.3.0 — 14 November, 2017

- New: Added compatibility with Yikes Custom Product Tabs for WooCommerce
- Improved: WordPress 4.9 compatibility
- Improved: Tabs styling.
- Improved: Fusion Builder Gallery element works fine within elegant tabs now
- Fixed: WooCommerce 3.2.x compatibility
- Fixed: WooCommerce empty tab container if all default tabs are removed
- Fixed: Tab js scroll jump in deep linking

Version 2.2.0 – 15 March, 2017

- New: Mobile tabs to accordion option.
- New: Added icon selector for product tabs.
- Improved: Tabs styling.
- Improved: Compatibility with WooCommerce 2.7
- Fixed: Few minor bugs.

Version 2.1.0 – 21 Feb., 2017

- New: Justified Tabs option to spread tab width equally across the container.
- Fixed: Tab to dropdwon on mobile devices issue.

Version 2.0.0 – 24 December, 2016

- New: Vertical Tabs option to convert tabs to vertical type.
- New: Tab ID option added for adding custom tab ids.
- New: Option added to enable tabs to dropdown conversion on mobile devices.
- Improved: Compatibility with WordPress 4.7
- Improved: Compatibility with Fusion Builder 1.0.6
- Improved: Tabs styling.
- Fixed: Blank Image placeholder being added if no icon is selected.
- Fixed: Tab content area top margin adding blank space after tab navigation.

Version 1.0.0 – November 16, 2016

Initial Release


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