1.8.0 – 21/11/2020
- fixed image styles and resizing - video mute option - fixed positioning issue when page was generated in firefox but not displayed in a firefox browser - default urls set to https if the installation runs with SSL - added check for min php version
1.5.0 – 10/01/2017
- YouTube playlist support improved - bug fix video start on occupied pages - Plugin cleanup - Copy & move function for slides to another playlists - Slider Revolution shortcodes support - added language support for Portuguese - Brazil - added language support for Portuguese - added language support for Hindi - added language support for Norwegian
1.4.7 – 03/20/2017
- WP 4.7.X compatibility - SlideShare iFrame Support - Google Drive embed support - OneDrive embed support - added playlist in playlist function - added russian, turkish, french and portuguese translation files - code optimization - bug fixes
1.2 – 11/21/2016
- improved compatibility with old php versions - changed initial building of generated pages to better support plugins included via shortcodes - made regular fonts available without external source for offline environments and as workaround against plugins that prohibit get requests for external files - fixed a scheduling bug that made some slide always active
1.1.15 – 10/28/2016
- font fix
1.1.14 – 10/20/2016
- added spanish translation - fixed a rare bug with scheduling of slides with custom layout
1.1.11 – 09/15/2016
- fixed control scheme for border based element movement - fixed 24/7 scheduling on videowalls - fixed scheduling toggle - fixed preview for new slides before save
1.1.9 – 08/12/2016
- added german translation - can now reorder slides inside playlist via drag and drop - can now choose to copy existing slide into playlist when adding a new slide - added higher and more font sizes - added separate delete background button - enabled free positioning of image elements within a container - more detailed description in case a URL is used multiple times - dynamic container dimension for inserted images in custom editor based on the image ratio - added overview of offline devices in dashboard - bug fix for preview
1.1.7 – 06/23/2016
- optimization for LG webOS DigitalSignage screens and youtube links - optimization for Samsung Digital Signage screens in combination with video playback
1.1.0 – 05/10/2016
- original Release
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