CSS3 Animated Checkbox for HTML Form can be easily integrated into HTML Project or Website to Enhance the Attractiveness of the HTML Form.
- Animation and Effect on Click and Hover
- W3 Validated (W3C Validated) HTML and CSS Codes
- Fully HTML and CSS Codes
- No JavaScript and or jQuery Plugin used
- Well Decorated, Clean, Fresh Codes
- All Browser Compatible
- Tested on four major and popular web browsers (Google Chrome,
- Microsoft Edge, Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer)
- Easy to Customize
Please Note:
This item includes HTML and CSS, it is not a WordPress Plugin but you can use this CSS3 Animated Checkbox as List Items in your
WordPress website by using custom HTML and CSS Code or using third party WordPress Plugin to add HTML and CSS codes.
Need Support?
If you have any queries regarding this item, please feel free to message me from the Contact form on my Profile Page RokRasel,
I will get back to you as soon as possible.
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