Wordpress Snippets

Redirect to Custom Page After Registration

On successful registration of a user, WordPress by default shows “Registration Complete. Please check your e-mail.” message. But on a specific project/website you may want your newly registered user to display a custom registration message or you may want to redirect to custom page.

In my opinion, it’s a better idea to redirect users to custom page after registration. This custom page could be a thank you page, welcome page or a page to let know about the confirmation email issues and how to resolve these issues.

Here is a code snippet you can add to your current theme’s functions.php file which will make sure that new users will redirect to custom page after successful registration.

// redirect to custom page after registration
function wcs_registration_redirect() {
    return home_url( '/welcome-page' );
add_filter( 'registration_redirect', 'wcs_registration_redirect' );

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