To maximize store profitability, you need to know store financials. Finpose allows store owners to monitor financial performance in addition to provide simple accounting functions right on WordPress dashboard.
Finpose Documentation :
For feature requests or any issues, please send us an e-mail [email protected]
- Multi language (40+ languages)
- Multisite support
- Access control (limited to superadmin & shop manager roles)
- AJAX requests
- Integrated charts
- Data Exports
Contact Us
You can contact us anytime over plugin website
v3.2.1 (20 April 2021)
- Added translations for over 40 languages - Added tax list for orders (exportable)
v3.2.0 (31 March 2021)
- Added timeframe selectors - Bug fixes - Layout updates
v3.1.0 (22 March 2021)
- File attachments for spendings added
v3.0.1 (17 December 2020)
- Multisite support added - Bug fixes
v3.0.0 (06 December 2020)
- Added : Profit Loss Report - Added : Export feature for spendings - Updated : Dashboard
v2.2.2 (17 November 2020)
- Added : inventory edit page for each product - Fixed : stay on same page after adding new inventory - Fixed : issues caused by text with single quotes
v2.2.0 (06 September 2020)
- Added : advanced order filtering & export Fixed : fonts for better readability
v2.1.1 (03 August 2020)
- Fixed WP Notices, when no data provided and WP_debug is enabled
v2.1.0 (18 July 2020)
- Added Inventory module
v2.0.3 (05 July 2020)
- Currency length increased to 11 digits - Digits seperator (comma) for all currency numbers added
v2.0.2 (07 June 2020)
- Default starting point set to 0 for horizontal chart - Auto reload when adding a new spending - Account transactions display for each account - Edit/remove capability for accounts - Fixed nan dashboard numbers when no sales
v2.0.1 (05 June 2020)
- Delete ability for spending categories - Link for automatically adding existing gateways as accounts
v2.0.0 (05 April 2020)
- Entire layout updated - Sales dashboard and insights added - Sales Data by Top Countries, Bestsellers, Payment Methods added - Spendings Data by Top Categories, Type and Payment Methods added - Merged Costs, Expenses, Acquisition into Spendings - Account records moved to WP options from Database table
v1.1.0 (04 February 2020)
- Sales report added - Costs / expenses / acquisition pages merged - Custom categories for costs added - Edit name feature for accounts added - Auto-updater added
v1.0.1 (17 December 2019)
- Product reports : number of products in report were limited to 10, fix applied to show unlimited products - Product reports : division by zero error - Taxes : fixed order tax totals - Reports : Removed trailing .00 decimals if value equals 0
v1.0.0 (12 December 2019)
- Initial ReleaseSource
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